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Kazakhstan: Culture Back to Top


Before the Russian conquest, the Kazakhs had a well-articulated culture based on their nomadic pastoral economy. Although Islam was introduced to most of the Kazakhs in the 17th and the 18th centuries, the religion was not fully assimilated until much later. As a result, it coexisted with earlier elements of shamanistic and animistic beliefs. Traditional Kazakh belief held that separate spirits inhabited and animated the earth, sky, water, and fire, as well as domestic animals. To this day, particularly honored guests in rural settings are treated to a feast of freshly killed lamb. Such guests are sometimes asked to bless the lamb and to ask its spirit for permission to partake of its flesh. Besides lamb, many other traditional foods retain symbolic value in Kazakh culture.

Because animal husbandry was central to the Kazakhs’ traditional lifestyle, most of their nomadic practices end customs relate in some way to livestock. Traditional curses and blessings invoked disease or fecundity among animals, and good manners required that a person should ask first about the health of a man’s livestock when greeting him and only afterward inquire about the human aspects of his life.

The traditional Kazakh dwelling is the yurt, a tent consisting of a flexible framework of willow wood covered with varying thickness of felt. The open top permits smoke from the central hearth to escape; temperature and draft can be controlled by a flap that increases or decreases the size of the opening. A properly constructed yurt can be cooled in summer and warmed in winter, and it can be disassembled or set up in less than an hour. The interior of the yurt has ritual significance; the right side generally is reserved for men and the left for women.

Although yurts are less used for their original purpose than they were once, they remain a potent symbol of “Kazakhness”. Yurts are also frequently used as a decorative motif in restaurants and other public buildings.

Because of the Kazakhs’ nomadic lifestyle and their lack of a written language until the mid-19th century, their literary tradition depends upon oral stories and tales. These tales were memorized and recited by an akyn. The elder were responsible for remembering the legends and tales, and by jirau, lyric poets who traveled with high-placed khans. Most of the legends concerned the activities of a batyr, or hero-warrior. Among the tales that have survived are the epics ‘Koblandy-batyr’ (15th or16th century), ‘Er Sain’ (16th century), and ‘Er Targyn’ (16th century), all of them about the struggle against the Kalmyks, and ‘Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu’; and the love lyric ‘Kyz-Zhibek’. Usually these tales were recited in a song-like chant, frequently to the accompaniment of such traditional instruments as drums and the dombra, a mandolin-like string instrument.

The Russian conquest wreaked havoc on Kazakh traditional culture by making impossible the nomadic pastoralism upon which the culture was based. However, many individual elements survived the loss of the lifestyle as a whole. Many practices that have lost their original meanings are assuming value as symbols of post-Soviet national identity.

For the most part, pre-independence cultural life in Kazakhstan was indistinguishable from that elsewhere in the Soviet Union. It featured the same plays, films, music, books, paintings, museums, and other cultural appurtenances common in every other corner of the Soviet Union.

The collapse of the Soviet system with which so many of the Kazakh cultural figures were identified left most of them in an awkward position. Most of the books that Kazakhstanis buy are about business, astrology, or sex; the movies they see are nearly all American, Chinese, or Turkish adventure and action films; most concerts feature rock music; and television provides a diet of old Soviet films and dubbed Mexican soap operas. Kazakhstan’s cultural elite is suffering the same decline affecting the elite of all the former Soviet republics. Thus, cultural norms are determined predominantly by Kazakhstan’s increasing access to global mass culture.


Ø Answer the questions:

1. What did the Kazakh people believe in before the Russian conquest?

2. What did the good manners require many years ago?

3. How did the traditional Kazakh dwelling look like?

4. Who recited the oral histories?

5. In what way were the oral tales recited?

6. What tales of 15th or 16th century can you name?

7. What kinds of books, films, music are Kazakhstanis interested nowadays? Why?


Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1009

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