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Euro 2012 must have been an investment in Poland’s future.The four EURO 2012 hosting towns –Danzig, Posen, Warsaw and Breslau - met the expectations and organized a great event.

Cracow – a city left out in the decision on hosting the EURO 2012 tournament – became a leading player, a great protagonist and a beneficiary from EURO 2012.Cracow was chosen by the national teams of England, Holland and Italy as its training base. Cracow was visited by 200,000 tourists, and 131,000 of them visited a fan zone. The open to the public trainings session of the Dutch national team was attended by 24,000 spectators (the most attended open to the public training session in Poland and Ukraine).

EURO 2012 in Cracow is highly appreciated also in the survey performed by the company Partners in Business Strategies sp. z o.o, in which positive opinions were obtained from 97% of Poles and 85% of foreign tourists (75% felt safe). More than 90% of all fans-tourists declare their will recommend Cracow to their acquaintance. When Bogdan Gheorghe asked the question: Cracow? 100 % of respondents answered Good choice!

In the queue stand other events – FIVB World Cup in 2014, Handball Championships [2016], European Soccer Championships in 2020, Winter Olympic Games in 2022 or 2026 [Poland and Slovakia], but first of all, the X FIEP Congress in 2015!




ALBERTINI Demetrio: Splendida accoglienza per gli Azzurri, in 13mila per il primo allenamento. FIGC [2012-06-05] http://www.figc.it/it/204/32426/2012/06/News.shtml

BERNSTEIN David: Thanks for Euro 2012. (pol.) Podziękowania za Euro. KRK Magiczny Kraków [2012-07-11] http://www.krakow.pl/sport/aktualnosci/13148,202,komunikat,podziekowania_za_euro.html

GIERSZ Adam: Trudno zrozumieć, dlaczego kraków nie będzie gospodarzem euro 2012. Onet.2012 [13.10.2011] http://euro2012.onet.pl/wiadomosci/adam-giersz-trudno-zrozumiec-dlaczego-krakow-nie-b,1,4880159,artykul.html

KARASIŃSKI Kazimierz: Thanks for Euro 2012. (pol.) Podziękowania za Euro. KRK Magiczny Kraków [2012-07-11] http://www.krakow.pl/sport/aktualnosci/13148,202,komunikat,podziekowania_za_euro.html

Cracow summed up Euro. (pol.) Kraków podsumował Euro. http://www.wkrakowie.pl/czytaj/krakow-podsumowal--euro

Podsumowanie kosztów i oszacowanie korzyści z organizacji turnieju UEFA EURO 2012 Warszawa, Poznań, Gdańsk, Wrocław. (Eng.) A summary of costs and an estimation of advantages resulting from the organization of the EURO 2012 tournament - Warsaw, Posen, Danzig and Breslau. 2012 Deloitte Polska. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.

Report on the impact of preparations forand organization of UEFA EURO 2012, on Polish economy commissioned by a special purpose vehicle of the Minister of Sport and Tourism. PL.2012. sp. z o.o.; Warszawa 2010.

A Report on the Accomplishment of Euro 2012-related Projects and of the Preparations of Poland for the Final Tournament. UEFA EURO 2012. Ministry of sport and Tourism.(pol.) Sprawozdanie z realizacji przedsięwzięć EURO 2012 oraz wykonanych działań dotyczących realizacji przygotowań Polski do finałowego turnieju Mistrzostw Europy
w piłce nożnej UEFA EURO 2012.
Ministerstwo sportu i turystyki: Warszawa Grudzien 2011 – Lipiec 2012.

