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Acute and chronic respiratory diseases


1.Pregnant women often sick:

+ Аcute rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis

Acute sinusitis, pharyngitis

Acute bronchitis, pneumonia

Acute tonsillitis

Acute rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis


2.How often have upper respiratory tract ill pregnant and non-pregnant women:

+Pregnant women suffer more

The frequency of the disease is the same

Pregnant on sick less often

As a rule, pregnant women do not suffer from these diseases

In pregnant dramatically increases the incidence


3.What disease is often found among pregnant women and is dangerous to the fetus

+Flu Virus

Cytomegalovirus infection

Herpes simplex virus

Bacterial infection

Extra-genital chlamydia


4.If a woman is in labor and ill with acute influenza virus, what is its danger:

There is not danger both mother and fetus

High risk of fetal asphyxia

+ High risk of septic complications

High risk of bleeding in the early postpartum period

High risk of late postpartum hemorrhage


5.If a pregnant woman is ill flu during the first trimester of pregnancy, there is:

+High risk of birth defects

There is not risk the fetus

High risk of down syndrome in the fetus

High risk of preterm delivery in the second trimester of pregnancy

High risk of premature detachment of placenta in the ii &iii trimester of pregnancy


6.Where are pregnant should be treated with uncomplicated flu:

+ At home

In the day hospital

In the infectious diseases hospital

In the medical ward General Hospital

In a maternity hospital



7.The pregnant lives in Almaty. She is complaining of headaches, increased body temperature during the day, chills, severe weakness, shortness of breath, muscle pain, nausea. One time there was vomit. After the examination there was diagnosis: 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. Flu. Suspected myocarditis? Where this patient should be treated:

At home

In the day hospital

+In the infectious diseases hospital

In the City General Hospital

In a maternity hospital


8.The prevention of influenza and other viral respiratory infections in the Republic of Kazakhstan are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan №:



9.Note the wrong answer. The flu virus:

Suppresses the immune response, incidence of flu increases

Leads the aggravation of chronic diseases (if any)

Leads pneumonia, otitis (sometimes turning in meningitis)

Leads the defeat of the cardiovascular and central nervous system

+Leads the defeat of vision including blindness


10.Where is a person vaccinated against influenza (The order MH RK № 722 of 15.09.2010):

In any private medical facility

In any public health facility

In the establishment of an infectious

+ In specialized centers (grafting surgeries) for vaccination

Any medical or sanatorium institutions


11.Below is a list of the main anti-influenza drugs (The order MH RK № 722 of 15.09.2010). Note the extra point:

Of Antivirals


Immunomodulatory agents

Vitamins and Minerals

+Drugs for the prevention of heart failure


12.At what stage of pregnancy women cannot be vaccinated against the flu:

At any stage of pregnancy

In the second trimester

In the third trimester

+In the first trimester

In the eighth month of pregnancy



13.When you need immunize the population, including pregnant women, against flu (order MH RK number 722 of 15.09.2010):

From September 15 to November 15

From September 1 to December 1

+From October 1 to November 15

From October 1 to December 1

From October 15 to November 30



14.Why does the pregnant women ill primary bronchitis and aggravation to chronic bronchitis (what is the mechanism)

Diaphragm movement during pregnancy is limited

During pregnancy there is an edema

Placental lactogen increase

+The bronchial mucosa swells, the movement of the diaphragm is limited

During pregnancy the immune system is reduced


15.The patient with chronic obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed 6-7 weeks of pregnancy. What is the doctor's tactic:

Pregnancy must be terminated

It is necessary treating with antibiotics

+Pregnancy should be terminated if there is evidence of pulmonary heart disease

Pregnancy should be terminated if the patient has more children

Pregnancy should be terminated if the patient is unable to give up smoking


16.The patient was hospitalized with a diagnosis: Pregnancy of 10 weeks. Acute bronchitis. Which antibiotic (according to the evidence-based medicine) must you assign to the patient:



+ Ampicillin




17.Pregnant suffers from chronic bronchitis. What will happen to the fetus:

Congenital heart disease

+Fetal growth retardation

Prenatal sepsis

Malformation of the lung

Neural tube defects


18.Classification of pneumonia is based on the condition of the disease and the immunological status of the patient. From the list, select the UNNECESSARY:

Community-acquired pneumonia (synonyms: home, outpatient)

Nosocomial pneumonia (synonyms: hospital, in-hospital)

+Unspecified pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia

Pneumonia in patients with severe immune deficiencies



18.Emergency doctor has diagnosed: Pregnancy 34-35 weeks. Community-acquired pneumonia. The patient has symptoms: Tachypnea - 30 per minute. The lungs have decreased breath sounds in the lower parts of both sides; there is single, moist and finely crepitations. BP - 90 \ 55 mm Hg, pulse 96 beats\ min. Subdued heart sounds and tachycardia. In which department the patient should be hospitalized:

