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(to pull the adversary from a horse in competition)

Audaryspak was also one of the most widespread traditions organized during feasts. It is one of the ways of checking strength and determination. Only strong zhigits usually take part in such competitions, and their horses need to be well chosen. Those who would take part in "Audaryspak" are divided into two groups. The object is to pull an opponent from a horse. Thus, it is very important that the horse and saddle objects are very strong. Sometimes the stronger competitor drags the adversary with his horse, leading to him being unseated.

As you have become aware, all physical training of the Kazakh people is connected with the living conditions and history. The Kazakhs had to defend their families and often fight on horseback. Remember that horses might be driven away from one clan by others, or that women might be stolen; so being able to pull an adversary from a horse might become more than a game. If somebody was trained well how to fight on a horse he wouldn't lose the fight. The Kazakhs in general are very peaceful people. They never like bloody scenes or killing. When they fight with cudgels, they try not to hurt an enemy's head badly, but want only to pull a foe from his horse, because without a horse the adversary couldn't fight. On the whole, Audaryspak is very useful in strengthening muscles and training zhigits for bravery. More than that it is one of the best means to learn self defense.



Ø Answer the questions:

1. Who can take part in Audaryspak?

2. What is very important in this game?

3. What are the main rules of Audaryspak?

4. How many groups can take part in it?

5. Why is it so important?

Ø Finish the sentences:

1. It was very important that the horse and the saddle …

2. All physical training of the Kazakh people is connected …

3. If somebody was trained well how to fight on a horse …

4. When they fight with cudgels, they try …

5. Audaryspak is very useful in …


Baige (horse race)

Horse racing is one of the ancient traditions of Kazakh people. Horses were the “wings” of the zhigit, so they trained them and spent many hours with their beloved race horses. Our ancestors could distinguish the good horses from the bad. So The Kazakhs held baige (horse race) at large tois, celebrations and at national holidays. At the races one might see hundreds of horses.

In Kazakh history there were ases (held the year following somebody’s death) of famous people like Saginai, Mamen, Sasan, Ulan-bulan and tremendous horse races were held. Our nation is always interested in joyful events, so they often organize horse races. It is difficult to predict a race horse from the others. The head of race horse must have little meat; they must have protruding ribs; swollen bones; they should be of unpleasant appearance; must have broad breasts and protruding nostrils. Those who believe that they have a winning horse and want to have a prize must care for their animals the month before a race. They should train this horse for race by riding long hours to make the horse sweaty. They then must feed and water the horse appropriately, and give an extra measure of oats. After a good ride, they should cool down the horse, and keep their animal safe from evil eyes, they covered him with a small horse blanket and made a special mask for his face.

Another important task is to select a person who would ride the race horse. The Kazakhs usually choose boys, because they are light and rode horses easily; however, such boys must have riding skills. In preparation for a race a boy would be instructed how to keep the horse’s eyes and under his ears dry; to use a whip; when to change speeds; to remember not to sit straight but to ride sideways, always observing the behavior of competitors. According to the kind of tois involved, the financial position of horse owners, and the number of participating horses, a horse race might be of short, middle, or long distances. So baige is longstanding and wonderful tradition.




Ø Answer the questions:

1. When do the Kazakhs hold baige?

2. How do the Kazakhs take care of the race horses?

3. How is a person selected for a race?

4. Why is baige a wonderful tradition?


Ø Fill in the gaps:

1. Horse racing is one of the … of the Kazakh people. So the Kazakhs hold baige at … and at national holidays. 2. Our nation is always interested in …, so they often organize horse races. They would condition amount for a race … by riding … to make the horse sweaty. 3. The Kazakhs usually choose boys, because they are …, horses easily. 4. A horse race might be short … or long distances.


Ø True or false:

1. Horse racing is one of the modern traditions of Kazakh people. 2. Kazakhs held baige at large tois, celebrations and at national holidays. 3. They then would feed and water, and give an extra measure of millet. 4. Kazakhs usually choose boys, because they are strong and rode horses slowly. 5. Baige is an uninteresting tradition.


