The low Plans in whole are rupa here forms live.
The forms are replayed by particles Yin absorbing energy (ether). Doing this they thereby fasten all together. By such way it creation of forms happens.
In mechanics there is such concept deformation. This is changing, destruction of the form under effect of some Force.
What bodies are more difficult to deform? Dense, hard. They need to apply the force, and significant. Try to deform a piece of iron! But liquids are deformed very easy blow on it, and there is a ripple on it. And to deform a gas is yet simpler.
But in what is the cause of difference?
An answer is diverse ratio of the particles Yin and Yang.
In liquids the percent of the particles Yang is bigger than in metals. In gases it is bigger than in liquids. And they deform easy because Yang doesnt create connections between itself and others. They only destroy.
In three lower Plans particles Yin dominate in whole. So the matter of these Plans is denser. From the Physical to the Mental a dense falls. This is rupa Plans. Though they have bodies - rupa and arupa.
And in three high Plans the percent of Yang is bigger. This is arupa Plans.
At the Fourth, the Sons are told to create their Images, One-Third refuses. Two obey.
The Curse is pronounced. They will be born in the Fourth, suffer and cause suffering. This is the First War (Stanza 6.5).
This quote has direct relation to the theme of our conversation.
The Sons are energy units, particles.
One-Third refuses this is exactly two high Plans of six. In them the percent of particles Yang is the largest.
Two obey forms of the Universe first of all are built of the Physical, Astral, Mental, Buddhic and Atmic Plans.
In the forth kingdom (human) two higher Plans will begin gradually to join i.e. will born.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 909