Department of Pathology pregnant maternity

The emergency and intensive department of maternity hospital

Therapeutic department of General Hospital

Department of Intensive Care General Hospital

Department of Intensive Care Infectious Diseases Hospital


19.After the X-ray light the patient was diagnosed: 33-34 weeks of pregnancy. Community-acquired pneumonia. In order MH RK № 869 02.12.2011 is a list of key diagnostic procedures for the diagnosis of pneumonia. One of the following researches is an additional:

+ Сoagulogram

Smear microscopy of sputum Gram-stained

Cultures of sputum

Biochemical analysis of blood

General blood analysis


20.It is well known that pregnancy significantly increases the risk of death from varicella pneumonia. Mortality rate of 11-35%. What amount of vesicles is dangerous for the development of varicella pneumonia (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 869 dated 02.12.2011)

More than 30 vesicles

+More than 40 vesicles

More than 60 vesicles

More than 90 vesicles

More than 100 vesicles


21.What time since the beginning of varicella pneumonia in pregnancy can be detected immunoglobulin M to the virus Varicella zoster (The order MH RK number 869 dated 02.12.2011)


2 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks

+3 weeks


Newborns will have a generalized form of chicken pox, if vesicles on the skin of the mother appear in the pregnancy \ labor:

A week before giving birth - immediately after birth

2 weeks before giving birth - a week after giving birth

For 4-5 days before the birth - 2 days after giving birth

During the 21 days prior to delivery - 21 days after birth

A week before childbirth - a week after giving birth



22.Treatment varicella pneumonia in pregnancy is:

Intravenous injection Acyclovir at a dose 5 mg / kg after 8 hours

+Acyclovir per os 200mg 5 times a day

Oseltamivir per os 75 mg twice daily

Rimantadine per os according to scheme

Rovamycine per os 3 ml 2 IU twice daily


23.There is а list of general principles of treatment of pneumonia in pregnancy (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 869 dated 02.12.2011). Find the extra point:

Monitoring in a hospital

Monitoring of blood gases: Pa2> 60-70 mm Hg, at the lowest possible level of FiO2

Monitoring of the fetus

Limit the exposure tradiation and medicine

+Blood pressure control


24.Antibiotic therapy of pneumonia in pregnancy associates with the possible embryotoxic effects. One of the following antibiotics little crosses the placenta:

+Anti-tuberculosis agents






25.What medicine is used for treatment not-heavy bacterial pneumonia (purulent sputum, chest pain) in the I trimester of pregnancy (order MH PK number 869):


Macrolides (rovamitsin)

Glycopeptides (Vancocin)

Carbapenem (merapenem)



26.If a pregnant woman has an atypical bacterial pneumonia (non-productive cough, symptoms of intoxication, shortness of breath), we have tassign a cure (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 869):

Macrolides (rovamitsin)

Glycopeptides (Vancocin)


+ Carbapenem (merapenem)



27.If a pregnant woman has an atypical bacterial pneumonia (non-productive cough, symptoms of intoxication, shortness of breath), the prescription will have been (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 869):

+Macrolides (Rovamicin)

Glycopeptides (Vancocin)



Carbapenem (Merapenem)



28.When should be the vaccination for the prevention of chickenpox women without immunity carried out:

+In II and III trimester of pregnancy

3 weeks before childbirth

In the II trimester of pregnancy

In the I trimester of pregnancy

For 1-3 months before pregnancy



29.When do you have to start antibiotic therapy if a pregnant woman has clinical symptoms of viral pneumonia (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 869 dated 02.12.2011)

At the time of admission

Not later than the first 4 hours after hospitalization

The first 12 hours of the receipt

The first day of receipt

If the bacterial etiology of pneumonia is proven


30.The patient is diagnosed with influenza A. She has the following symptoms: body temperature within 38,10-40 ° C, the symptoms of intoxication. Pulse 90-120 beats / min. Systolic blood pressure less than 110 mmHg. Respiratory rate is 24\min. Dry painful cough with pain behind the breastbone. What form of the clinical course is described:




Extremely hard form (hypertoxic)



31.What form of influenza is characterized by the following symptoms: fever up t38 ° C, moderate headache and catarrhal conditions. Pulse less than 90 beats / min. Systolic blood pressure of 115-120 mm Hg. Respiratory rate is less than 24 in min.