Kures (wrestling)

One of the ancient traditions of the Kazakh people is wrestling. The Kazakhs were proud of their famous singers, poets, folk singers, judges, batyrs (warriors) and athletes. Wrestlers would defend the honour of their clan for whom they wrestled. We are proud of our world-known wrestlers, like Baluan Sholak and Kazhymukan. Though there were few famous wrestlers remembered by name, the Kazakhs were eager to train their boys to be wrestlers from very young age. Wrestling took place in large celebrations, holidays, and fairs. There, clans would point to the wrestlers who would defend their honor. Among the Kazakhs, wrestlers respected and appreciated each other. Once Kazhymukan defeated Japanese, Turkish and wrestlers from other countries in an international event, and the world for the fist time knew that Kazakhstan had such competitors.

On his way home after a successful wrestling match Kazhymukan came to a kos (a small felt hut for travelling). When he opened it, he saw a giant man sleeping on his back. Kazheken (his pet name) admired the giant's body and greatly wanted to wrestle with him. So he waked him up and they began wrestling. It seemed to him that the larger man was very strong, and he was difficult to beat. Then Kazheken prayed and said: "Oh, my angel, Baluan Sholak help me, give me more strength." Hearing these words the giant released and kissed him, and Kazhymukan saw tears in his eyes. It turned out that Kazhekens competitor was Baluan Sholak himself.

In our childhood we saw several times wrestlers in chain and tomaga. During wrestling if they were not able to win, they might pray and mutter in an effort to acquire more energy. It could become very noisy in the steppe when they did so, for winners might be given a camel, a horse, a cow or a sheep. Nowadays wrestlers are selected according to their weight, and they are sponsored by different institutions and sports organizations. In earlier times, wrestlers were praised by people and sometimes sponsored by wealthy people who would take care of them since their success belonged to all the people.

The rules of wrestling included grasping the stomach or torso and lifting opponents overhead. Sometimes a match would last for long hours. They would tie their wrists with a girdle and have wide pants. According to the rules they could only hold opponents by the girdles. In ancient times old men would gather on a big hill to have a chat, and talked about information from "Uzun kulak" (long ears). Their grandsons usually were with them, and when the old men were free for a while, they'd wrestle their grandsons and admire the scene. Their grandsons usually this was because our forefathers always thought about future generations, and they wanted their offspring to be strong.



Ø Answer the questions:

1. Whose honour would the wrestlers defend?

2. Where did wrestling take place?

3. How did Kazhymukan meet Baluan Sholak?

4. By whom were the wrestlers sponsored in early times and by whom are they sponsored nowadays?

5. What are the rules of wrestling?


Ø Fill in the gaps:

1. One of the ancient traditions of __ is wrestling.

2. We are proud of our __ wrestlers, like Baluan Sholak and Kazhymukan.

3. During wrestling if they were not able __, they might __ and __ in an effort__ more energy.

4. The rules of wrestling included __ or torso and lifting opponents overhead.

5. In ancient times old men would __ to have a chat, and talked about information from "Uzun kulak" (long ears).

Ø Finish the sentences:

1. Among the Kazakhs, wrestlers ….

2. In our childhood we saw ….

3. Nowadays wrestlers are selected ….

4. According to the rules ….

5. This was because ….



"Kyz kuu" is another game typical of Kazakh tradition which is still to be found. People would gather at a race course, and young ladies and zhigits would have their racehorses prepared. Kyz kuu was usually held in conjunction with other big celebrations, as during Kurban and Oraza Aits. People prepared much food plenty of kumiss. Of course, as it was a celebration, everybody would wear his or her best clothes. People in attendance would eat and watch Kyz Kuu.

In the race a lady and a zhigit would ride a distance of five to six kilometers. They would ride close together and talk, and stay close enough to embrace or tell stories; on this occasion the lady might offer no resistance. Upon reaching the starting place, the zhigit would stretch the front saddle and the back saddle girths tightly, stretching the back saddle almost to the horse's breast. Following that he'd put the breastplate straight, as the race course was usually uphill. This would allow the crowd to be able to see, since the way back would be difficult. On the way back, the zhigit would start first and the lady would try to catch up with him. If she caught him, she'd beat him with a riding whip; and if she remembered some offense, she might beat him hard! For that she must ride a good race horse. Both, the zhigit and the lady tried not to lose their honor in this process. In most cases, a well-bread girl would not beat the zhigit even if she caught up with him.

