COLLOCATIONS – CONSUMER1. All the words below form strong collocations with the word ‘consumer’. Choose the right Russian equivalents and then match up the terms with the definitions:
1.A description of the characteristics of the consumers of a particular product, in terms of age, class, income, etc.
2.A group of shoppers who record their purchases of all or selected products, for use in market research.
3.Goods in everyday use, such as food, clothing, household goods, and services such as hairdressing, retail banking, etc.
4.Goods that last a long time, such as cars, ‘white goods’ (fridges, cookers), ‘brown goods’ (television, stereos), etc.
5.How people in general feel about their job security, future economic prospects, and so on.
6.How different people react to marketing stimuli, depending on their psychology, their cultural and social background, and their economic situation.
7.The amount of money being spent on consumer goods and services, which fluctuates with recessions and booms.
8.The amount of money borrowed by people to buy goods and services, depending on confidence and the economic cycle.
9.The individuals and households that buy products for their own personal consumption.
10.When customers refuse to buy the products of a company they disapprove of for ethical or political reasons.
2. Complete the paragraph with collocations above:
A government spokesman yesterday insisted that the latest figures showed that (1) … was returning, and (2) … was increasing. Several retailers disagrees, and suggested that sales of (3) … had only increased in January because all the major stores had had extended Winter Sales and discounted prices by up to 20%. The High Street banks say that the level of (4) … remains low, with many people paying off earlier debts, and afraid to take on new ones.
3. Choose the right word for the definitions below:
1. Buying behaviour in which the consumer regularly purchases the same brand.
a) rule b) habit c) direction
2. An organized refusal by a group of people to deal with an organization, e.g. consumers who refuse to buy a certain manufacturer’s products for ethical reasons.
a) consumer revenge b) consumer boycott c) consumer protest
3. Products such as cars, furniture, and electrical equipment that are expected to last for a long time.
a) consumer goods b) consumer spending c) consumer durables
4. People’s belief in the economy, making them willing to spend money.
a) consumer confidence b) consumer credit c) consumer panel
5. Things you buy for personal or home use, such as food and clothing.
a) consumer profile b) consumer goods c) consumer profile
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 2940