| III. HISTORY OF PRESENT DISEASEHow and when disease was started. What precedes the beginning of disease. How disease was began -acute and gradually. Describe in detail the initial signs of disease, Occurrence of new signs and there further development unto the moment of examination of patient. Time of loss of working ability, influence of spent treatment on current illness.
1. birth, birth-place, upbringing, schooling, childhood illnesses (measles, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, polio), military service
2. Financially; house hold conditions in childhood
3. Working condition - characteristics of work conditions - whether works in a premised or in an open-air room. Character of a work room, temperature, humidity, dust, contact to harmful substances, professional harmfulness, etc.
4. Household conditions: number of family members and general budget, housing conditions: home sanitary conditions, what temperature in apartment, characters of heating, presence or absence of dampness. Characters of feed, eats at home or in a restaurant, characters of accepted nutrition, general regularity and frequency of being in fresh air, employment by games and sports, etc.
5. Habitual intoxication: smoking, how often, on an empty stomach, at night, drinking (alcohol), since what age, frequency and in what quantity, use of narcotics.
6. Sexual life: when was began the sexual life. For the woman - when begin menses and its character, disturbances of the menstrual cycle. Abortions, number of labors, how many children.
7. military service: if not specify - for what reason.
8. Medical history – previous adult illnesses, operations, injuries, trauma, contusions, allergies, transfusions, immunizations, screening tests, and hospitalizations,
9. Family history (heredity) - The occurrence within the family of any of the following conditions: diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, anemia, mental illness, or symptoms like those of the patient.
Date: 2015-01-12; view: 1021