The revolt of Kazakhs against the Kokand dominance in 1858By the beginning of the XIX century Russia consisted mainly of younger and middle Kazakh Zhuzes emerged. Part of the territory of the Great Horde was still under the rule of the Kokand Khanate, who owned and southern parts of the Middle Horde. Syr-Darya and the Ural Kazakhs were still under the yoke of the Khiva Khanate.
Khiva and Kokand khanate were backward nation torn by internal divisions and feudal strife. Khiva and Kokand feudal lords were the Kazakh population of brutal violence and tyranny, levied heavy taxes. For refusing to pay the tax villages were wrecked. Do not leave the feudal lords alone and Kazakh nomads, subordinate to Russia. They made them foray.
At the same time between England and Russia was a struggle for Central Asia and Kazakhstan. With the help of the khans of Khiva and Kokand England sought to prevent the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia. British ruling circles hoped to tear away from Russia and Kazakhstan to turn it into a colony, a market for industrial products, a source of cheap raw materials.
Desperate Kazakh peasants repeatedly struggled against the feudal lords Khiva and Kokand. Thus, in the years 1843-1845 Kazakhs attacked Khiva strengthening. In 1858, in southern Kazakhstan was a peasant uprising against the rule of the Kokand. This rebellion was also attended by the Uzbek and Kyrgyz villagers. The main centers of the uprising were the cities of Aulie-Ata, Shymkent and parts of Seven Rivers. The immediate cause of the revolt were the excesses of the Kokand Beg Mirza-Ahmed. By introducing new additional fees, he also gave orders to collect back taxes from the population in a few years prior. Those residents who could not pay, children were taken and sold into slavery. The patience of the farmers came to an end: they killed the tax collectors and the besieged city of Aulie-Ata. "Kirghiz-Kazakh brought oppression and cruelty ruler of Tashkent Mirza-Ahmed, refused to obey him, and rushed to the Aulie-Ata, Shymkent and other cities," - wrote Chokan Valikhanov.
To help the Mirza-Ahmed arrived from Kokand large armed group, but the rebels did not surrender, they continued to fight bravely. The uprising spread to Turkistan and Syrdarya Kazakhs number rebels came there to 20 thousand people. The rebels laid siege to the residence of Mirza Beg-Ppyaza - the city of Turkestan and the number of Kokand fortresses: Chulak-Kurgan, Tukul Çilek, etc. However, the Kokand Khan sent reinforcements ousted rebel forces. By the end of 1858 the rebellion was suppressed. Fearing a massacre by the feudal lords of Kokand, Kazakhs masses have migrated within the Russian possessions.
The uprising in 1858 was a major liberation movement directed against the rule of the feudal lords of Kokand. The main driving force of the revolt were Kazakh peasants. As a result of the liberation struggle of the Kazakhs were weakened position of the government of Khiva and Kokand in the Kazakh steppe.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1008