Kyz kuu exists nowadays, but those who remember the ancient traditions didn't like the way it is held these days. Sometimes people have it to show that they are Kazakhs, but many girls in particular may have never seen a saddle, touched a whip, or can sit on a horse without looking awkward. Urban zhigits are also usually clumsy on a horse. In earlier times, zhigits might perform different tricks while riding their horses. In rural places you can still find zhigits and girls who could ride wonderfully.



Ø Put the words in the correct order:

1. wear, clothes, Everybody, his or her, would, best.

2. much food, People, of kumiss, prepared, plenty.

3. to catch, would, up with him, The, try, lady.

4. ride, race, horse, a good, must, She.

5. would, first, The, start, zhigit.


Ø True (T) or False (F):

1. Young ladies and zhigits prepared their race horses.

2. In the race would ride a distance of 10 to 11 kilometers.

3. On the way back, the lady would start first.

4. If she caught him, she’d beat him with a riding whip.

5. Many girls have never seen a saddle touched a whip.




This remains one of the most played national games of Kazakhs. They play it in summer and fall when mother nature gives the sign of good weather. The participants are young zhigits and ladies who gather together; teenagers are not allowed to play, but they might watch. Altybakan is set up beforehand. For this, six logs and a thick rope are needed. They would attach a syryk (a bifurcated post used for supporting the yurt in time of bad weather) to six logs; three on either side all attached with a thick rope. A couple might stand on the assembled Altybakan and be swung by those on either side. Ladies would come in their best clothes: flouncy white dresses, red jackets and owl-feathered headdresses.

Zhigits would also be well-dressed. Those who were on the Altybakan sang folk and love songs. Here the young people might share their secrets and troubles. Those either swinging on or standing nearby the Altybakan could also sing and talk to each other as they observed the song competition. Altybakan remains a really good place where young people can compete in song improvisation. It is the location of real art for propagandizing our rich national folk songs. That's why the singers from all auls were invited to take part in song and improvising competitions. The host of the Altybakan would slaughter a sheep and did his best to create joyful atmosphere.

Sometimes boys or girls from a wealthy home might organize such an event at their parent's expense. They would invite relatives, kinsmen, jiens and all friends in advance. Then they would prepare everything to organize Altybakan at an impressive level, decorating the scene with ribbons. Kazakhs might then say "Dastarkhan (table cloth) is inseparable share" which meant everybody was welcome to the dastarkhan or feast. Meanwhile, a simpler Altybakan would only last till morning and would sometimes be called "Kyz oinak" (or a place where youngsters meet and play).

Today, Altybakan remains a living game, nowadays to be found at a herdsman's toi or in jubilees where young people compete, although sometimes they do not follow the traditional rules completely or wear national dresses and costumes. Also, in earlier times Kazakhs did not drink hard liquor and never quarreled with each other. At Altybakan, now you can unfortunately see drunk people; so we miss the Altybakan of earlier times.

Ø Finish the sentences:

1. The participants are …

2. Ladies would come in …

3. Those either swinging on or standing nearby the Altybakan …

4. It is the location of …

5. Also, in earlier times Kazakhs did not …

Ø Put the words in the correct order:

1. up, Altybakan , set, berorehand, is.

2. also, well-dressed, would, be, Zhigits.

3. best, Ladies, in, come, would, clothes, their.

4. all ,would, , advance, relatives, in, kinsmen, and, invite, jiens, They, friends.

5. Altybakan , The, would, a sheep ,host, of, the, slaughter.

Ø True (T) or False (F):

Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1681

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In the Past the life and well-being of Kazakhs depended on their strength, endurance and courage. So, special attention was paid to teaching young generation good qualities. | In earlier times Kazakhs did not drink hard liquor and never quarreled with each other.
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