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Christ and Antichrist, Heaven and Hell, Baptism by Fire and Baptism by Water, Spirit and Matter – all these are from the series indicating to the paires of opposites.

The word “Christianity” has a double meaning.

From one side, this is alive person, holy, Mahatma, who passed through all five Initiations, and acquired during this way the status of Superhuman and Ascended Teacher.

From other side – it’s a symbol of Spirit, Light, Fire, Father.

Often, in New Testament, you can meet a statement that Christos is the Son of God.

All is true. Under the “Son of God” should be understood the repetition in miniature the image of God – all six Plans are merged together in the body of Christ.

Christ is the symbol of Spirit. The concept “Spirit”, as you remember, can be used in general meaning, as an indication on spilled in the Space Spirit, or the Spirit - it's the particles with Fields of Repulsion, Yan.

By irony of fate, but most probably, just because of misunderstanding true sense of occult concepts, Lucifer in Christianity is opposed to Christ and identified with his antipode – Antichrist.

But Lucifer is just an analog of Christ. Explanation of meaning the concept “Lucifer” as an antagonist of Christ is erroneous.

The Church, Bride of Christ, should be considered as a symbol of Matter – in this case as elementary particles with Fields of Attraction, Yin.

But the Bride of Christ – is the Matter deprived of her dominated position. She is led by the Christ – i.e. the Spirit.

There is one more concept in the Christianity that is opposite to Christ – it's Antichrist. So what it represents?

The Antichrist – it’s the same Matter. However unlike the Bride of Christ, it keeps Human’s “I” in prisoner.

The Antichrist – it’s the “Beast”, animal principle of human organism, three sixes (666), three Plans – Physical, Astral and Mental – enslaving the human Soul, the body of Buddhic Plan.

Christos constitutes the Savior of human “I” from the yoke of unenlightened Matter, Antichrist. The Christ – is two highest Plans – Atmic and Monadic – spiritual principle as in relation to three lowest Plans, and to the Human Consciousness, related with the Buddhic Plan.

Hell and Heaven are the States of Consciousness.

Hell – it’s an identification of Human “I” with material principle, sensation of its headship and insubordination.

The feeling of “Hell” is tightly connected with awakening in person of “Beast”, animal nature, Antichrist.

In exactly the same way the Heaven – it’s the state of Human Consciousness. It’s possible to be in Paradise in disembodied state, or don't breaking the connection with dense body.

The last corresponds to Buddhist “Staying in Nirvana”. Power over the Matter, control above the animal principle. At same time, the Matter doesn’t just control. No, she is dissolved in the Spirit, identified with him, she is his part and indivisible whole. We can say that the power is given voluntarily, and the union is based on the love. In accordance with the Law of Identification, the subjection of the largest Force (Information) happens. This means is considered the most important and valuable the information, which is transmitted by the most strong particles Yan, i.e. emitting the Ether with the biggest speed. If to speak by cleanly occult language (not adding the scientific terminology), then such particles can be described as having the most strong and most thin vibrations.

“To take the Christ in the heart” means to identified own inferior material ”I” (the heart is the symbol of Astral Principle) with the highest, spiritual Plans, presented in the body, consisting of lager amount of particles Yan. These higher Plans – it’s the Christ for the inferior Plans. Information of the higher Plans affects on the information of inferior – and rebuilds by such way the lower bodies-shells.

Human's Soul (shell, consisting of the particles of Buddhic Plan), experiencing such transforming influence from the direction of the Spirit (Christ), becomes by occult “saved”, and it can consider as “staying in Paradise”.

If the material principle in human doesn’t subordinate and is an independent Power, able to direct the actions and acts of person, then it can consider that Human Soul “has got to Hell”.

As you remember, in accordance with the Law of Identification, the last taken information has the most importance. And this state of “most importance” is saved until, up this arrived into particles information not “canceled” the new, more valuable one.

From this it follows the conclusion, relating to the postmortem existence of person.

The state of Human Consciousness, which was typical for him during the life, persists by him as the managing, dominant and after death until, another, stronger Energy-Information will affect on him.

What is this more “strong Information”?

These are the bodies of essences living in the space, on more high Plans, and containing bigger percent of the particles Yan. They with bigger speed emit Information – i.e. Ether.

All as regards the questions of interaction of Energies-Informations, is extremely important for understanding the main points that happens at “Initiations”.

But it’s not only for this. In surrounding us life we constantly meet with demonstrations of Law of Identification. We need to learn to differentiate these various manifestations and calmly observe them, and also as far as possible to control them.

Because of mentioned conservation after death last lifetime states, probably most of stories about experience of Human Soul, “getting after death or in Heaven, or in Hell” , can be considered enough truthful.

But you must also remember about the fact that any one of after-death states is not constant. As already was said, if a particle is influenced new, more powerful Information, its condition changes. Probably so when the person just has died or is dying, to him invite the people, who can affect well on the Human Consciousness, remove from it negative memories – loving close familiars and friends, relatives, shamans, priests). Therefore the ritual of absolution, repentance exists – this clears the Soul, and it goes to “free life” – into another world - clean, devoid of chaining it false (sinful) program of behavior.

Human Soul after death in the most measure will gravitate to those Plans that are more strongly influence on it during the life.

After-death existence of Human “I” is fully determinated by its Karma, his Chronic of Akasha, that Information, which impressed in the particles of Human Consciousness at his life.

That’s why so useful for our Soul an influence all of higher, that helping us to go out the frameworks of trivial state.

Of course, it does not mean, that contact with three lowest Plans is harmful. Not in the least.

However you should realize that Physical Plan, Astral and Mental before others begin to participate in constructing of Kingdoms of Nature: Physical Plan before than Astral, Astral before than Mental, Mental before than Buddhic, Buddhic later than Atmic. And Monadic Plan enters in this process after all, because it is saturated by particles Yan more than all others. And the speed of emitting of Ether by particles of this Plan is biggest.

Can say that lower Plans personified the history of Earth (and not only of Earth, but in general, in oecumenical scales), the history of formation and evolution the life on it. So it’s naturally to suppose, that low Plans – are carriers of more earlier, more primitive information.


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 875

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