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The essence and importance of information technology in personnel management.


1. The essence and importance of information technology in personnel management ………………………………………………………….4

2. Organizational and economic characteristics of Alpha LLC……..

3. Analysis and evaluation of information technology used in personnel management in Alpha LLC…………………………………………16

4. Proposals for the development of software for human resources management at Alpha LLC…………………………………………19

5. Summary……………………………………………………………24

6. References…………………………………………………………..25





The essence and importance of information technology in personnel management.

The main direction of improvement of management is the massive use of modern equipment. New technologies require radical changes in organizational structure of management, its regulations, human resources, documentation systems, recording and transmitting of information.

The term “information technology” in management should be understood as a process of collection, storage, processing, compilation, generalization, display and use of information by means of software and hardware to automate management processes and improve economic activity. Along with the rapid growth of the necessary information to make effective managerial decisions, there is the problem of fast searching and processing of relevant information. Modern information technology may solve it.

Information technology should provide:

1) improving the staff functioning and mobility;

2) supplying persons taking responsible decisions with information;

3) improving the quality and level of intellectual culture of staff and the organization as a whole;

4) complete awareness of the possibilities of new information technologies in personnel management to improve them.

So for development and adoption of specific managerial decisions manager must be provided with complete and relevant information given at the right time. Given that management is a continuous process, this person has to receive such information continuously.

Modern computers, connected by networks, can collect, process and provide managers with vast amounts of information. In this case the information will not be useful or will cause the information overload. Therefore it is necessary to make a selection of data in order to highlight relevant information relating to the problem.

Moreover, an information support system of personnel management can not only inform managers, but also enable them to obtain the necessary consultations in making management decisions thanks to the "tips", advisors, etc.

Connecting warehousing, accounting and financial systems and personnel management system in a single complex is essential for the implementation of the administrative accounting in real time.


According to the Law of Ukraine "On the National program of informatization", the essence of information technology is "organized set of information processes with the use of computer technology to provide high speed of data processing, quick search for information, dispersion of data and access to information, regardless of its location."

Now information technologies are being introduced in many companies, organizations and authorities. The concept of IT implementation in academic institutions, factories, and so on has been developed. For example, the concept of implementation of information technology in legislative authorities includes both automation of the process, and establishing communication between the authorities and the public.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, to create good conditions for increasing competitiveness six factors must be present:

1) a sufficient number of qualified personnel;

2) developed culture of innovation;

3) availability of world-class technological infrastructure;

4) developed legal regime that protects intellectual property such as patents and copyrights;

5) open competitive economy;

6) balanced state support for IT.


The systems approach requires that every object or task to be considered taking into account relationships and interactions with the surrounding objects and related tasks.

Database is the core of the system, which is often placed on a single computer - network server. Use of single database requires communication between all computers and server. Nowadays these capabilities are provided by local network. The most popular LANs are: LanSmart, LanTastic, D-Link, which use network sharing protocol NetBIOS.

Regarding placement of computers, it should be noted that each employee who creates a document must have access to a computer or terminal.

Every employee in any way organizes his work, that systematizes the environment in which it works. Often it happened that after the dismissal of an employee the section of his work for some time was disorganized. But if the staff is organized by independent system, no matter who and at what time has taken a job, he will be forced to organize the work according to the system’s technology.

The company becomes automated only when all means of automation merged into a system. If the company introduces means of automation in some areas, there will always be present a problem of combination of ordinary and automated parts with the following drawbacks: input by hand, loss of data and documents, delayed data updating in databases. The company's management will be forced to make decisions based on inadequate information.


Most of complex corporate information systems are built on the modular principle and include management module. Examples of such foreign corporate systems that are composed of Human Resources Management (HRM) module is the SAP R/3, Baan, Oracle and others. There are also stand-alone software packages for personnel management, for example the Renaissance CS Human Resources. Among the Ukrainian complex automated system "Atlas STAFF" is the most popular. It is designed for the automation of civil servants.

Modern automated personnel management systems are designed to improve the effectiveness of line managers, human resource management, accounting and other business units.


Software intended for legal support of personnel management system, provide informational and legal assistance in solving the following professional problems:

1) decision making;

2) full legal support of the company;

3) accounting and tax registration;

4) Preparation and submission of the tax, financial and other reports;

5) resolving disputes with regulatory authorities and others;

6) conducting judicial disputes, legal support of organization;

7) solving problems of HR - wages, guarantees and compensations, material responsibility and labor discipline, social insurance, pensions and so on.

For example, Liga:Law software implements all this functionality.


Software designed to automate the recruitment reduce the time and improve the quality of professional recruitment. Among the software products used for these purposes are the following: E-Staff, QuickJobParser, 1Ρ: Recruitment Agency, etc. In addition, automated information systems of personnel management contains modules designed to automate the functions of recruitment. For example, the following systems: «Personnel-2000», SAP Human Resources Management System (SAP HR), etc.

The functionality of software products listed above include:

1) accounting of structural divisions;

2) accounting vacancies and orders on the selection of employees, monitoring their implementation;

3) automatic publication of adverts on the Internet: placing ads on the leading job-sites, repeating ads if term has expired;

4) import CVs from mailboxes and Microsoft Word documents: automatic recognition of key information in the CV;

5) automatic selection of resumes for orders under user-defined parameters;

6) storing the history of each candidate and vacancy: results of the interviews, contacts, checking recommendations, hiring or rejection, probation, etc;

7) sending messages of typical templates;

8) search any data in the database for any word;

9) search for candidates on the Internet: direct search, tracking already viewed resumes, transferring CV’s found to the internal database of the company;


The systems designed to automate the evaluation of personnel, divided into two kinds: online-services and specialized software products, which are placed in the company’s Internet network. Reports that provide online-services include assessment of employee skills, strengths and weaknesses, problem areas and plan for the development of competencies. These systems contain processing facilities of assessment results: reports, recommendations, etc. Independent software systems are customized according to the requirements and objectives of the company. Unlike online-services they are focused on the needs of a particular company. By purchasing this system once the company can evaluate their employees any number of times without additional costs.

For example, the following software is designed to automate the process of evaluation of personnel: «1Ρ: Evaluation of staff», WebTour, WebTour Assessment, etc.

One of the areas of automation of selection and evaluation of personnel is the use of software packages for testing. Nowadays there are a big number of test methods used to evaluate personnel when employing or certification. Examples of of software designed to automate the personnel testing: CAPTain Online, Maintest3, P-Profile, SunRav TestOfficePro, VeralTest v 1.4, WebTour, etc.

Software products designed to manage motivation of staff perform such functions: managing the motivation of labor behavior, normalization and charging the labor process, development of pay system. Examples: KOMENDANT and Megapolis programs and automated system for operative planning and pay «LaMa-Sopot». They provide users with the following capabilities:

1) optimize labor costs;

2) the possibility to model the salary system based on the effectiveness of employee;

3) calculation of wagesnot only by individual results, but also by the results of the division;

4) planning hierarchy (priority) of tasks;


Automation of systems and functions of personnel management will have a positive impact on the functioning of the whole enterprise if its implementation and use will also be effective. The effect of the introduction of automated personnel management systems includes three components: organizational, economic and social.


Components of the effect of introduction of the automated HR systems




Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1932

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