Comprehension check1) Look through the article again, then indicate the reasons which allow to think that...
1. Too persuasive marketers disrupt customers’ loyalty. 2. Customers’ online and offline purchase activities are vulnerable 3. Marketers are expected to keep to the rules of environmental protection. 4. Target marketing can discriminate some social layers. 5. Misleading advertising may subject marketers to be sued.
2) These sentences give examples of marketers’ deceitful activities. Think of a possible context for each sentence.
1. Marketers manipulate customers’ purchasing needs. 2. Most customers believe that product promotion should offer a certain level of the product value. 3. Marketers are more concerned with financially successful customers. 4. Marketing contributes to environmental waste. 5. Tracking a user’s activity with the help of advanced technologies can place a user at risk.
5. Vocabulary Development
1) Find in the article synonyms for the following words and phrases:
1. to be accused of 2. to exaggerate product claims 3. to promote decisions 4. to pursue to buy 5. evident misleading 6. to implement tactics 7. to investigate user activity 8. to inflict a punishment on marketers 9. to gain political influence 10. to insist 11. high-market products 12. of lower quality 13. marketing environmentally-friendly products 14.violation of customer privacy 15. to be limited 16. to perform business
2) Summarize the article in a short paragraph of no more than 100-120 words exploiting the bulk of the key vocabulary.
6. Skills Focus
Write an essay of your purchasing experience and assess the marketing activities of the company you dealt with. Were there any aspects the marketers can be criticized for?
7. Writing
Render the following passage into English
Keys 5 1) 1. to be guilty of 2. to embellish product claims 3. to drive decisions 4. to get customers to buy 5. downright misleading 6. to undertake tactics 7. to track user activity 8. to subject the marketer to legal action 9. to gain political clout 10. to contend 11. high-end product 12. excessive 13. green marketing 14. a breach in customer privacy 15. to be restricted 16. to conduct business
Supplementary Reading
1. Gabriel Steinhardt (2008). "Concept of Marketing" (PDF). 2.0. Blackblot. Retrieved on 2008
2. The Concept of the Marketing Mix" from the Journal of Advertising Research, June 1964 pp 2-7
3. "In the Mix: A Customer-Focused Approach Can Bring the Current Marketing Mix into the 21st Century". Chekitan S. Dev and Don E. Schultz, Marketing Management v.14 n.1 January/February 2005
4. "Swarming the shelves: How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales?", The Economist, 2006-11-11, p. 90.
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1026