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Definition of criminology

Different researchers give different definitions of the science of crime. For example, the "Encyclopedia Britannica" defines criminology as the scientific study of criminal behavior. This study is based on the provisions of such disciplines as biology, anthropology, physiology, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, criminology, sociology, economics, law and science of prisons. Criminologists sometimes is called skilled and highly professional detective or investigator.

Criminology is juridical and sociological science studying the criminality like mass phenomenon, motives, the personality of criminal and reasons of criminal behavior, arrangements of influence on the criminality and work out the ways of criminological investigations and arrangements of prevention the criminality.

The subject of criminology is criminality, motives, personality of criminal, ways of criminological investigations and prevention.

Approaches to analyze the criminality

1) Legal: criminality is system of crimes and criminals

2) Sociological: criminality is disease of society and crimes are reasons of the disease

3) Anthropological: criminality is sickness of separate persons, the result of degeneration, the effect of psychophysiological aperiodicity of personal which bring with it the moral insanity

4) Theological: criminality is demonstration of evil

There are two forms of causality: immediate and mediate.

Causality - it is such a connection between the phenomena in which one generates more. Call two forms of causality: immediate, indirect. The basis of causality is the transfer of energy, matter, or information from the phenomenon of the cause-consequence to the phenomenon.

The basis of causation in the criminal sphere can be considered as the flow of information, which forms the criminogenic qualities: information effects on personality and person "creates" criminal behavior. Source of information that forms the criminogenic quality in the broadest sense is the surrounding reality: everything with what people interact and what falls into the orbit of its perception.

There are two types of laws: the dynamic and statistical models. At the dynamic patterns of each change phenomena, accompanied by mandatory change cause-effect phenomenon. When statistical laws change phenomena, causes only in some cases leads to a change-effect phenomenon.

The probabilistic character of the criminal causality due to the fact that the person being in the criminogenic information field:

1) may not perceive the negative information or evaluate it as false (and then criminogenic qualities in the person will not develop);

2) criminogenic beliefs, habits of man cannot always be realized in criminal behavior due to lack of necessary and sufficient conditions.

Thus, the cause in the criminal sphere is mediated, information, probabilistic.

Sources of crime data is often called factors.

Factor - the essential circumstance that makes a phenomenon, a process. The connection between them is such that a change in the factor causes a change in the phenomena of the process.

Factors of criminality - the sources of the driving forces that may cause, identify crime, but may oppose it.

Crime can be applied to two groups of factors:

1. Criminogenic (negative) factors contributing to the growth of crime and worsening its structure or hindering improvement of its characteristics.

2. Antikriminogenic (positive) factors contributing to stabilize or reduce crime, improve its structure, the nature (for example, reducing the proportion of violent crimes) or impeding deterioration of its characteristics.

Talking about the causes of crime, usually emphasize economy and way of life. They eventually help to educate negative qualities and personality traits, and sometimes actually push people to commit a crime, but it does not take away his freedom to choose his behavior, if there is question of a state of emergency. This choice predetermines the nearest action and immediate cause of the blame for the crime.

Terms of crime - a complex of phenomena, which themselves cannot generate crime, but serve as certain circumstances that contribute to its origin and existence. They are divided into the necessary (without which the event or phenomenon cannot be) and sufficientand the accompanying (the circumstances of time and place, which form the general background of the event or phenomenon).

Classification of the causes and conditions of crime carried out on the following bases:

a) by mechanism of action - the reasons, conditions and criminogenic factors;

b) the level of functioning - (causes and conditions) crime in general, the types (categories, groups) the crimes of certain crimes;

c) the content - the legal, socio-economic, socio-psychological, organizational, managerial, political, ideological, educational, etc.;

d) the nature of occurrence - objective, subjective, objective and subjective;

e) on the proximity to the event (phenomenon or combination) - immediate and distant, direct and indirect;

e) sources - internal and external;

g) on set of circumstances - a complete and specific cause

All the variety of views on the causes of crime can be reduced to two main areas (schools, concepts): sociological and biological.

Sociological explanation of the causes of crime in the proposed theory of anomie and social disorganization, cultural conflict theory stigmatization (or stamping) stratification (stratification of society into strata).

Biological explanation for the causes of crime suggested C. Lombroso (in pure form only in the early stages of their research.) Most supporters of this trend, recognizing the role of biological factors at the same time recognize the importance and social factors.

Due to the fact that the biological causes in its pure form almost never occur usually distinguish sociological and biosocial concepts areas of causes.

Criminology (from Latin crīmen, "accusation"; and Greek -λογία, -logia) is the scientific study of the nature, extent, causes, and control of criminal behavior in both the individual and in society. Criminology is an interdisciplinary field in the behavioral sciences, drawing especially upon the research of sociologists (particularly in the sociology of deviance), psychologists and psychiatrists, social anthropologists as well as on writings in law.

Areas of research in criminology include the incidence, forms, causes and consequences of crime, as well as social and governmental regulations and reaction to crime. For studying the distribution and causes of crime, criminology mainly relies upon quantitative methods. The term criminology was coined in 1885 by Italian law professor RaffaeleGarofalo as criminologia. Later, French anthropologist Paul Topinard used the analogous French term criminologie.

The term behaviouralsciences encompasses all the disciplines that explore the activities of and interactions among organisms in the natural world. It involves the systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behaviour through controlled and naturalistic observation, and disciplined scientific experimentation. It attempts to accomplish legitimate, objective conclusions through rigorous formulations and observation. Examples of behavioural sciences include psychology, psychobiology, and cognitive science.

Both the Positivist and Classical Schools take a consensus view of crime — that a crime is an act that violates the basic values and beliefs of society. Those values and beliefs are manifested as laws that society agrees upon. However, there are two types of laws:

Natural laws are rooted in core values shared by many cultures. Natural laws protect against harm to persons (e.g. murder, rape, assault) or property (theft, larceny, robbery), and form the basis of common law systems.

Statutes are enacted by legislatures and reflect current cultural mores, albeit that some laws may be controversial, e.g. laws that prohibit cannabis use and gambling. Marxist criminology, Conflict criminology and Critical Criminology claim that most relationships between state and citizen are non-consensual and, as such, criminal law is not necessarily representative of public beliefs and wishes: it is exercised in the interests of the ruling or dominant class. The more right wing criminologies tend to posit that there is a consensual social contract between State and citizen.

Therefore, definitions of crimes will vary from place to place, in accordance to the cultural norms and mores, but may be broadly classified as blue-collar crime, corporate crime, organized crime, political crime, public order crime, state crime, state-corporate crime, and white-collar crime. However, there have been moves in contemporary criminological theory to move away from liberal pluralism, culturalism and postmodernism by introducing the universal term 'harm' into the criminological debate as a replacement for the legal term 'crime'.

Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1108

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