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Joel begins the way. everywhere only ruins all cars left under the earth and only a half of the building sticks out from under the earth. but to it on a way wander Clickers and fat men. but it is necessary to work Ales where that there one... Joel decides and begins runs from shelter to shelter. in passing that a knife that a brick cleaning from the way of the infected. and here it cleans one after another and releases to itself a way. he should go down directly in a crevice from which disputes curl. and so it fixes a rope and another throws horses into a bottom.

Joel. well ÷òîæå Joel went. also goes down in the heart of epicenter. descent not fast after all it should go down on 20 floors under the earth shining the way with only one small lamp. slowly but truly it continues descent.

Joel. the devil a rope came to an end. peering at a bottom Joel thinks of a jump.

so, back the way isn't present it is necessary to climb without a rope and carefully going and keeping for ledges it everything goes down below and below. well here it seems here not highly and jumps in darkness.

it wasn't high all steam of meters and Joel successfully landed on feet, but here not luck a small lamp knocks. Joel shook a small lamp and was stupefied with horror. it stood on the middle and in a circle there was a heap Clickers in the expectation to break off responsible for this strange noise directly at them in a den.

Joel. about the devil! ! ! also starts scorching in them from all arsenal shooting back on the right and on left extensively. destroying one Clickerà behind another. and here having almost spent all stock of cartridges it I began to shower them with grenades and Molotov's cocktails. everything abated. Joel in a floor sitting crawls away a back to a wall. in a circle darkness and a smoke from burning bodies Clickerîâ and fire gradually dies away and the crash Clickerîâ becomes more increasing and is closer. Joel thinks that everything, it is the end. but here it grabs hand Ales.

Ales. the hardware is silent, we follow me. and they silently silently leave from there. escaped. Ales takes away it in a safe place. where they strong embrace and rejoice meetings.

Ales. you after all came for me! ! with tears the girl in the eyes speaks, hardly constraining got down. embraces him.

Joel. unless I could not come. how you here keep and why to Geoffrey?

Ales because this place you know only one. Joel feels so sorry for me for Tommie.

Joel. yes, to me too. he told with grief and weight on soul.

Ales. here look, I collected it from the sprouted fungi, from them there are disputes and infected don't see me. here dress on a neck (gives Joela a lace covered by fungi) but don't unmask and that you will catch at once.

Joel. well.

Ales. well what plan?

Joel. let's be cleaned from here. it is necessary to us to elevator mine, it is the only thing to do.

And they went on a cave towards mine, more precisely Ales were led by Joela. on the way they still cleaned a little infected and here they at mine. the elevator with Smittom fell and absolutely destroyed and rolled a mine bottom. but the body here wasn't.

Joel. all right we go, give I will lift this beam and you under it get through and substitute under it that be.

Ales. well. also I went to do that to it ordered.

Ales. I established under a bottom a fragment from a wall and tells to Joel everything it is possible to climb.

Joel it climbs afterwards and here they in a mine bottom, over the head at them twenty floors of concrete and only one ladder leading on top.

Joel. give you the first, I afterwards. as soon as he said it from the filled most up cave terrible roar, which it shuddered walls was distributed.

Joel. give run. and they jumped on a ladder and quickly began lifting.

in a bottom fragments where the destroyed elevator lies started scattering Smitt, the mutating terrible body is more right than it.

Ales. what is it? trying to look back the girl climbs above.

Joel. give don't look back quicker. quicker.

in the bottom of Smitt having released itself a way I started in pursuit to pursue them. breakthroughs to climb on mine up.

Joel. give Ales well....

Ales. still slightly remained.

They clamber above and here already creep up to doors from elevator mine. but they are closed and it is possible to call the elevator only outside, on the other hand...

Joel. so, give I will try to move apart doors, and you get through and look there that be. also I started unclenching doors very much. Ales to it I helped than I could. Smitt came nearer quicker and quicker. and here it is absolutely sensitive it was necessary to move apart Joela of a door and Ales squeezes through them. Joel releases and doors slammed back. Smitt in one jump from Joel's victim. Joel with wild fear in eyes peers at the disgusting head of a monster and whispers. well Ales give. Smitt slightly settles on hinder legs, being going to jump on the person and as soon as he is ready, doors of the elevator opened and Joel having hardly managed to jump to the room, evades from the monster which have jumped on it. Joel grabs Ales hand and they start running to an exit. they ran carelessly and saw ahead only light, it is their purpose, but on a way at them crowd Clickers. and they stop before them hiding behind building ruins. While the monster tries to get out of mine, having got confused in cables it them tears as a thread. Joel and Ales are solved on escape.