Extremely hard form (hypertoxic)






32.The patient was taken to the hospital with a pregnancy of 28-29 weeks. She’s symptoms are: body temperature 40,5 ° C, intoxication symptoms - severe headache, general aches, insomnia, delirium, anorexia, meningeal symptoms. Pulse over 120 beats / min, sometimes is arrythmic. Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mmHg. Heart sounds muffles. Respiratory rate is over 28\ min. Painful, painful cough, chest pain. Diagnosis: Pregnancy 28-29 weeks. Flu. Complete ... diagnosis:

Extremely hard form (hypertoxic)


+Moderate form

Mild form

Asymptomatic form




33.The patient in 2nd days after delivery was produced fluoroscopy. Pulmonary tuberculosis was suspected. The tactics of the doctor:

Make an overview of chest radiography

+Consultation of phthisiatrician

Perform 3 times smear microscopy of sputum for MT

Conduct a non-specific antibiotic therapy for 2 weeks

Conduct microbiological testing of sputum for MT



34.If the mother has TB, the fetus has:

Growth retardation

+Increased risk of birth defects

Usually a child is born tb patients

The risk of down syndrome

Increased risk of genetic diseases



35.The typical symptom of tuberculosis in pregnancy is:

A woman stops gaining weight or losing weight

+The clinic does not differ from non-pregnant women suffering

Pleural effusion develops quickly

The disease begins with hemoptysis

fetal death



Особенности острых и хронических заболеваний мочевой системы у беременных. Осложнения беременности и послеродового периода. Алгоритм диагностики, лечение, профилактика. Значение скрытой бактериурии во время беременности.


36.Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration during pregnancy increase on:







37.The cause of proteinuria and cylindruria in physiological pregnancy is:

Kidney glomerular filtration reduces

+Renal tubular reabsorption increases

Permeability of the renal epithelium increases

Reabsorption of sodium and water increases

Kidney glomerular filtration increases


38.The most common causative agents of pyelonephritis in pregnancy are (Савельева Г.М. и соавторы, 2006):

Coliform organisms

Candida species

Microbial association


The simplest (trichomonas)



39.Pyelonephritis often occurs in 12-15 weeks and 23-28 weeks. The reason is:

Formation and the maximum development of the placenta

Compression of the ureter by growing uterus

+ Maximum release of corticosteroids

Changes the ecosystem of the vagina

A gradual rise in blood pressure



40.The peculiarity of pyelonephritis in the I trimester of pregnancy is:

+Worn clinical

Acute course of the disease

Lack of temperature response of pregnant women

Lack pielourii

Always have hematuria



41.The peculiarity of pyelonephritis in the II and III trimester of pregnancy is:

During Acute

+The lack of temperature

Worn clinical

Often complicated anuriey

Often accompanied by hematuria


42.Which antibiotics should be prescribed for the treatment of gestational pyelonephritis in the I trimester of pregnancy:

+Group penicillins




The aminoglycosides


43.At what stage of pregnancy can be cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, macrolides, nitrofurans, 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives administered for treatment pyelonephritis:

From 13 weeks

From 15 weeks

+From 24 weeks

From 28 weeks

From 36 weeks


44.Which antibiotic should be in the postpartum period administered cautiously, because its concentration in breast milk is very high:


2nd generation cephalosporins

5th generation cephalosporins

The aminoglycosides




45.The differential diagnosis of chronic pyelonephritis should be the following complication of pregnancy carried out with:

Premature detachment of placenta


Pregnancy-induced hypertension

The risk of preterm birth

Proteinuria in physiological pregnancy



46.If a pregnant woman has a latent (asymptomatic) bacteriuria, in 1ml. of urine has been detected:

100 000 or more bacteria

10,000 or more bacteria

50,000 or more bacteria

Not less than 90,000 bacteria

+Not less than 70,000 bacteria


47.The antibiotic therapy is prescribed for pregnant patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria, because it…:

Does not impact on the incidence of pyelonephritis

+ Reduces frequency of pyelonephritis

Has a toxic effect

Leads to allergies

Leads to the development of pyelonephritis



48.Asymptomatic bacteriuria increases the risk (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 239 dated 07.04.2010)

+Premature birth, birth low weight infants, acute pyelonephritis

Horionamnionit, acute glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis

High water, low water, premature birth

Pre-eclampsia, premature detachment of placenta

Acute polyhydramnios, premature labor, fetal distress


49.All pregnant women should be screened urine (seeding midstream urine) for asymptomatic bacteriuria (Order MH RK number 239 of 07/04/2010):

1 time when registering

During the registration and gestational age of 30-32 weeks

3 times: when registering in the 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, a week before the birth

