Market-Nicher StrategiesAlmost every industry includes firms that specialize in serving market niches. Instead of pursuing the whole market, or even large segments, these firms target sub segments, or niches. Nichers are often smaller firms with limited resources. But smaller divisions of larger firms also may pursue niching strategies.
The main reason why inching is profitable is that the market nicher ends up knowing the target customer group so well that it meets their needs better than other firms that causally sell to the niche.
The companies can balance their orientations on Customer and Competitor:
Competitor-centered company is the company whose moves are mainly based on competitors’ actions and reactions; it spends most of its time tracking competitors’ moves and market shares and truing to find strategies to counter them.
Customer-centered company is the company that focuses on customer developments in designing its marketing strategies and on delivering superior value to its target customers.
Market-centered company is the company that pays balanced attention to both customers and competitors in designing its marketing strategies.
A competitive orientation is important in today’s markets, but companies should not over do their focus on competitors. Companies are more likely to be hurt by emerging consumer needs and new competitors than by existing competitors. Companies that balance consumer and competitor considerations are practicing a true market orientation.
Example :In Kazakhstan the milk is cheaper than Turkey. And yhe quality of milk is good. because in Kazakhstan competition is high than Turkey. And less price.
And like this we can take many examples about laptops,PC, electronics.
Competition very important part of business. If in market competition will be high, it’s mean that quality of goods will be high, and the price will be less,and last one costumer will has many choice.
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 985