•Demography/immigration (Eastern Europe, Catholic, Jewish, no longer German…cultural identity was unfamiliar to the American people) were often marginalized.
•Depression, economic decline & boom
•Growth of cities- overcrowded - >poverty
•1890 - 2.500 railroad worker died due to unsafe conditions
•Human beings are converted to objects of labor market/ workers were payed to survy
•Corporations didn’t want the workers get together in Unions, only through organizations workers could demand higher wages – often with force
•American industrial capitalism different from Britain and German
-Basic factor: ideology & the class interest of the business elite & the polititians were the same.
-The military was used to put down the strikes
-1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act designed to prevent that one company could protect competition, monopoly control
-lack o competition was fought by the political elite as it was not healthy for the population
-Act limited the rights of companies, anti –monopolies
-against corruption, conspiracy ->up to the government to enforce the law. But Reform didn’t begin untill the 1900s.
-1911 triangle Factory Fire 141 women died <=consequences of the lack of organized labor groups.
-Upton Sinclair the Jungle (1906)
-progressive movements, working for progressive rights.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858 – 1919)
Believed in a strong presidency, wanted to preserve national greatness
Anti – imperialist, against war in 1898 etc
-government was still weakend by corporate interests, disempower the corporate interests
- 1906 Hepbum Act, granted the government the right to regulate the railroad industry
- 1906 Pure Food & Drug Act- FDA, regulated food & medicine for the 1st time
- Basic reform to protect population
- International balance of power changed during industrialization, shifting powers -> US & Japan emerged as powers, T.R. wanted the US to be able to compete in the international economic market.
Period 1914-1945. 10.07 ¹8
? What specified this period?
•Breakdown of global Europen power ->shift to a biopolar international system - > unipolar system-> globalization
•The US = hypopower (achieved the postion of superpower)
•Europe no longer any global significance
? to track : what happened?what changes & how this period ended?
The World War I (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918) (4 years, 3 months and 1 week)
- within weeks, the major powers at war = the conflict soon around the world
->Cause: a resurgence (âîçðîæäåíèå)of imperialism + assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir (íàñëåäíèê) to the throne of Austria-Hungary, by Yugoslav nationalist G.Princip in Sarajevo (the trigger)
- one of the largest & the deadliest wars in history:
->More than 7 million civilians were killed; 1.400000 French were dead
->50 K soldiers dead + 63 K wounded = a casualties of the US= American lost were tiny in copm with the European
The WWI b/w:
->the Allies: the United Kingdom, France and the Russian Empire
->the Central Powers: Germany and Austria-Hungary.
=>Later reorganisation & expandation of these alliances: Italy, Japan and the United States (without formal alliance) joined the Allies vs the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria - the Central Powers
- only 1917, the US’ entry into the WWI/ The slogan "He kept us out of war"
-T.W. Wilson: war to make "the world safe for democracy."
-Wilson’s focus on finance (Morgan) =>loaned 25 billions of dollars to Britain, France and other Allies.
->Set up of the War Industries Board (the US government agency):
to coordinate the purchase of war supplies.
to allocate raw materials (gazoline etc).
->technological and industrial sophistication :poison gas, tanks (modernization) => increadibly boody war.
=> paving the way for major political changes, including revolutions in many of the nations involved.
àThe US formed the 1st propaganda + PR campaign (to create popular support): TV, radio, newspapper etc = manipulation of public mass opinion àUS created the Office (responsible for propaganda)àto force & to generate the mass opinion
à the Espionage Act of 1917 = suppression of anti-war movements, the war ideas
?What happened after the war?
àTwo things: inside & outside the US
•The Treaty of Versailles ( 28 June 1919)
•Harding, Coolidge, Hoover -> (reversing regulation of business) -> (the consequences of the Great Depression)
•F.D.Roosevelt, 1932 ->the New Deal (the way of recovering of the economy)- major event:
-expanded the role of government
- encourage unification
- created a basis of social safety
-tougher regulations for companies
Outside the US:
àRevolution in Russia had a huge impact in Europe – people were afraid that it could spread in Europe
àWWII. F.D.Roosevelt
->with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in leading the Allies
->against Nazi Germany and Japan inWorld War II.
after 1938, with the Japanese invasion of China and the aggression of Nazi Germany
FDR gave strong diplomatic and financial support to China and Great Britain, while remaining officially neutral.
FDR’s goal: to make America the "Arsenal of Democracy" which would supply munitions to the Allies.
March 1941, Lend-Lease Act: 7 billion USD aid to UK to buy the US weapons - > was extanded to Russia
War on Japan and Germany after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941
FDR - an overall war strategy on two fronts -> ended in the defeat + the development of the world's first Atom bomb
àThe US
->Air Power (devastating Effect: 3.5 million homes were destroyed as a result of bombing; 600 K civilian dead)
->Hamburg = fire bombing (the scale of violance applied on civil people is enormous)
The US: 400 K soldiers dead; 50 million global deaths (military+civilian)
=>Collonies – the feeling that European countries can be defeated, the bigger wish to get independence
=>The WWII ended with depression
=>Mass housing(postwar)suburban development
•GI Bill 1944
technology: rocketry:space travel:satellites
•ICBMs (changes of global political relations), the result of advanced technology
->advanced technologies effect the relations bw powers/change & form the world we live in now
->UIV 1945
->Bretton Woods Agreement: created two international economic institutions:1.World Bank(establish USD); 2.IMF
-to promote long-term intern.inverstments
-to provide loans
Postwar: from biopolar system to Globalization: 10.07 ¹9
Inside the US
Marshall Plan
Guatemala 54
Iran 53
Congo 1960
Hungary 56
Czech Rep 68
Major Oil Crisis
(Russia became a petrolstate & involved into captalism world)
1970 integrated global capitalist system ->
-need to control the Oil Supply= important for the US (Reagan1980)
-military neo-liberalism
-markets (deregulation of market is still in process)
TV (50 million by 1960)=broadcast of the modern news every evening in every house. TV Serials like “Father knows best”
1950 Credit Cards
Disney Land 1955
Interstate highway system (fluent system of transportation)
McDonald’s 1955
Fast Food
“Red Scare”paranoia
Mc Carthyism
Civil Rights Act 1964
Voting Rights Act 1965 (preventing racial descrimination)
New Social Programs: Medicare+Medicaid
Equal Opportunity Act 1964
Suez 1956 -> Suez Crisis
Allen+John Foster Dulles
Korean War (50-53)
Desgregation of Army 1948
Martin Luther King, Jr
Race riots in LA, NY, Detroit (65-67):frustration of black poor people
RF Kenedy (promise to end the Vietnam War68)
Decolonization: Africa, Asia, Middle east
Domina theory
Reform but revolution
Reagan 1980
Bush 88
Clinton 92
Bush 2000-2004
The US’ domination over the European powers.
1950 50 % of global GDP , dollar = reserve currency
àprogressive transformations + reforms: major social changes
àderegulation of outsource to cheap labor cheaply
àWhat ist the result of globalization?
-weakening identities (everywhere the same films, goods, restaurants + supermarkts chains)
-religious extremism
-state system is directed toward servicing the economy