1 time in 37 weeks gestation or later

1 every 23-28 weeks of gestation



50.For the treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria can be used (Order MH RK number 239 of 07/04/2010):

Erythromycin or other macrolides


The aminoglycosides

Ampicillin, Cephalosporins 1st generation




51.The duration of antibiotic therapy for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 239 dated 07.04.2010) is:

+4-day course

7-day course

single dose

3-days course

5-day course



52.Pyelonephritis can cause severe obstetric complications. This list does not include:


Placental insufficiency

Septicemia and pyosepticemia

Toxic shock

Hemorrhagic insult



53.Which of instrumental studies has adverse effects on the fetus:

Renal ultrasound

+Doppler sonography of renal vessels

Ureteral catheterization


Renal scintigraphy


54.The etiology of glomerulonephritis is:

Escherichia coli



Hemolytic Streptococcus

+Association of microbes


55.Glomerulonephritis often occurs after:

+Angina, flu

Pharyngitis, acute respiratory

Acute cystitis

Is a complication of pyelonephritis

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs



56.The most probable complication of pregnancy in glomerulonephritis is:

Wasting, fetal hypoxia

Fetal death

The early development of pre-eclampsia

+The development of cardio-renal failure

Bleeding during pregnancy



57.Treatment of acute glomerulonephritis begins with:



Antihistamine drugs





58.If the patient is ill with glomerulonephritis, pregnancy will be possibled after:


2-3 years

3-5 years

6-7 years

8-9 years


Герпетическая генитальная инфекция. Цитомегаловирусная инфекция.

Алгоритм диагностики, тактика ведения беременных.



59.The herpes simplex virus can infect women’s’:

+Vagina, vulva, urethra, cervix, rectum

Vagina, cervix, rectum, vulva

Vulva, urethra, rectum

Vulva, cervix, urethra

Rectum, vulva, vagina


60.The disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus, often occurs :




In a chronic form

As a recurrent infection in vulva


61.The risk of neonatal herpes in the world today is:




Very high

No risk


62.An important role in a viremia with herpes belongs (А.Ф. Пухнер, В.И. Козлова, 2010):

Red blood cells and white blood cells

Lymphocytes and leucocytes

+Platelets and leucocytes

Monocytes and neutrophils



63.The role of red blood cells in chronic herpes infection is (А.Ф. Пухнер, В.И. Козлова, 2010):

They are a temporary carrier of the virus

In the red blood cells the virus replicates

They inactivate the virus

+Provides constant of virus

The virus prolongs the life of red blood cells


64.The role of leucocytes in chronic herpes infection is:

+They fix, but do not inactivate the herpes virus

They inactivate herpes virus

They lyse the herpes virus

They phagocytose virus and reproduce them

They rapidly are destroyed by virus


65. How the smear does look like in herpetic infection:

Are identified the mast cells

Are identified the "key cells"

Are identified the "naked" nucleus

+Are identified the small cells with altered nuclei

Are revealed giant cells with intranuclear inclusions


66. The "Gold standard" for diagnosis of herpes virus is:

+ Virus isolation in cell culture

Infection of chick embryo



Cytological research of smear


67.Herpes simplex virus type II infects:

Mucosae of the urogenital tract

Mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract

The eyes

Bronchial mucosa

+Vascular endothelium


68.Herpes simplex virus type II are often transferred by:

+Air - borne

Sexual transmission

The contact (through kissing, toys, household items)

The vertical path (of organs located below the upper)

Postnatally (after labor)


69.Herpes simplex virus type I most often affects:

+Vascular endothelium

Mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract

Skin and eye mucosa, lips, nose,

Bronchial mucosa

Mucosae of the urogenital tract



70.The incubation period of herpes simplex virus is the average:

2-3 days

+2-14 days

14-21 days

14-30 days

From 1 t3 months


71.Herpes simplex virus type II can be isolated from patient ‘s:

content of vesicles, vaginal secretions, semen

contents of vesicles, saliva

+tears, saliva

bronchial washings, the contents of the vesicles. saliva

contents of vesicles


72.The prevalence of carriers of the herpes virus in Kazakhstan:


+ Very High


Very low



73.Is it necessary to examine a pregnant for the presence of herpes virus:

+No, because the results do not affect the tactics of

Requires pregnant while taking on record

Requires up to 2 weeks before giving birth

Requires the third trimester of pregnancy

Required if a pregnant woman appeared clinical manifestations of infection


74.In which cases is there high risk neonatal herpes infection:

The primary infection of the mother before delivery (up to 2 weeks before delivery)

+Recurrent infection during pregnancy

The carrier of the herpes virus

The primary infection of the future father of the baby, when the mother is pregnant

