A growing number of scientists begin to consider with attention to the concept of existence of human "I" after death. However, the fact of life after death is not scientifically confirmed. What does it mean "not scientifically confirmed"?
This means that any person with photo or video camera (or any other instrument fixing light or electromagnetic waves) do not dead, and then returned - that is, came to life and showed everybody what he (she) saw. Science is serious about only to such evidence.
Such experiments would never be enforced. Death is a separation of bodies consisting of elementary particles of different plans, integrated during life into a single whole - in the body. That is, life itself - is a rationing of unity of the particles of different quality.
If we accept that human "I" is the body of very low density, then an instrument that registers events must be the same, rarefied body. Perhaps the human "I" guiding the human organism during the life and separated from the physical body after death - this is the most accurate, reliable device, storing in memory all that happens to us, whether we are alive (connected with the dense body) or "in other world" (separated from the physical body).
The problem is that human "I" is not able to transfer to other human "I" memories of the post-mortem existence by technical means. Because devices are the dense bodies deprived of elementary particles of Astral, Mental, Buddhic or even higher plans. And science can’t create a transducer of signals of these Plans into signals of the Physical Plan. It should be noted that a similar natural transformer - is the human body.
Therefore, in order to make sure in reality of life after death, people need to improve not a technology, but their own bodies.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 946