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Ex. 10. Translate these sentences from English into Russian.

1. An algebraic expression of one term is called a monomial or simple expression. 2. An algebraic expression of more than one term is called a polynomial. 3. The terms of a polynomial are taken with the signs preceding them. 4. The polynomial is of the third degree in x since 3 is the highest exponent appearing in the expression. 5. You have been given two polynomials and have been asked to multiply one of them by the other. 6. We place the terms of the subtrahend under like terms of the minuend. 7. The fractional numerals are being written as the corresponding decimal numerals by the students right now. 8. In dividing polynomials both the dividend and the divisor must be arranged in ascending or descending power of the letter common to both. 9. To add or to subtract polynomials we must place them so that like terms fall under each other. 10. The remainder is of lower degree than the divisor.

Ex. 11. Translate these sentences from Russian into English.

1. Многочлен состоит из двух и более членов. 2. Алгебраическое выражение, которое содержит только действия умножения, деления и возведения в степень, называется одночленом. 3. Алгебраическая сумма нескольких одночленов называется многочленом. 4. Трёхчлен – алгебраическое выражение, состоящее из трёх членов. 5. Числа при неизвестных х, у, называются коэффициентами многочлена. 6. Многочлены можно складывать, вычитать, умножать и делить. 7. Чтобы разделить многочлен на одночлен, нужно делимое и делитель разместить в убывающем или возрастающем порядке общего неизвестного. 8. Правило, касающееся деления, может быть сформулировано определенным образом. 9. Деление продолжается до тех пор, пока не будет найден остаток с числовым значением меньшим,чем делитель. 10. Если остаток при делении равен нулю, то деление называют точным или без остатка.

Таблица нестандартных глаголов


Infinitive Past Indefinite Past Participle Перевод
arise arose arisen возникать
be was, were been быть
bear bore borne носить, выносить
become became become становиться
begin began begun начинать(ся)
bend bent bent гнуть(ся)
bind bound bound связывать
break broke broken ломать
build built built строить
choose chose chosen выбирать
come came come приходить
cost cost cost стоить
cut cut cut пересекать, резать
deal dealt dealt иметь дело (с)
do did done делать
draw drew drawn чертить, тащить
fall fell fallen падать
feel felt felt чувствовать
find found found находить
fight fought fought бороться
fly flew flown летать
foresee foresaw foreseen предвидеть
forget forgot forgotten забывать
get got got получать, становиться
give gave given давать
grow grew grown расти, выращивать
have had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hold held held иметь силу, держать
keep kept kept держать, хранить
know knew known знать
lay laid laid класть
lead led led вести
learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) узнавать, учиться
leave left left оставлять
let let let позволять
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать, заставлять
mean meant meant значить, подразумевать
meet met met встречать
put put put класть
read read read читать
run ran run приводить в движение, бежать
say said said говорить, сказать
see saw seen видеть
send sent sent посылать
set set set помещать, ставить
show showed shown показывать
sit sat sat сидеть
speak spoke spoken говорить, разговаривать
spend spent spent тратить
spread spread spread распространяться)
stand stood stood стоять
strike struck struck(stricken) ударять, бастовать
swing swung swung качать(ся)
tear tore torn разрывать
tell told told рассказывать, сказать
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросать
understand understood understood понимать
wear wore worn носить
win won won выигрывать
write wrote written писать



I am a boy of seventeen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a boy with short black hair, brown eyes. As to my appearance I'm rather tall and slim. I think that I'm calm and modest. I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a good sense of humour. There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is good/

I was born on the 15th of February 1996 in the town of Samara where I live now together with my parents and my two sisters and elder brother. I was born in a family of a builder and a doctor.

I am a pupil of 10 form. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading.

My favourite subjects are English, Russian and literature. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I liked everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them. I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people's hornesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive. I am stubborn at times. Also I never leave things half done. I think I am hard-working and diligent.

Soon (after a one year) I'll pass my final exams at school and after a farewell party at the end of the June I'll say good-bye to my teachers. They help me to chooses my future profession. School is a good place for me. I had made good friends there and met many interesting people.

I had asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to be when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult to give a definite answer. I changed my mind several times. But at the end I realized that my strongest desire was to continue learn foreign languages. I hope my dream will come true. If I fail in my exams I'll try to enter the University again.

And now a few words about my inclinations. I have got a hobby - I'm fond of reading books (also I read books on computer after dowload it from Internet). They give me more knowledge. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling. The time spend on a good book is never wasted. Reading is a rewarding pasting. And of course I like music! I'm fond of modern pop music of nowadays.

Besides, I am a like to go to the cinema. Whenever I have some time to spare, I go to the cinema. I'm not keen on television. Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as football, volleyball. I like to wear shoes, trousers or jeans.

And the last thing I would like to tell you about things I hope to achieve in my life are: after finishing school I try to enter the University, to have a very successful career, to build the home of my dreams and to find someone in my life to share all that with.


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1001

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