The primary infection of the mother at any stage of pregnancy


75.When does during herpes infection raise the question of operative delivery (because the risk of infection a child is 30-50 %) (order of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan № 239 of 07.04.10.):

+The primary infection of the mother at any stage of the pregnancy

The primary infection of the mother in 2 weeks before labor

The primary infection of the mother in 3d trimester of the pregnancy

The primary infection of the mother in 3d trimester of the pregnancy

Recurrence of the disease in any stage of the pregnancy


76.What medicine is used to treat severe forms of herpes in the pregnancy:

+Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)



Olive Leaf Extract



77.One month old baby has the body temperature 40, the sharp pain in the mouth, salivation, mucous of gums and cheeks hyperemized, bubble elements. Your diagnosis is:



Herpes infection of the mucous

Enterovirus infection

Stevens-Jones’s syndrome


CMV infection


78.At postnatal CMV infection the incubation period is:

From 3 to 8 weeks

From 1 to 2 weeks

+From 2 to 3 weeks

From 1 month. up to 3 months

From 3 months. up to 5 months


79.What is the percentage of the population infected with CMVI each year:








80.Which week of the life of newborn babies of women suspected to CMV is the virus determined in urine, saliva or secretions from the throat:

+1-2 nd week of life

3 weeks of life

1 weeks of life

2 weeks of life

4 weeks of life


81.What methods of CMV infection threaten to the life and health of the child:

+ Prenatal

Intrapartum (if the mother endocervicitis)

Failure of personal hygiene compliance of an infected mother (hand washing after using lavatory)

By saliva (by kissing of an infected adult)

Through breastfeeding


82.What group of viruses does cytomegalovirus (CMV) refer to:


Herpes viruses






83.The most informative material for the verification of CMVI in a patient is:




Sputum, swabs from the throat

Scrapes and discharge from the genital tract


84. 7 days-old child. Cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) was diagnosed on the basis of clinical and laboratory data. Parents have been examined. A similar infection was revealed in the mother. Child is infected:

During the labor

+Immediately after birth

During the gestation (in utero)

During the first breastfeeding

In the first days after birth


85.What congenital disease of the fetus is often caused by CMVI (Ailamazyan, 2007)

Disorder of a central nervous system

Vision Impairment


Hip dysplasia

Gonadal dysgenesis in girls and boys



86.What is Cytotect, which is used for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection in the newborn:


Antiviral drug

+ Immunoglobulin

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug



87.Indications for termination of pregnancy in the early period of cytomegalovirus infection:

+ Primary CMVI in pregnant

Connection of other viral infections

Media CMVI

The long history of the disease

Immunosuppressive condition of the pregnant



88.The source of the infection of cytomegalovirus infection can be:

Infected with HIV (human)

A sick man during acute phase of illness

+The patient with lathen form of CMVI

A sick pet

Pet - a virus carrier




89.What is the course of CMVI during primary infection of humans with immunosuppression:
Acute Sialoadenit
Acute Bronchitis
Indolent Lymphadenitis
Generalized form of inflammation with severe disease



90.With what disease there is no need to carry out differential diagnostics of CMVI:




Herpes infection

Infectious mononucleosis



91.What complication of childbirth is most common in women with cytomegalovirus infection:




Diffuse purulent peritonitis



92.Please rate the result of ELISA for TORCH-infection (toxoplasmosisrubella cytomegalovirusherpes) Jg G-, JgM :

Acute infection

The early phase of acute infection

Acute exacerbation of chronic infection or

The state of immunity

The lack of immunity


93.Please rate the result of ELISA for TORSN infection (toxoplasmosisrubella cytomegalovirusherpes) Jg G, JgM -:


Generalised acute infection
The early phase of acute infection
+Acute infection or exacerbation of chronic infection
State immunity
The lack of immunity


94.The signs, allowing to suspect a congenital CMV infection, are:

Abnormalities in the baby's condition at birth

Combinations of neurological symptoms with hepatosplenomegaly and protracted pneumonia

+The wave protracted illness

The presence of atypical in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

The combination of all symptoms






95.The maximum incidence of genital HPV infection (human papilloma virus) is noted in the age group:

From 18 to 28 years

From 21 to 30 years

From 25 to 35 years

+From 30 to 45 years

After 45 years




96.In HIV-infected women are the most dangerous complication of pregnancy is:
+Premature birth
Fetal infection
The development of pre-eclampsia
Severe anemia
Prenatal rupture of membranes


97.The first sign of HIV infection of the child is:
+ Underweight, neurological symptoms
Low-grade temperature
Skin rash



98. Appointment of antiviral drugs to pregnant women reduce the risk of fetal infection up to:







99.HIV infection is an indication for cesarean delivery in the following case:

