The Civil War and NEP: comparative analyzeThe most severe form of social conflict citizens of one country for power - it's a civil war. Migration - a phenomenon characteristic of the civil war. During the GW killed 8 million people. The reason for the civil war in Kazakhstan will revolt of the Czechoslovak Corps 25 May 1918.
On the front was transferred Semirechensky Division Ataman Annenkov. Military operations against the command of Commissioner Dutova Kobozev. During the GW Tips created in Kazakhstan military units, called Muslim. In autumn 1918. was formed by the first Soviet model Cavalry Regiment. First, the mobilization was voluntary, after the decree of 29 May 1918. introduced compulsory military service. In 1920. Turkestan was declared the first forced recruitment of indigenous people. In May of 1920. were drafted into the army 25 thousand workers aged 19-35 years. No larger than the company level, it was decided to create military units on the territory. Kaz.-na. In the Northern Seven Rivers important role in the struggle for Soviet power has played defense Cherkassy (June 1918 - October 1919.). The rebels in the rear Kolchak peasants in April 1919. stormed Kustanai, the Council elected the military, military-revolutionary tribunal, the headquarters of the guerrilla army. In autumn 1919. Fifth Army under the command of the Eastern Front, MN Tukhachevskogo the liberation of Kolchak the North, and then East Kazakhstan. In February 1921. 25-thousand. detachment of rebels defeated the buildings of Soviet power in Petropavlovsk. Southern troops in the summer of 1919 commanded the Frunze military expeditions led by A.Dzhangildina assisted AKTYUBINSK front. The civilian population during the Civil War greatly affected by the actions of the Red and White Armies. In June 1920 anti-Soviet revolt broke out in the city Verne.
During the Civil War, was introduced a policy of "war communism", which manifested itself in Kazakhstan in the merger of local budgets to the state. Decree of 19 January 1919. surplus appropriation system was introduced, implying selhozizlishkov withdrawal from the peasants. From hunger in 1920 1921gg. Kazakhstan died about 1 million people. One reason for the famine of 1921-1922gg. the seizure of the peasants selhozizlishkov of up to 80%. As a result, the surplus was starving in the country in 1920 1921gg - 2 million 300 thousands. people.
Civil War the Bolsheviks showed that on the construction of the state, it is necessary to reckon with the idea of national statehood of nations.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1026