Ales. we will be able to break through them at us after all a beads from fungi and we will quicker run winds, truly?

Joel. yes, after all we have no other option.

Joela starts considering ales and asks him he is whole or as! ? also notices that its oxygen mask is burst and Joel already inhales disputes in the lungs.

Ales. Joel your mask... scaredly the girl speaks.

Joel. yes I know, it broke when I fell down there where you found me. with grief he speaks and unmasks a face.

Eyes it had already yellow shade, and it means it is infected so understood Ales.

Ales starts blaming itself and with tears Joela abuses. why you came for me, I would get out and you would be whole.

Joel. I already came here the such. it the general made the Ford. listen to Ales there is no time now to explain, there outside of us the helicopter and it is the only thing to do waits. and there I have a plan.

Ales. maybe we will return Smitta his capsule?

Joel. it also is my plan. suffices the girl and starts running to an exit. Smitt escapes too and starts in pursuit to pursue them, taking down everything on the way. Joel and Ales run by Clickers, those don't manage to pay at all to them attention, Smitt runs afterwards and on the parties he scatters obstacles that tables that Clickers. and here Joel about Ales got out outside and started running aside where the helicopter had to wait for them. but it there wasn't, around only poisonous disputes.

Joel. the devil, he has to be here.

and here with top the helicopter goes down and in it doors reveal, from there security guard here became it is hot , give the little girl.

Joel. shows them a capsule with an anti-pillbox and tells this medicine for a fungus.

Security guards in the plane exchanged glances also one speaks to another, to us told to drag the little girl and it to sew here, another speaks means we will drag both the maid and medicine.

Security guard. all right climb too. and both of them get into the helicopter and depart to the sky, over clouds poisonous dispute from under the earth. with a bottom the monster roar is distributed only.

In the helicopter. the security guard directs the machine gun at Joel. Security guard. all right give here this medicine and we will release you live.

Joel is reconsidered about Ales, having let know it that the stir now will begin and Ales from a sitting position beats the soldier a foot under a knee and Joel starts fighting with them trying to take control of the weapon. strong movements it breaks a hand to one soldier and rises at it for a back before a trunk of other soldier.

Joel. lower a gun and I will release it.

the soldier. 1 yes yes lower it, with fig. it is ouch sick a hand.

the soldier. 2 I spoke, only the little girl. also shoots at the workmate trying to shoot both of them. Joel with the killed soldier falls out of the helicopter and fall in a bottom. doors of the helicopter are closed by other soldier and it with the girl departs. In falling Joel tries not to release the dead soldier and tries to remove from it a parachute. they quickly fall and here at last it manages it and he puts on a parachute itself(himself) and opens it. Planning on a parachute Joel watches leave the helicopter.

Joel. the thought in the head only one, is no time to hesitate now.

by accident it lands on a parachute not far from a farm where they spent the night with Tommie. Joel in a hurry runs to a farm and goes down in a bottom in a cellar where there is almost collected motorcycle. it finishes assembly, fills in in a tank fuel and in a way, it has an initial plan. Joel in full operation rushes towards epicenter. he looks for Smitta. Joel drives in a cloud fungoid dispute, to it to lose any more that it already as days is infected. its Harley growls all around and Joel himself causes Smitta his name shouts and on this shout and a motor roar with all the district all start flowing down infected and here at last, Smitt. the earth began to shake Joel stopped but the motor doesn't suppress. the remains of the building and cars started leaving under the earth and as soon as already Clickers began to come nearer to Joel, from under the earth with a terrible roar seemed to Smitt, it stuck out on a half in the earth and was directed towards Joel though it had no eyes. but Joel felt as he burns him through. and then Joel got from ðþãçàêà an ampoule with an anti-pillbox and lifted over itself.

Joel. it is necessary for you? well give a creature take... and having developed the motorcycle at full speed I jerked from there. Smitt without standing on ceremony with all force and a roar I dived into the earth as in water and all cloud as the avalanche jerked for Joel, taking down everything on the way. Joel understood that the mistake shouldn't be, he shouldn't fall or stop and he rushed to fortress. on it its plan ended, further only improvisation and to work on circumstances.




