| Daily ReportsThey provide information on revenues and labour costs. They focus on providing the actual operating results for the previous day and comparing those results with forecasts, budget, the previous month, and last year’s information.
| Daily
| Weekly
| Monthly
| Quarterly
| Annually
| Performance Reports—The Past
| Amounts in $
| Daily revenue report
| 79,700
| | | | | Daily labor report
| 23,000
| | | | | Weekly financial report
| | 396,900
| | | | Monthly P&L
| | | 1,587,600
| | | Profitability measurement
| | | 1,587,600
| 4,762,800
| 19,051,200
| Planning Reports—The Future
| | | | | | The daily room count
| | | | | The daily banquet schedule
| | | | | Weekly revenue forecast
| | 560,000
| | | | Weekly labor forecast
| | 161,000
| | | | Monthly revenue forecast
| | | 1,596,000
| | | Quarterly revenue forecast
| | | | 4,788,000
| | End-of-year revenue forecast
| | | | | 19,152,000
Assumptions made in the report include;
Past daily revenue was $79,700.
Labour force costs are $23,000; the hotel has 3 managers for its three departments, each earns $70,000 per month. Daily costs are $7,000. Other employees earn $10 per hour. The hotel has 200 other employees each working 8 hours per day.
Future trends indicate that on average, only 600 rooms will be occupied every night. Room charges per night are $100. The hotel expects to sell 400 meals daily at an average cost of $50 per meal. Daily revenue is expected to be $80,000.
Daily Revenue Report.
It is more of an audit report prepared to communicate the previous day operating information. Depending on the organization it can be referred to as; Sales and Occupancy Report, Daily Revenue Report or Gross Revenue Report. For purposes of this study, it will be referred to as the Daily Revenue Report. The report is organized into sections; departmental revenue report, hotel daily room statistics and Restaurants & Banquets Summary and hotel market segment information. The report is organized in a similar format as the Profit and Loss statement.
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1163