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English for computing

Part 1.Text 1

Read the text and explain what Industrial Age and Computer age mean.


The computer age


In the nineteenth century, machines changed the world. Suddenly, people could travel more easily and communicate more quickly. Work changed, too, and many people got jobs in factories. It was the start of the Industrial Age.

The second half of the twentieth century saw the start of the Computer Age. At first, computers were very difficult to use, and only a few people understood them. But soon, computers began to appear in offices and then homes. Today, they are everywhere. Some people still say that they have never used a computer, but they probably use computers every day - they just do not realize it. This is because there are computers in so many ordinary things: cars, televisions, CD-players, washing machines.

When the first computers were built in the 1940s and 1950s, they were enormous. In fact, they were as big as a room. In 1949, the magazine Popular Mechanics made a prediction: 'One day, they said, 'computers will be really small; in fact, they will weigh less than 1.5 tonnes.' Now, computer chips can be as small as this letter O. Over the past fifty or sixty years, computers have changed much more than people thought possible.


Ex.1 Put the verb “to be” in the right form.

1. There … no computers before the middle of the 20th century.

2. I … a good specialist in programming after I finish my study.

3. The first personal computer … made by IBM.

4. The computers we use now … convenient and fast.

5. Many people believe that new technologies … created soon.


Ex.2 Explain the meanings of the following words:


to change, to travel, to communicate, to use, to understand, easily, start, office, ordinary, enormous.


Ex.3 Choose many, much, little, a little, few, a few and insert them instead of the gaps.


1. We can find … information on the Internet.

2. I have … memory on my flesh card, I need another one.

3. I know … about the history of computers. I want to know more.

4. She bought … books on programming.

5. We have got … computers in our computer class, we need more.


Ex.4. Make the following numerals ordinal:


  1. Pascal was …(1) to build an arithmetic machine.
  2. My result was …(2) in our group.
  3. I`m interested what life will be in …(23) century.
  4. My friend`s birthday is …(15) of October.
  5. I reached …(3) level in this game.


Text 2

Read the text.


Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1800

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