Van BOMMEL Mark: The Orange Cruyff Court already open. (pol.) Boisko Orange Cruyff Court Kraków już otwarte. Kraków otwarty na świat [2012-06-05] http://krakow.pl/otwarty_na_swiat/

Van MARWIJK Lambertus „Bert”: The Dutch will train in Cracow. (pol.) Holendrzy będą trenować w Krakowie! INFOKRAKÓW24. [2011-10-28 ] http://www.infokrakow24.pl/holendrzy-beda-trenowac-w-krakowie/

Van OOSTVEEN Bert: The Dutch will train in Cracow. (pol.) Holendrzy będą trenować w Krakowie! INFOKRAKÓW24. [2011-10-28 ] http://www.infokrakow24.pl/holendrzy-beda-trenowac-w-krakowie/

Van der VAART Rafael: Dutchmen enthralled by the pitch grass at Reymont Street. (pol.) Holendrzy zachwyceni murawą przy Reymonta. WP.PL [2012-06-06] http://sport.wp.pl/kat,1028833,title,Holendrzy-zachwyceni-murawa-przy-Reymonta,wid,14549761,wiadomosc.html

WILKONSKA Anna: Preparations and realization of the EURO 2012 in Cracow. (pol.) Przygotowania i realizacija EURO 2012 w Krakowie. Raport z badań: KR.2012. Krakow: 2012.

Ustawa z dnia 7 września 2007 r. o przygotowaniu finałowego turnieju Mistrzostw Europy w Piłce Nożnej UEFA EURO 2012 (Dz. U. Nr 173, poz. 1219)

Zarządzanie projektowe w projektach strategicznych dla Polski na przykładzie EURO 2012. Raport Delloitte [www.delloitte.pl].


[1] The title and lyrics - by Andrzej Sikorowski – "...Do not move our capital city to Cracow, although you cherish symbols so much, because soon there will come over supercilious expressions, holy words and extremely hurting foolishness…" (pol.) “... Nie przenoście nam stolicy do Krakowa, chociaż tak lubicie wracać do symboli, bo się zaraz tutaj zjawią butne miny święte słowa i głupota która aż naprawdę boli...”

[2] In 2010, Lech Kaczyński, the then President of the Republic of Poland, was refused the Honorary Citizenship of Cracow..

[3] A Report on the Accomplishment of Euro 2012-related Projects and of the Preparations of Poland for the Final Tournament. UEFA EURO 2012. Ministry of sport and Tourism, Warsaw: 2011-2012, ń. 16.

Bernstein David: Thanks for Euro 2012. (pol.) Podziękowania za Euro. KRK Magiczny Kraków [2012-07-11] http://www.krakow.pl/sport/aktualnosci/13148,202,komunikat,podziekowania_za_euro.html

[5] Van MARWIJK Lambertus „Bert”: The Dutch will train in Cracow. (pol.) Holendrzy będą trenować w Krakowie! INFOKRAKÓW24. [2011-10-28 ] http://www.infokrakow24.pl/holendrzy-beda-trenowac-w-krakowie/

[6] Van OOSTVEEN Bert: The Dutch will train in Cracow. (pol.) Holendrzy będą trenować w Krakowie! INFOKRAKÓW24. [2011-10-28 ] http://www.infokrakow24.pl/holendrzy-beda-trenowac-w-krakowie/

[7] Van der VAART Rafael: Dutchmen enthralled by the pitch grass at Reymont Street. (pol.) Holendrzy zachwyceni murawą przy Reymonta. WP.PL [2012-06-06] http://sport.wp.pl/kat,1028833,title,Holendrzy-zachwyceni-murawa-przy-Reymonta,wid,14549761,wiadomosc.html

[8]Van BOMMEL Mark: The Orange Cruyff Court already open. (pol.) Boisko Orange Cruyff Court Kraków już otwarte. Kraków otwarty na świat [2012-06-05] http://krakow.pl/otwarty_na_swiat/

Grazie all'amministrazione di Cracovia per l'accoglienza e a voi tutti che siete qui per salutare i nostri giocatori. Un'accoglienza meravigliosa e il vostro entusiasmo ci aiuterà a fare un grande Europeo, a giocar bene e a farvi divertire. ALBERTINI Demetrio: Splendida accoglienza per gli Azzurri, in 13mila per il primo allenamento. FIGC [2012-06-05] http://www.figc.it/it/204/32426/2012/06/News.shtml

[10] WILKONSKA Anna: Preparations and realization of the EURO 2012 in Cracow. (pol.) Przygotowania i realizacija EURO 2012
w Krakowie.
Raport z badań: KR.2012. Krakow: 2012, p. 14.

Date: 2015-01-12; view: 845

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