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Animal diseases that people can catch are called zoonoses


1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian using the wordlist.

This is a chronic contagious disease of man and animals. Of the latter cattle, hogs, and poultry are the commonly affected ones. Man, poultry, and the remaining groups of animals are each most easily infected by their own specific bacillus of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Thus the human, avian, and mammalian strains are recognized. There is also intercommunicability of the germ so that man may also contract the cattle infection; swine may contract the cattle, human and avian (poultry) infection. Infection takes place by the consumption of tuberculosis-germ contaminated liquid and solid food, and by breathing germ laden air.

The symptoms of tuberculosis in animals vary greatly, depending upon the infected organ or organs. If the disease is in the lungs there may be a cough; in the intestines, chronic diarrhea; in the brain, nervous symptoms; in the udder, swellings; in the joints, and testicles, enlargement; and if the disease is of very long standing there is usually evidence of unthriftiness. A very important point is that infected animals may show no outward signs of the disease, many of them seem to be perfectly healthy.

A diagnosis of tuberculosis in infected animals may be established by the inoculation method, and by a reaction to a tuberculin test. Vaccination against tuberculosis of man and animals has been tried.


contagious контагиозный, заразный, инфекционный

unthriftiness хилость

inoculation искусственное заражение, прививка

lesion повреждение, поражение

2. Choose 10 terms or expressions. Learn them by heart.

3. Make a summary of the text.


Запорожец Татьяна Яковлевна

Плешивцева Елена Юрьевна

Сементовская Елена Юрьевна

Серова Надежда Александровна

Константинова Наталья Васильевна



Методические указания по английскому языку.


Редактор Н.К. Крупина

Компьютерная верстка Е.Ю.Плешивцева, Е.Ю.Сементовская.



Подписано в печать 2007г.

Формат 60*84 1/16. Объём 1,7 уч. – изд.л.

Тираж 100 экз. Изд.№8. Заказ №


Издательский центр НГАУ «Агро - Сибирь»

630039, Новосибирск, ул. Добролюбова,160

Animal diseases that people can catch are called zoonoses

. Many diseases affecting humans can be traced to animals or animal products. You can get a disease directly from an animal, or indirectly, through the environment.

Farm animals can carry diseases. If you touch them or things they have touched, like fencing or buckets, wash your hands thoroughly. Adults should make sure children who visit farms or petting zoos wash up as well.

Though they may be cute and cuddly, wild animals may carry germs, viruses, and parasites. Deer and deer mice carry ticks that cause Lyme disease. Some wild animals may carry rabies. Enjoy wildlife from a distance.

Pets can also make you sick. Reptiles pose a particular risk. Turtles, snakes and iguanas can transmit Salmonella bacteria to their owners. You can get rabies from an infected dog or toxoplasmosis from handling kitty litter of an infected cat. The chance that your dog or cat will make you sick is small. You can reduce the risk by practicing good hygiene, keeping pet areas clean and keeping your pets' shots up-to-date.

Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1296

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TEXT 19. TUBERCULOSIS | The Final Diagnosis by Arthur Hailey
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