The helicopter already costs on a building roof, in a bottom all is quiet all people start dispersing, the curfew approaches and has to remain nobody except soldiers. The central entrance in a bottom as it is necessary soldiers with large military equipment protect. they notice as something in are far comes nearer from the wood. Trees simply escape with roots and as matches fly up in air and an avalanche from dirt, stones and a poisonous dust Joel on the Harley rushes on them and in the center of all this. Soldiers open fire from everything that is available for them on a huge wave in hope to stop it. but all this wave doesn't stop and from all dispersal by all the weight crashes into the main gate and takes down them, all dirt and stones remain with outside and inside only poisonous dust rushed into the cities and in an instant îáêàòèëî fortress in the cloud in which all who was without a mask, and it almost all soldiers. started catching and turning instantly in Clickers. afterwards in the disorganized gate, Joel flies and on the motorcycle goes to the central entrance of fortress. but he sees as protective armor glass closes to it an entrance and before an entrance a heap live Clickerîâ. Joel sends the motorcycle to a door for which there was a weapon room. also punches it in full operation, in weapon it fills up an entrance with a show-window and the motorcycle for weight.

Joel. so it not on will long detain them. also starts ransacking in search of the weapon. he puts on itself(himself) an armor armor, a beret with itself(himself) a rifle, a shot-gun, a magnum and grenades with incendiary cocktail. but he takes the main thing in Minigan's hand.

Look. the infected break the filled-up door done by the motorcycle of Joel. Explosion! ! ! the heap scatters from a door and from a smoke, there is Joel all in armor and in hands at it a key which to it will do the road to an entrance to fortress. Shchelkuna spitefully aimed towards Joel and we are ready to attack him, Joel gets up on the middle opposite to all creatures and opens fire on them from Minigan. 3000 shots in a second of caliber 7-62 do the part. the hail of bullets simply carries all live on the way on pieces breaks off their bodies and crumbles the remains on small slices. fire is finished and cartridges ended, but to it more and it isn't necessary to potter with the heavy weapon, the way is cleared away also armor glass behind which soldiers are and an entrance to the building with horror observe all this picture. glass all in cracks but keeps and then Joel gets the grenade launcher and only he wants to release the rocket in a show-window as behind a loud crash and growl, Joel turns around and there from round the corner there is Smitt. The monster goes to Joel.

Joel. here fig. also lets out a shell in a monster. explosion from a direct hit followed. Joel waiting held breath, the smoke dissipates and from a smoke on Joel with a wild roar Smitt, slightly burned from explosion rushes. Soldiers behind glass in horror observing a picture, escape in fortress. Joel has no more rockets to shoot repeatedly and he manages to be grouped only before the monster which from everything to scope in blow is thrown by Joela in glass. Joel punches himself glass and falls already in the building. Joel hardly gets up and removes from itself an armor as they from blow are torn already apart and useless but only to them it is still live as they softened its falling. Smitt follows Joel, that in turn the limping disappears in the building.

Joel. it is so necessary to the very top, Ales...

on the top floor all forces of the enemy concentrated, they protect the general and prepare operational for Elie. Suddenly soldiers notice that the elevator started rising with the first floor.

Soldier. we were the last, there remained nobody...

Ear. so that didn't leave the elevator, to destroy...

The dial counts floors, and soldiers aimed all weapon at doors and are ready to shoot. remained absolutely slightly, the floor and doors open. soldiers nervously peer at the open elevator, Is empty.

Ear. something not so.

From above on the elevator in mine, Joel hid and breaks out carefully ventilating lattice to creep on mine not noticed.

in the hall soldiers shout, they ïîäûìàþòñÿ on a ladder.

Ear. hold positions.

The ladder simply all is filled infected which in rage are torn to the very top behind the production. Soldiers begin fire from the weapon and while at them it turns out to hold a floor.

Joel silently crawls meanwhile on ventilating mine looking out operational about Ales. But it finds something another. the room with the general the Ford! ! ! Joel through a lattice conducts the sick old man in beds and only couple of security guards. Joel waits while one of security guards passes directly under it and then Joel beats out a lattice and falls down directly it, being covered with which soldier it suddenly grabbed, it shoots and kills the second security guard. The Ear reacts to a shot from other end of the building. Joel rushes to the old man and threatening it with the gun speaks.

Joel. and you will go with me. the bed suffices and rolls it together with the old man to an exit. The ear peers at doors to the room of the father and conducts, Joela as that rolls a bed with the father.

Ear. Joel shouts! ! ! ! ! also runs on it.

Joel òû÷åò the gun in a neck to the old man also asks.

Joel. well where it where to go?

Old man. from pain you shout already were late...

Joel, a back opens doors and hides behind them without shooting in coming nearer the Ear, as that all in armor. this room also is the operational. Joel sees as surgeons didn't manage to start yet operation and Ales is still live and without any anesthesia is turned back attached on a table. Here it spends the bullets for surgeons and starts up a bullet to everyone in a forehead. The ear is already hollowed at doors trying to break out them, and Joel releases Ales.

