Complete the following dialogue between a customer and a bank teller, using the verb LOOK with appropriate prepositions
- What’s the purpose taking a loan with our bank?
- Well, I’d like to purchase some property, precisely, I’m talking about real estate.
- What kind of real estate are you looking _________ ?
- Either a house or an apartment, I haven’t decided yet.
- Are you going to live there yourself?
- Absolutely not. I’m used to living with my parents. Besides, I really need look ______ them.
- Then what is your intention?
- Actually, I’ve been looking ________ my elder brother. I’m so proud of him. He knows how to make money. He’s an entrepreneur. He owns a small business. I must confess, I looked ______ their annual reports and I realized that their revenue is quite decent. Besides, my brother is an investor. Not only buys he stocks and shares, but also invests into real estate. So, he’s quite successful. Of course, he never looks _______ on me and sometimes even tries to help. But I want to make him proud, you know?
- I see, Mr. Crawl. Are you aware that the world of investment can be rather challenging?
- Yes, I am. My brother keeps on telling me: “Look _____, Tim. There are too many hungry business sharks out there. I don’t want you to be eaten by them!”
- Ok, Mr. Crawl. I see you have quite an entrepreneurial potential, so good luck. I’ve looked _______ the documents you brought. I’ll need more time to examine them. But as soon as I look _______ all the papers, I’ll call you and tell the final decision of the bank upon giving you a loan.
- Thank you very much! I’m looking _________ to hear from you soon.
- I’ll try to let you know asap. Have a good day.
2. Listening comprehension
Part 2. Listening comprehension
Date: 2015-01-29; view: 1741