In the end it's time to talk about the third aspect of the Creator (Thinking Substance) about the Soul.
In our view, in the occult and religious texts and scriptures the most attention is directed to this hypostasis of God and the most information is devoted to it.
About the second aspect of the Spirit also it is said a lot, but about the Soul a little more.
Scientists also say a lot about it, though they do not realize that they are talking exactly about that.
So what is the Soul?
As many times we have repeated this is the special formation in the body of Space, the perturbation in it.
This is a sphere in the center of which there is the emergence of the Spirit, and in the periphery its destruction.
That's such amazing "Something" this Soul, or rather, the Souls, which in the vast, incredibly huge number the Nature creates in itself and from itself.
But what is the kind of perturbation, what is the true essence of what we call the Soul, we dont know.
When occult books talk about the Third Aspect, first, they call the Center of Force itself that has the ability to create and destroy the Spirit.
And second, they give the different names for the Spirit itself, appearing and disappearing in each particle.
So when we talk about the Third Hypostasis the Soul, at the same time mention and the Second the Spirit. And this is quite true, as the Second Person of God is the cause of the Third.
The primary component of the Soul is the Spirit that saturates it and adds hardness. Therefore, we first list the synonyms for the Soul as a whole. And then again we will repeat those concepts that characterize the Spirit in the Soul.
As the Souls of the Universe make Seven basic types at each level of each Plan, very often they have a particular name or definition, combined with the number Seven.
Soul, Third Hypostasis (Third Aspect), the Son of the Light (used for the naming of the Spirit and Soul), Jiva, Dhyan Chohan, Sephiroth, Lipika, Pitris (Lunar and Solar,) Brothers (Seven Brothers), Rishi (Seven Rishis of the Great Bear), Sisters (The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades), Principles (Seven Principles), Kumara, Deva, Sura, Asura, Dayitas, Aditya, Danava, Gandharva, Angels of the Throne, Supremacies, Hierarchies, Beginnings, Cherubims, Seraphims, Demons, Army of the Voice, Legion, Rupa, Arupa, Oeaohoo Junior, Not-Eternal Germ, Fire (Light) of Brahma, the Sons of the Sun, the Seven Creative Armies, Seven Builders, Seven Supreme Lords, Seven Truths, The Seven Great Causes of Misery, Seven Days of Creation (Seven Periods or Cycles), Seven Breaths of Dragon of Wisdom, Seven Seeds, Seven Worlds of Maya, the Seven Hierarchies, Shimmering Seven, Mind-born Sons, The Seven Lives, Beaming Sons of Dawn of Manvantara, Messenger of Gods, sparks, flames, Ah-hi, Force Centers, force, Energy, elementary particles, Elements, Elements, Atoms, Monads, Chakras, Bindu, Firing Vortices, Dharma, Laya Centers, Wheels, Serpents, Dragons, Shadow of God, Reflection of God, Mirror of God, Wicks, Clots in the Ocean of Milk, Caviar, which is spawned by the Fire Fish of Life (Fish Grains of Life), Numbers, Sons of the Earth and the Sons of Fire (Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit, Cain and Abel, Shiva and Brahma, Creators and Destroyers).
We included here also the names for the Spirit in the Soul. But we will list them again separately.
Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, a whirlwind of fire, Snake, biting its own tail, the Dragons of Wisdom, Lucifer, Kundalini (Fire Serpent) Fohat, Antahkarana, Bridge connecting the Spirit with the Soul, Ray of Light, Seven Ways to Bliss, Wheel, Circle, Breath of Dragon of Wisdom, Sutrama, Thread of Life, The Thread between the Silent Witness and his Shadow, Flame, The Stream of Consciousness.
The Fabric, which is spun by the Mother and Father, the World Egg, Gold Egg, Hiranyagarbha, Sien-Tchan, Maya, Illusion, Space of Light, Svabhâvat, Hierarchies of Forms, the Universe the Son of Necessity these are concepts and definitions that describe the Universe as a whole. This is only a modest portion of all titles that we can found in the esoteric and the scientific literature. You can train yourself to find these synonyms.
The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things so ever [the Father] doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. (The New Testament, the Gospel of John, Ch. 5:19).