Joel. you as it should be?

Ales. yes, I knew that you won't throw me.

Joel. and as differently. and they strong embrace.

Ales. so further?

Joel. well now his mad sonny in an armor suit here will rush. and we even have no cartridges. and as we will stop it! ?

Ales. but we have that that is necessary for it.

Joel. and still something, pulls out the grenade from a pocket.

meanwhile the infected broke through defense of soldiers and started destroying all soldiers in the hall.

Joel. so Ales you run on top to the helicopter and prepare to us a way from here, and I while will occupy this strapper.

The door is broken open under the pressure of the Ear and that becomes hollow in a hall. The ear conducts as Joel costs and holds a bed with the old man lying on it. The ear closes behind itself a door, propping up it a case.

Ear. and now release it. terribly he orders to Joel.

Joel. pulls out to the check from the grenade and pushes it under a pillow to the old man.

Joel. it to you for Sara.

Also the bed towards the Ear pushes it. The ear suffices a bed and one hand removes from it the old man, other hand pushes away her towards a window. Explosion, carries a bed and tables nearby in chips and punches a hole in a window. The ear terribly looks at Joel and is ready to rush on it.

Joel. Well give only you and I.

Ear. No, only I.

Also I ran on Joel, the old man remained is live and sits at a wall. Joel started taking cover from the Ear at tables and at opportunity when that doesn't see Joel, tries to throw in it that a bottle, a brick. But it only angers an Ear, all covered with armor. Joel thereby wants to distract attention of the enemy from Elie which on a roof potters with helicopter. And when the Ear understood that Joel only plays for time, it went towards a ladder on a roof. Here Joel rushed to him on ïåðåðåç and jumped to him on a neck behind, the Ear as if a rag was sent by Joela from himself. Joel then ran on a roof to Elie, the Ear slowly follows it. The old man at a wall felt that something huge tries to break the locked door and itself the lame followed on a roof the others.



In the helicopter the engine tries to start ales, pressing everything, Joel here runs up and tries.

Ales. what there, you know as to start this piece?

Joel. I saw few times on base, about 20 years ago

Ales. well damn....

Here Ales conduct as on a ladder ïîäûìàåòñÿ the Ear and it is covered by horror, it pulls Joel and forgive to hurry. Is, Joel turned on the engine and blades started rotating. Here the Ear pulls out a piece of a handrail from a ladder, then its attention is distracted by the old man, only having risen afterwards.

Old man. the son, shouted he.

And behind it behind breaking a back not strong structures of a twisted ladder, with roar gets out Smitt's monster and the Old man of the Ford one paw suffices. Brings it to the mouth and tries to nose out it, after all this smell is very familiar to it.


Ear. no, release it and throws a piece from a handrail in the helicopter blade. The helicopter is filled up sideways and its blades scatter on pieces. The Ear pulls out the huge hatchet and rushes on Smitta. Monster having understood that before it his old enemy and because of which all also occurred. One movement of a paw squeezes the old man and breaks to it all bones and with growl throws back it aside from a skyscraper roof.

Ear. íåååò.... also jumps on a monster, at the same time sticking in it the knife and starts sticking in it again and again, weighing at it on a shoulder.

Joel in the helicopter, Ales you as it should be?

Ales. yes I am whole.

Joel. the devil to us not to depart now from here and only exit from here, it through them.

Ales. and the weapon here works?

Joel. I looked at the girl and with hope I told the Clear head and I started including machine guns established by helicopter. Meanwhile from the helicopter lying on one side, from a tank fuel follows.

The ear, in wildness cuts to a monster his paw, Smitt as from an annoying fly waves away from the Ear, but that successfully turns aside. but here the Ear distracts on a sound of the machine guns induced at them from the helicopter and here receives a paw and flies away aside.

Ales. give fire. and Joel starts shooting at Smitta from large-caliber machine guns in Smitta. Monster under fire and from bullets from it pieces of its flesh fly away, but that hardy and goes on a source of fire namely on the helicopter. Joel shoots at him till the last moment.

Joel. Ales give run from the helicopter.

Ales. and how you?

Joel. I afterwards.

Ales safely jumps off aside and takes a detached view of all picture, well Joel whispers the girl. In a helicopter cabin, Joel is concentrated and all shoots to the last boss, Smitt closely with helicopter and as soon as it rose by hinder legs, cartridges came to an end and Joel manages to jump off from the helicopter and Smitt all the body falls on the helicopter and presses it the weight. Joel creeps up to Elie and they together look on Smitta as that still the live writhes lying by crushed helicopter.