She did not receive antiviral treatment during pregnancy

1. In any case

When extragenital pathology in mothers

In acute viral infection in razhenitsy

+Has received antiviral prparaty during pregnancy


100.What is the percent of incidence of AIDS at HIV infected child till 5 years

+In 50% of cases

In 60% of cases

In 70% of cases

In 80% of cases

In 90% of cases



101.Maternal antibodies to HIV disappear in the child (positive results are negative)

+By 6-12 months

By 12, sometimes by 15 months

By 6 months

By 18 months

By 24 months


The newborn is infected with HIV in utero. Which symptoms characterize the disease:


hepatomegaly and splenomegaly

Neurological disorders

+Recurrent infections

HIV is characterized by all the symptoms


What disease is a manifestation of Kaposi's sarcoma:




Malignant tumor



106/Select the aetiology of pneumonia, the most typical for HIV - infection:


+ Pneumocystis





Methods of transmission of HIV infection:



transplacental (from mother tfetus)


+ All transmission characteristic of HIV infection


What incubatory period is observed at AIDS:
5-6 hours
3-4 weeks
2-3 weeks
10-15 hours
+ from several months to 10-15 years


Risk factors for HIV transmission from mother to child during childbirth does not apply:

Low maternal viral load

High maternal viral load

Sexually transmitted infections

+ Malnutrition of the pregnant

Invasive diagnostic manipulations



110Risk factors for HIV transmission from mother to child during childbirth does not include:
Rupture of membranes for more than 4 hours
Low maternal viral load
Invasive interventions in labor
+ First child in multiple labor



HIV can not be transmitted from mother to child:

During pregnancy

During labor

During breastfeeding

+ At the care of the newborn

During the cesarean


What is the antiretroviral prophylaxis:

A long course of anti-retroviral drugs

A short course of antiretroviral drugs

Directed to the treatment of HIV / AIDS mother

Prevention the transmission’s risk of HIV from mother to child

+ Prescription of antiviral drugs during pregnancy, labor and to the newborn immediately after birth



Chlamydiosis, ureaplasmosis


113During pregnancy, the treatment of urogenital chlamydiosis now is preferably carried out by:


+ Azithromycin





The medicine of choice in the presence of atypical pathogens (mycoplasma, chlamydia) is:







Mainly sexual way of transmission is typical:

For Chlamydia

For the herpes simplex virus

For Trichomonas

+ For chlamydia and trichomonas

For the herpes simplex virus and Trichomonas



What complications happen during pregnancy and labor during chlamydial infection:

Spontaneous abortions

Premature discharge of amniotic fluid

Premature birth

The birth of children with low birth weight

+ All complications


117 A newborn baby admitted to the hospital with suspicion on intrauterine chlamydia. What research needs to be done to him:

Throat swab to determine chlamydia

+ Blood for chlamydial antibodies of classes M and G

Bacterial stool cultures

Blood cultures for chlamydia

A study of cerebrospinal liquor


Chlamydial conjunctivitis is diagnosed in the newborn. What groups of lymph nodes are enlarged:

Generalized lymphadenopathy

The increase in anterior cervical lymph nodes

The increase in occipital lymph nodes

+ The increase in parotid lymph nodes

The increase in posterior cervical lymph nodes


Child was born by a woman which is sick with urogenital chlamydiosis. To prevent the development of chlamydiosis he needs:

Emergency vaccination of newborn with antichlamydial vaccine

Preventive gentamicin therapy

+ Treatment of the mother, hygiene compliance

Prescription to the child Cycloferonum

Any preventive action shouldn't be carried out


120What are the clinical features of genital chlamydiosis:

The tendency to chronic and recurrent course

The primary lesion of the fallopian tubes and cervix

The high frequency of reproductive disorders

Resistance to antibiotics

+ For genital chlamydia all the features are typical


121 Mycoplasma is:

+ Bacteria




Occupies an intermediate position between bacteria, viruses and fungi


122Newborns mycoplasmosis is manifested in the form of:



Congenital vesicle

Infectious erythema

+ Pneumonia


123On radiographs of newborn suffering from mycoplasmosis, specific symptom is:

Double-sided interior lobar pneumonia

Double-sided interior lobar pneumonia

+ Double-sided shallow focal, sometimes confluent pneumonia




124Select a drug for the treatment of mycoplasmosis of the newborn from the following list:



+ Erythromycin

Antifungal preparations



125What pathology develops at a congenital rubella:

+ Eye Defects

Neural Tube Defects

Urinary tract defects

Defects of the skeletal system

Defects liver


Select a drug for the treatment of congenital rubella:



