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Step two: Believe.


Step two is believe. Believe that it's already yours. Have what I love to call unwavering faith. You must believe that you have received. You must know that what you want is yours the moment you ask. You must have complete and utter faith. If you had placed an order from a catalogue you would relax, know you are going to receive what you ordered, and get on with your life. [Is it hard for you to believe that you have something which in fact you don’t have yet?]

See the things that you want as already yours. Know that they will come to you at need. Then let them come. Don't worry about them. Don't think about your lack of them. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you, as already in your possession.

In the moment you ask, and believe, and know you already have it in the unseen, the entire Universe shifts to bring it into the seen.

You must act, speak, and think, as though you are receiving it now. Why? The Universe is a mirror, and the law of attraction is mir­roring back to you your dominant thoughts.

So doesn't it make sense that you have to see yourself as receiving it? If your thoughts contain noticing you do not have it yet, you will continue to at­tract not having it yet. You must believe you have it already. You must believe you have received it. You have to emit the feeling frequency of having received it, to bring those pictures back as your life. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events, for you to receive.

When you book a vacation, order a brand new car, or buy a house, you know those things are yours. You wouldn't go and book an­other vacation for the same time, or purchase another car or


house. If you won a lottery or received a large inheritance, even before you physically had the money, you know it is yours. That is the feeling of believing it is yours. That is the feeling of

believing you have it already. That is the feeling of believing you have received.

Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events for you to receive.

How do you get yourself to a point of believing? Start make-believing. Be like a child, and make-believe. Act as if you have it already. As you make-believe, you will begin to believe you have received. [How can you do that?]


The Genie is responding to your predominant thoughts all the time, not just in the moment you ask. That's why after you've asked, you must continue to believe and know. Have faith. Your belief that you have it, that undying faith, is your greatest power. When you believe you are receiving, get ready, and watch the magic begin!

Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want, because we can't see how it's going to manifest.

If you do just a little research, it is going to become evident to you that anyone who has ever accomplished anything, did not know how they were going to do it. They only knew they were going to do it. You don't need to know how it's going to come about. You don't need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself. [Why?]

How it will happen, how the Universe will bring it to you, is not your concern or job. Allow the Universe to do it for you. When you are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitting a frequency that contains a lack of faith—that you don't believe you have it already. You think you have to do it and you do not believe the Universe will do it for you. The how is not your part in the Creative Process. You don't know how, it will be shown to you. You will attract the way.

Most of the time, when we don't see the things that we've requested, we get frustrated. We get disappointed. And we begin to become doubtful. The doubt brings a feeling of disappointment. Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize that feeling and replace it with a feeling of unwavering faith. "I know that it's on its way." [Express this idea with other words]


Bible ['baɪbl] Библия mixed перемешанный, смешанный flip перекидывать flip through пролистать, бегло просмотреть unwavering [ʌn'weɪv(ə)rɪŋ]недрогнувший, стойкий, решительный faith [feɪθ] вера utter полный, совершенный lack of smth недостаток the unseen невидимый inheritance [ɪn'herɪtns] наследство evident ['evɪd(ə)nt] явный, очевидный make-believe притворство, притворяться concern проблема; забота disappointment разочарование



Easy Life Homework


1) Read the article and underline new words and phrases that you like

2) 1 new Transsurfing principle

3) Think of the Universe as your catalogue. What do you want?

Draw it somewhere


“Be like a child”

Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1273

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The Creative Process . | Mr Reginald Peacock's Day
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