Joel. takes a piece of a pipe which rolled nearby and speaks.

Joel. it is necessary to finish it while there is a chance.

And here for Smittom there is an Ear.

Ear. allow me.

Also gets the machete and from everything to scope sticks it on the handle in a monster neck. Smitt groans and chokes with the blood.

Joel. sees nearby as fuel from the helicopter and from all move proceeds.

Joel. no, allow me.

Beats on an iron floor a pipe to cause a spark and here a spark, fire quickly went to a helicopter tank. and the Ear without having managed to jump aside aside, gets in under helicopter Explosion. From explosion the roof and fragments of the helicopter and the remains Smitta falls fall in a bottom destroying the building a floor behind a floor.

Joel, that's all.

Ales. still isn't present and Joela takes by hand.

On fragments they go down in operational, being under the fallen-off roof.

Ales, so we should find that medicine of the colonel and we still will be able to cure you and Joela pulls along holding by a hand.

Joel. Ales stop here everything it is broken inevitably.

Joel. my way comes to an end here.

Ales. look there the stand at a window, it under this capsule that we took from Smitta. it will help us. also Joela by a hand drags, but he stopped and Ales holding him by a hand and removed from it it hours which remained with it in a hand. it turns around on Joel and conducts as the Ear knife sticks out of him. Joel falls on knees, and behind him from under fragments the Ear tries to get out. (the hardy bastard, only now his armor is shabby also a helmet all in cracks)

Ales. No... Joel, give still slightly remained, I then cured you and now I will cure. Joel please don't leave me.

Joel. I any more won't take out, escape itself after all you are the only hope of mankind the Daughter.

Joel. Ales at me the last request, finish my tortures, I feel as all head burns and I will cease to be soon a person, and I want to die the person. Ales please.

Ales, rises and with full eyes of tears pulls out from Joel's back of a machete and having threatened them over Joel's head.

Ales. go to it the Daddy. also cuts the head Joela.

The ear gets out from under a blockage and goes towards the girl.

Ear. The good fellow and now give me an anti-pillbox about which you spoke and return me my Knife.

Ales. stands near the device in which there is a capsule and holds a hand near the red button and in other hand the blood-stained hatchet.

Ear. if you press that this button the mankind will have no chance, you understand it? well so?

Ales. I understand.

Ear. well?

Ales. Her you instead of medicine.

Also presses the button and during an instant liquid in a capsule evaporated and burned down.

Ear. isn't present and rushed on the girl.

Ales. I sliped between feet at the giant of the Ear and departs a back to a hole at a window.

Ales. you will approach to me closer and I will jump and the only chance at you to own a virus and all mankind, it I.

Ear. no, your head. and only to seize her as Ales jumps in a window.

Ear. the devil also peers down. sees as Ales slides on a glass plumb of a skyscraper.

Ear. small a knot also jumps behind it. they slide by the escaped part of a skyscraper and on a background, other part of fortress îáðóøàåòñÿ. and here they already slide in a cloud fungoid dispute which gradually but slowly falls and evaporates. but Ales it isn't terrible and the Ear in a mask though burst. but the Ear is heavier than the girl and gradually catches up with her and at the bottom when to the earth there are 2 floors, it suffices a hand the girl and another keeps for eaves.

Ear. well now to you not where to disappear a knot.

Ales. It to you for Joel.

And from everything to scope beats a hatchet to the Ear on the head and splits to it a helmet. Ear not to hold breath in forces not to take a sip of poisonous air and that releases the girl in a bottom, and itself gets back in the building. Ales falls.

After a while, the Ear with suite of soldiers approaches to a place where had to fall Ales. The poisonous cloud almost dissipated by then and the ear costs without a mask. and it has no one eye, thanks to blow Ales. on a head floor at it a scar and all person in blood. he sees before itself(himself) the Car cargo with a body and on a body blood traces as someone went down from it. Probably to it I fell Ales and by that escaped from falling and safely I got down from it.

Ear. To arrange behind it HUNTING.

Look. the wood at a background in a distance smokes the destroyed fortress and Ales. and other hand it cleans one hand of a machete in an inside pocket, a flask with an anti-pillbox. (that it spoiled that in laboratory in the face of an Ear, only what simple flask rolled there at that time)


To be continued.

Volkov Simeon Yuryevich

E_mail. semen_volk@mail.ru

89509613339 phone.


there are ideas both on continuation and on own courageous and very interesting stories, both for cinema and for games.


This is my first time, do not judge strictly.

Date: 2015-01-12; view: 784

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