Antifungal preparations


+ Nonspecific treatment


When it is necessary to do monitoring after treatment of urogenital mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis:

After 1 month

After 2 months

+ After 3 months

After 4 months

After 5 months


The causative agent of a mycoplasma infection is:




The simplest



129The causative agent of Mycoplasma infection does not sensitive to:



+ Penicillins





Clinical form of mycoplasma infection is:

Acute Respiratory Diseases

Acute pneumonia

Abacterial urethritis

Meningitis form

+ There are all forms


What symptom is accompanied by mycoplasma pneumonia:

Increase of liver

Splenic enlargement

Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting in the initial period

+ There are all symptoms


What symptom isn't typical for a respiratory mycoplasma:

Obsessive unproductive cough

Moderate intoxication


Prolonged high fever

The lengthy manifestation of bronchial obstruction




Pregnant women get sick with hepatitis "A" in comparison non-pregnant:

Much more often

Much less often

Significantly sharply

Leads death

+ Does not differ


134 Maternal mortality in viral hepatitis "E" in comparison the mortality among non-pregnants is:




Much more often

Does not differ


135 If the pregnant women with viral hepatitis has jaundice, the leading symptoms will be:


+Dyspeptic phenomena

Pain in the liver

Catarrhal syndrome

Amnestic syndrome


The most severe viral hepatitis occurs during pregnancy:

In I-trimester

In II-trimester

+ In III-trimester

Before labor

In one month before the labor


Viral hepatitis 'E' in pregnancy may be complicated by:

Renal insufficiency

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

+ Acute massive hepatic necrosis

CNS lesions

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


Informative biochemical test in the prodromal stage of viral hepatitis A is:

Total bilirubin

The protein fraction of blood

+ Enzymes ALT, AST

Enzyme ALT



Reliable criteria of hepatitis B virus replication in the organism is:

HBsAg carrier state

Anti-HBs and HBsAg

+ HBeAg and antibodies - HBAg of IgM

HBeAg and anti - HBcAg class IgG

Anti-Hbe antibodies


Нow chronic viral hepatitis affects pregnancy:

Does not affect

Worsens the pregnancy

+The health of the pregnant woman improves

Causes premature labor

Causes pre-eclampsia


141How to prevent transmission of HCV from mother to fetus during pregnancy:

+ Avoid invasive prenatal diagnostic procedures (cordocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, etc.)

Treat with with antiviral drugs

To increase immunity

Treat with vitamins

Treat with hepatoprotectors



What is the term of the first dose of HBV vaccine for newborns in RK:

+1-2 days

3-4 days

6-7 days

9-10 days

11-12 days


What is the term of the second dose of HBV vaccine for newborns in RK:

12 months

1 month

+2 months

6 months

14 months



What is the term of the third dose of HBV vaccine for newborns in RK:

3 years

7 years

45 days

+4 months

8 months


145What kind of treatment is recommended for acute hepatitis "B" during the pregnancy:

+ Diet, correction of fluid and electrolyte balance, bed rest






146 Where the labor is should take place, if HBsAg is founded in the woman’s blood:

In the physiological department

+ In the isolated chamber

In the gynecological department

In the postpartum department

In the neonatal department



The latent period for hepatitis "A" is:

+15-45 days

10-15 days

20-25 days

50-60 days

5-10 days


How many percent HbsAg identification in milk of the infected women takes place:








Listeriosis is an infectious disease caused by:

+ Bacteria


The simplest

It occupies a middle position between bacteria and viruses




Often fetus is infected listeriosis from the mother by:


+When passing through the birth canal

Swallowing amniotic fluid

During breast-feeding

After delivery, by contact


151 "The gold standard" for detection of listeriosis is:




+ Bacteriological seeding

IFA (immunofluorescence)


Listeria is detected in pregnant woman. What antibiotic do you have to assign:


+ Ampicillin





Where the material is taken for screening listeriosis in newborn:

Throat swab

A smear of eye conjunctiva

+ Meconium

Amniotic fluid at birth

A smear of placental


A few days before labor pregnant woman complains for fever, back pain, lower back pain, frequent mocheispuskaine, and diarrhea. Probably that infection is:

Acute respiratory infection

The non-specific infection (staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.)

+ Listeriosis




155Listeriosis should be treated;

+ Ampicillin in with gentamicin







Rubella virus can be detected:

In the blood

in the urine

In the feces

In the discharge from the nose

+ All are characteristic of rubella


The rubella at pregnant women can give complication:

Not developing pregnancy

Intrauterine fetal death

Spontaneous miscarriage

Preterm labor and stillbirth

all complications



158Malformations of the fetus in early pregnancy may be caused by:




Infectious hepatitis



Fetal and pregnancy pathology


Screening of the fetus during pregnancy is not carried out in:

8-14 weeks

20-24 weeks

36-38 weeks

41-42 weeks

+5-6 weeks.



