Internal and external policies of the Kazakh state in the XVI century.XVI century is considered to be a milestone, a turning point in the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Academician Barthold, one of the best specialists in the history of the East, believed that it XVI century was a turning point between the Middle Ages and the new time.
In the XVI century, the Kazakh Khanate strengthened, expanded its borders, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the countries of Central Asia, the Siberian Khanate, Russian state.
Of course, speaking about the history of the XVI century, we first consider the reign of prominent political figure, the son Janibek Kasim Khan (1445 - 1521). He reigned from 1511 to 1521 years. The main line of the foreign policy Kasymkhan was a struggle for towns near Syr Darya.
In the south-east foreign policy Kasim has led to a close alliance with the Moghuls Zhetisu and joining them under the authority of the Kazakh Khan. On the western borders Kasim was able to significantly expand the territory of their possessions by a far-sighted policy in relations with Nogai Murzas. The fact that the Nogai Khanate was rent by internal divisions. Part of the lords went to Kasim citizenship.
By the beginning of the second decade Kasim managed to bring the number of subjects to more than one million people.
When Kasymkhan established diplomatic state with Moscow, namely Tsar Vasily III, the father of Ivan the Terrible.
After the death of the Kazakh Khanate Kasymkhan entered a period of civil wars of the sultans and other feudal lords. Kazakh rulers against the alliance between the Uzbek and Mughal rulers. Son and successor Kasymkhan Mamash (reigned from 1522 to 1523 years) was killed in a battle. The next was the nephew of Kasim Khan Tahir (reigned from 1523 to 1533 years), who had no political or diplomatic talents.
This policy has continued under Buydashe (reigned 1533-1534), the brother and successor of Tahir. Foreign policy failures, constant warfare tore long nomads and farmers from farming, Khanate plunging into an economic crisis. After Buydasha rules Mahmoud Hodge (1534-1535), followed by Tugum Khan (1535-1537). They tried to combine the Khanate of the Kazakh troops to restore power.
The situation returned to normal in a few grandson Janibek Nazarhane-Haqq (reigned from 1538 to 1580 years.).
Successor Khaknazar aged Shiga long ruled the country (1580-1582). The main outcome of his reign - the conclusion of the agreement with the Emir of Bukhara, Abdullah, the defeat of the army of the Sultan Baba, who owned at the time of Ferghana.
In 1583, a new Tauekel Khan (reigned from 1582 to 1598 years), breaking an agreement with Abdallah, captured a number of cities of Turkestan oasis and went to Tashkent. Tauekel intensified due to the Russian government.
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1275