ECONOMICSDiscussion questions:______ask and answer
1. "Low tax, Laissez-Faire, economies are better than ones with large
public sectors." Do you agree?
2. "It is better to be within large economic unions like the European
Community rather than outside them." Do you agree?
3. "Governments should legislate to prevent monopolies becoming too
powerful." Do you agree?
4. "Free trade policies are always better than protectionist ones."
5. "Governments should not subsidize enterprises which are unprofitable."
6. "Countries should try to become self-sufficient in food and basic
necessities." Do you agree?
7. "Giving financial incentives to companies which locate themselves in
underdeveloped regions is a waste of public money. It is better to let
them set up where they want to be." Do you agree?
8. "Introducing the minimum wage will encourage foreign investors to
take their enterprises elsewhere."
Discussion questions:______ask and answer
1. Would you prefer to send your child to a mixed or single sex school?
2. Is day school always a better alternative to boarding school?
3. Should rich people be permitted to buy educational advantages by
sending their children to private schools or should all schools be
run by the state?
4. Do you prefer a system where children are put in fast and slow streams
or is it better to create mixed ability classes?
5. Should corporal punishment be permitted in schools?
6. Which system do you favour for measuring children’s progress -
final examinations or continuous assessment?
7. Do the "three Rs" (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) make up the most
important part of the school curriculum?
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1679