In late pregnancy, the maximum amount of amniotic fluid is:

950,0 ml.

1000,0 ml.

500,0 ml. -1500.0

+1500,0 ml

over 2000 ml


161What is NOT a protective action in the prevention of infections:

Hand washing and use of gloves

Disinfection, washing and sterilization (or deep disinfection) tools

Use an antiseptic solution for skin prior tinjection

Cleaning tools running water



162The main criterion for ultrasound fetal death is

the absence of fetal heart rate

Lack of physical activity of the fetus

Lack of fetal respiratory activity

Change in brain structures

Abdomen of the fetus


163What factors contribute to the development of chronic placental insufficiency during pregnancy:


Anatomically narrow pelvis

Infectious diseases

Lateral position of the fetus

Varicose veins of the lower extremities


In late pregnancy, the maximum amount of amniotic fluid is:

950,0 ml.

1000,0 ml.

500,0 ml. -1500.0

+ 1500,0 ml

over 2000 ml

Which method does the fetus often get an infection:




With sperm



166The main clinical signs of fetal growth retardation is:

Stop of growth of height uterine fundus

Stop of growth of the abdomen

Stop of dynamic growth of the pregnant

Stop of dynamic growth of weight pregnant

The absence of changes in pregnant


The damaging effect of infection on the embryo mainly depends on:

Gestational age

Kind of infection

Number of microbes

Method of infection

Virulence of the pathogen agent



When do they say that there is a newborn’s TORCH-syndrome:

+If diagnosed toxoplasmosis

If diagnosed cytomegalovirus

If rubella is found

If detected herpes simplex virus

If there is not clear etiological diagnosis



Bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, toxoplasmosis


In a study of patients there were found: pH of vaginal discharge more than 4.5, congestion of the vaginal mucosa, a positive amine test, microscopic examination of vaginal discharge - "key cells". The diagnosis is:

+ Bacterial Vaginosis

Non-specific vaginitis

Candida vaginitis

Trichomonas vaginitis

Vaginitis caused by a foreign body in the vagina


Choose the medicine for the treatment of vulvovaginal trihomonus:


Gyno-travogen, gyno-pevaril






For culture isolation Trichomonas vaginalis they use special liquid culture. The material is taken from:


Cervical canal


+Posterior vaginal fornix



How often women have asymptomatic candidiasis:







The leading symptom of vaginal candidiasis is:
+ Itch
Burning sensation


Brucellosis, toxoplasmosis


Brucella penetrates in the human body through:
+ The mucous of digestive tract, respiratory tract, skin damaged
The respiratory tract, intact skin
The eyes
Upper respiratory mucosa, urinary tract
The digestive tract mucosa, skin small crack


Widely using in the RK method for diagnosis of brucellosis is:
Microbiological Diagnosis
+ Serological diagnosis
Intradermal reaction with brucellin
Intradermal reaction with Melitina
X-ray method


176. The pregnancy in patients with brucellosis is often complicated (the reason – inflammatory changes in the mucosa of the uterus)


+ Placenta previa
Pathology of the umbilical cord
trophoblastic disease
A cyst \ malignant tumor of placenta
Premature abruption of normally situated placenta



177Mark the most common complication of pregnancy in brucellosis:
Premature abruption of normally situated placenta
+Spontaneous abortion



178.What disease have to differentiate an acute brucellosis:
Rheumatoid arthritis
+ Acute respiratory infections
Acute Bronchitis



179.Toxoplasmosis most often infects:
+ Central nervous system, the eyes, the reticuloendothelial system
The digestive system and respiratory system
The digestive system, urinary system, central nervous system
Government respiratory, urinary and digestive systems
The bodies of the musculoskeletal system, end\ myocardium


180.The incubation period of toxoplasmosis is:
+From 2 days several weeks
2-3 days
2-3 weeks
2-3 months
Over 1 year



The causative agent of lymphogranuloma venereum is one of the varieties (serotypes):
+ Chlamydia
Treponema pallidum


Venereal granuloma has a chronic course, which is divided in the following periods:

+ The primary, secondary, tertiary
Acute, subacute, chronic
Infection, prodromal period, the height of the disease
Light, medium, heavy, heavy for
Rash, abscess formation, the period of anorectal fistula




Commonly used methods for diagnosing lymphogranuloma venereum is:

Smear from the lesion
Serological tests
The intradermal test for the type of Mantoux test



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