A Academic Communication: Winter 2014 Long Paper #2: Case Study Report
Write a case study report on the following topic:
Select an international company or organization that has invested in Africa, and then answer the question: To what extent has this investment been successful?
You should consider the question from at least two perspectives including - but not limited to - business, government, local people, NGO’s, and the environment. Based on your findings, should other similar companies or organizations invest in Africa? Why or why not?
Using a minimum of three sources, write a 1000 word case study. For help with writing a case study see the “Helpsheet: Business Reports” by the University of Melbourne.
Resources can include the articles and lectures used in Academic Analysis or Academic Communication. You should find at least two articles on your own and two should be academic or professional sources. Company or organization websites may also be a useful source for this assignment.
The case study report must include APA-style documentation as outlined in Research and Documentation or the Trent Academic Skills Centre website.
The case study report is worth 15% of the final mark for Academic Communication and will be marked according to the marking scheme distributed in class. While no marks will be allotted for the outline or drafts, marks will be deducted from the final mark if any of the steps are missed.
Students should submit a paper copy of the final copy of the case study report at the beginning of class on the due date. In addition, the final copy should be submitted to Blackboard before class on that day.
Due Dates:
Outline: Wednesday February 12, 2014
First Draft: Tuesday February 25, 2014
Draft Presentations*: Tuesday & Wednesday February 25 & 26, 2014
Second Draft: Friday February 28, 2014
Final Copy: Monday March 3, 2014
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 755