1. The concept of energy security roots, dynamics of content, role in the
global policy
Definition of energy security and its variations. Events of October 1973 and their consequences. Information on global financial elite in the 70-s of XX and 10-th of XXI century. The world transformation from two worlds system to one polar world and back to tow worlds system with the othe content. Com[pnents of energy security: different treatments. Substitution of real energy security for a wide spectrum of its false treatments. The view of energy crisis in the 70-s from the XXI century. Energy security and orange revolutions in Northern Africa.
2. Dynamics of energy consumption structure: 1850 - 2100
History of oil development. First discoveries in Texas and Mid East. Dramatic collisions in the period between 1919 and 1929. Seven sisters cartel. OPEC is emerging. Events of oil prices conflict in October 1973. Cancun conference of South and West and the roots of oil prices conflict. Hubert concept of oil peak and status quo in the beginning of the XXI century. Influence of oil peak effect on the strategy of the global financial elite.
1. Petroleum. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. September 19, 2012. - P. 1-7.
Mode of access: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum
2. Peak oil. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.- September 19, 2012. P. 1 3.
Mode of access: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak-oil
3. Peak Oil: The End of the Oil Age. Oildecline.com September 19, 2012. P.
1 5. Mode of access: http://www.oildecline.com
4. Population and Energy. Mode of access: http://www.dieoff.org/page199.htm
5. Global Energy Use in the 21st Century. Mode of access:
3. Hydrogen and fusion programs who will be energy leaders in the XXII
Fusion: heat and electricity priority. Three principal schemes of fusion for commercial use: tokamak (electromagnetic confinement), laser fusion (pulsed working process), electrostatic confinement (Bussards scheme). Forecasts reliability. Hydrogen application in case of the fusion positive results: air, ocean and ground transport. The use of hydrogen for generation of heat and electricity in case of the fusion failure. World energy production and consumption energy leaders.
1. Kanarev Ph.M. Prospects of hydrogen energetics. P. 1 2.