The image of Buddha in Buddhism also is symbolic as the image of Christ in Christianity.
Buddha - is awakened one. It is almost the same as the buddhi - Awakening, the first thought of the One, Impersonal (Brahman) after waking up, i.e. during the transition from Manvantara into Pralaya.
Buddha (Buddha) - is the same as the Buddhi – the Mind, Divine Thought, Spirit, is embodied in the Matter.
Buddha plays the role of the Male Principle generating this phenomenal world.
Christ in Christianity has the same symbolic function - the male principle, married to the female principle - the Church of Christ, with the result that there is this phenomenal world.
Buddha and Christ – are the symbols of the Spirit manifested in the Matter. Buddha was suffering in this world. But the Noble Eightfold Path saved him from suffering and led to Nirvana.

Christ suffered on the cross, but after his death, he ascended and was in the Paradise.

And in fact, in both cases, the sufferings in this phenomenal world are completed by liberation and peace.
The Ascension of Christ and the Buddha’s entry into Nirvana – are the symbols of achieving by them, each in his life, the state that the Bible called as the Apocalypse.
The Apocalypse - is the salvation of the Human Consciousness from the clutches of material existence, Getaway, "Exodus from bondage in Egypt".
The period of mass achievements of such an existence within the boundaries of the universe is called by the Bible "the Millennial Kingdom of the Saints". This is not immersion into Pralaya. No, Pralaya will follow later, when - is unknown. When the purpose of the God will be completed.
Obviously, Buddha and Christ were done the symbols by those people who made biographies of real personalities, who wore these names.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 790