| TEACHING AND LEARNING STRATEGY (INDICATIVE)Research Methods classes will combine formal presentation of ideas and issues with related exercises. Workshops will be held on textual and numerical data analysis. Students will be given practical training in the use of data reorganization and analysis techniques. Where appropriate this will include introductory tuition in the use of computer packages and programs.
The Research Methods training is central to developing the Research Project Proposal and laying firm foundations for effective research. Once their research topic has been identified, students will be allocated a personal supervisor, to whom they will submit their Research Project Proposal for approval. As the dissertation is an individual piece of work, significant emphasis will be placed on students to refine and produce their final report, however regular meetings with their supervisor will be held to address problems that they might encounter. It is expected that for at least some students a process of drafting and re-drafting will be required to arrive at a viable research project.
The students will be supported by their supervisors during the period when they are undertaking project research and writing the dissertation. This level of support and what is expected of students and supervisors is set out in a protocol agreed by the School of Strategy and Operations and associated faculty.
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
| 1) Demonstrate clarity of problem definition and scope; critical evaluation of a focused review of relevant literature; a carefully argued case for the research methods employed; proficiency in the analysis and interpretation of qualitative and/or quantitative data, where appropriate; and sensitivity to the organizational context for which recommendations are made, where appropriate, presentation and modeling
| Formative: Project Proposal & Interim Submissions
Summative: Project Report
| 2 ) Design a programme of research, data collection, and analysis integrating research aims, data requirements, and methods of collection and analysis, choose appropriate means of measuring research variables, use methods of data collection and analysis appropriate to research needs, and data characteristics, take account of ethical and other constraints.
| Formative: Project Proposal & Interim Submissions
Summative: Project Report
| 3) Identify and justify policy decisions and interventions based on the results of the research, where appropriate
| Formative: Interim & Draft Project Submissions
Summative: Project Report
| 4) Present the results of research in an academically acceptable format, paying particular attention to integration of the literature review, critical evaluation of data, and clear presentation of research results.
Formative: Project Proposal & Interim Submissions
Summative: Project Report
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 681