Conception of language policy during Kazakhstan Stages of the sovereignty of the Republic of KazakhstanLanguage policy in Kazakhstan - a system of activities in the field of the language situation in Kazakhstan, carried out by the authorities and public institutions in the country.
The concept of language policy in Kazakhstan determines for itself the main difficulty to "create an optimal language area of the state" that requires "a clear definition of the functional relationships of languages in which the state language should take its rightful place."
The long period of Kazakhstan was part of the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union. Then the fundamental throughout and the de facto government was Russian language until the mid-1980s by a step (in 1939, 1957, 1969, 1983) was conducted folding office in the Kazakh language in rural areas (cities paperwork was originally in Russian), closure schools in the Kazakh language.
The adopted September 22, 1989 Law on Languages in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was introduced the concept of "national language", and the Kazakh language was given the status of a state, with the Russian language was enshrined in law the status of a "language of interethnic communication." Later amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan is determined that "on a par with the Russian government officially used language."
The main criterion for the optimal flow of social processes in the modern world is increasingly becoming a sustainable development, a condition which is the stability of international relations. Preservation of international peace and accord in a multiethnic state should contribute to the language policy.
Harmonious and sustainable development of certain ethnic groups also implies a language policy that preserves the foundations of national culture - the language of the ethnic group. It creates the conditions for interaction and cross-fertilization of cultures, their further development in the country.
New socio - political realities of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state language policy require that meets the needs of multi-ethnic population and takes into account the peculiarities of the language, demographic and political situation. It must become an active factor in addressing issues of language, in practice, proving its efficiency and effectiveness. Need for coordination of efforts of state bodies, public associations, religious and other organizations to carry out a unified language policy in the country.
The aim of this concept - the development strategy of the state policy in the field of preservation and development of functional languages in the transition period, the definition of tasks of the State to create conditions for the development of Kazakh as the state language.
Objectives of the concept: a determination in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan priorities of language development, the development of the functioning of languages.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1068