| Turkestan ("Kokand" autonomy). Mustafa Chokai. Soviet state building in KazakhstanAfter the failure of the Bolsheviks in Tashkent to negotiate Jadids convened in late November - early December 1917 congress in the city of Kokand. The Council was formed peoples of Turkestan: two-thirds of the Board were local residents, one third - of Russian and Jewish. December 10, 1917 the Board declared its will of Turkestan autonomy, entered history as the Kokand autonomy at the place of its proclamation. The government headed Mukhamedzhan Tynyshbaev, which is then replaced by Mustafa Chokai. Mukhamedzhan Tynyshbaev headed the Ministry of the Interior. In the government also included: Sultan Shoahmedov - Deputy Prime Minister and Ubaydulla Khodzhaev - Minister of War, Yurali Agayev - Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources, Obidzhon Makhmudov - Minister for Food, Solomon Abramovich Gershveld - Minister of Finance. Four vacant seats reserved for representatives from the European part of the population.
Mustafa Chokai, understanding the responsibility that confers on them the proclamation of the Kokand autonomy in the prevailing conditions, in his speech at the congress said that to build a full-fledged state and its conservation needs and army personnel. He recalled that "no matter how weakened Russia, it is stronger than Turkestan." Later, in 1932, analyzing the December events, Mustafa Chokai in "Memories of the December events," writes: "The proclamation of autonomy boosted the morale of Turkestan. Kokand autonomy was a definite stage in our lives, who showed how was our blind faith in the Russian Revolution and the Russian democracy. "
Kokand were thrown at the troops, consisting of the working of the Red Guards, armed police detachment tsutunskogo-Dashnak (Armenian party militia of the same name, known for their cruelty, were in the armed forces of the Soviet Turkestan) and the military units of the Tashkent garrison. Sixth of February began fighting against the small band of supporters Kokand autonomy. Three days of carnage lasted Bolsheviks Muslim population. As noted by British researchers, the exact number of inhabitants carved unknown, but it is definitely huge. The population of Kokand, which in 1897 was 120,000, in 1926, fell to 69.300. The city was destroyed and burned.
Without the army, Kokand autonomy has failed to confront the forces were superior to the Bolsheviks, and after a 64-day existence of 13 February 1918 was defeated. Supporters of autonomy were forced to withdraw in the Fergana Valley, where more than 10 years waged a guerrilla war.
Despite the brutality of the repressive actions of the Bolsheviks, but after 1920 the Bolsheviks were able to overcome this resistance.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1872