Course meeting time and place: Wednesday, 18:30-19:45 – 20:00-21:15
Course credit:
Instructor information:
Professor: Alexander Yakovlev, MSc [Natural Sciences], MBA [Marketing]
Office: Room 307 Dostyk Building
Phone: 727 270-4440; extension 2036
Instructor availability:
Office hours: Wednesday 17:00-18:00
and by appointment
Course Description/Overview
Marketing Planning course is designed to provide a detailed understanding of marketing planning, including the synergistic planning process and its links with the delivery of marketing strategy. It also considers a thorough assessment of the dynamic and complex nature of the marketing environment and its impact on developing marketing plans to achieve strategic outcomes and competitive advantage in the market place. The course includes significant consideration of segmentation, targeting and positioning, with a view to developing sophisticated approaches to targeting customers and the development of effective positioning strategies, all based upon a sound assessment of market segment opportunities and value.
Course Objectives:
Develop knowledge and skills in
• Marketing planning to deliver marketing strategies
• The marketing audit and strategic outcomes
• Creating marketing strategies through segmentation, targeting and positioning
• Adapting marketing planning in different contexts
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course you will be able to:
apply the concept of the marketing planning process to a variety of organizational contexts and sectors, and to account for their varying goals when developing marketing plans
demonstrate ability to relate the challenges posed by a dynamic marketing environment to the marketing planning needs of different organizations and to devise appropriate, innovative positioning strategies in response to environmental changes.
Teaching Methodology
Course material will be presented generally in a lecture and in-class discussion format, with emphasis on in-class discussions, meeting with professionals and cases.
Assessment Method:
Points in %
Continuous assessment
Assessment 1
Individual Cases
Assessment 2
Individual case
Class participation
Final Assessment (Course project presentation)
Grades for each exam will be assigned, following KIMEP catalog, as follows:
A+ = 90-100
A = 85-89
A- = 80-84
B+ = 77-79
B = 73-76
B- = 70-72
C+ = 67-69
C = 63-66
C- = 60-62
D+ = 57-59
D = 53-56
D- = 50-52
F = BELOW 50
Continuous Assessment
Class Participation
To get the maximum points, the students are encouraged to be present at 90% of classes. Your participation will be evaluated on:
- Your contribution to the discussion
- Your formal presence as per the check list
Mid-term assessment 1
Cases will be given during the first 3 weeks of the classes. Student must complete the assignments before the mid-term 1 assessment day. On that day, students will get an assignment to write an essay on a selected theme. Time for preparation of an essay is 90 minutes.
Mid-term assessment 2
Individual Case study will be performed in-class. Time for preparation is 120 minutes. The case must be submitted in a recommended format (wfw).
Final Assessment
Group Project & Presentation
The purpose of the project is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the concepts and frameworks learned in the course to a real-world situation. You will have to make a chosen brand audit, develop and defend a brand strategy during presentation. The topic/product category/ company of the group project has to be approved by instructor. Each member of a team will get the same points as the whole team.
Course Policies:
Students are not permitted to enter class room 10 minutes after lecture begins
No one should leave the classroom after lecture begins
The cell phones must be switched to the silent mode
Any student or group who misses an exam or group project deadline will receive a grade of zero on that exam or group project.
Outside class assignments, e.g. group projects, are penalized 10% each day for each day beyond the due date (unless aligned with the lecturer)
Students who attend class on a regular basis stand a better chance of passing the course
Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller et al., “Marketing Management”, 2009,
Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-273-71856-7
Lecture Schedule. 12 week semester.
Sessions 1: Overview of marketing
Session 2-3: Marketing Planning Process
1st assessment Assignment: Individual Case Analysis
Session 5-6: Marketing Communication
2st assessment Assignment: Individual Test
Session 7-8: Budget and Forecast
Session 9-10: Writing a marketing plan
Final assessment: Group Audit and marketing Plan Presentations