English and American classical music
· English
o William Byrd: perhaps the greatest English composer of all time. Apart from his choral works, Byrd is considered by many to be the first "genius" of the keyboard. Many of his piano works can be found in "My Ladye Nevells Book" and the "Parthenia."
o Thomas Tallis: a church musician, and is considered one of the church's best early composers. Queen Elisabeth granted him and his pupil, William Boyd, exclusive rights to use England's printing press to publish music; a first of its time. Although Tallis composed many styles of music, the majority of it is arranged for choir as Latin motets and English anthems.
o Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan: The Prodigal Son, The Light of the World, The Martyr of Antioch, The Golden Legend, Hymn tunes (‘Onward! Christian Soldiers’), The song “The Lost Chord”, ‘Ivanhoe’- the romantic opera, written for the opening of the Royal English Opera House in 1891
o Edward Benjamin Britten: Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo, Violin Concerto, Sinfonia da Requiem, The Aldeburgh Festival, Gloriana for the Royal Opera House
o George Frideric Handel: Though born in the same year as J.S. Bach in a town fifty miles away, George Frideric Handel eventually became a British citizen in 1727. Handel, like Bach, composed for every musical genre of his time, and even created the English oratorio. While living in England, Handel spent a majority of his time composing operas that were, unfortunately, far from successful. In response, he focused more on his oratorios, and in 1741, he composed the most famous of them all - "The Messiah." [+"Water Music", "Music for the Royal Fireworks"]
o Henry Purcell: With a lifetime of only thirty-five years, Purcell achieved musical greatness. He became considered one of England’s greatest composers and the most original composer of his time. Purcell was extremely talented in word-setting and composed very successful works for stage.
o Ralph Vaughan Williams: In a sea of Mozart, Beethoven, and Bach, composers like Ralph Vaughan Williams often go without notice. Vaughan Williams composed a variety of music including religious music like the mass, operas, symphonies, chamber music, folk songs, and film scores. [Mass in G minor and The Lark Ascending.]
o Gustav Holst: best known for his work "The Planets."
· American:
o Samuel Barber: his notable works are: Adagio for Strings and Sure on this Shining Night
o Leonard Bernstein: Candide, Chichester Psalms, West Side Story
o Aaron Copland: Fanfare for the Common Man, Appalachian Spring
o Duke Ellington: thanks to his efforts, the prominence of jazz was elevated to levels on par with popular music. [It Don't Mean a Thing, Anatomy of a Murder]
o George Gershwin: "Summertime" from Porgy & Bess, Rhapsody in Blue]
o Charles Ives: Robert Browning Overture, Symphony No. 1
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1007