Very often, plunging into the thoughts about this manifested Universe, we can be unhappy and disappointed by dictates of the laws of the Spirit, Soul and Matter. Distant goals of the Creative Space are incomprehensible for people. We do not know where it came from, what constitutes, where is located and whether it is appropriate in relation to this "Something" in general, any discussion about the boundaries and whereabouts.
Why is this space, which we are part, follows the path of creating a "Holy Trinity" – that is, Matter, Spirit and elementary particles (the Souls, which are the result of combining the first two). This way is such difficult and thorny.
Organisms - the result of combining the particles of different quality and different plans - appreciate in the first place only their own existence.
Why the Space could not create beings already in the form that would be needed? What for all this violence, all these births and deaths, pain and suffering? Yes, they are, but for what all this? Why the Space could not do, creating a phenomenal world, without all this? Maybe this manifested Universe - is not the only variant and were, and will be different?
Why Space "ventured" all this "epopee" with the existence of particles of different quality. Fields of Attraction and Repulsion - these are the mechanisms of convergence with each other and further away of particles and chemical elements. But why the Space, if it is able to create ether ad centers of power, needs these fields for the connection and disconnection of the particles?
Why, for what it's all invented and exists, and who is the "author" of this cruel world? Is it impossible to do without all of this imperfection?
But as a rule, to replace these puzzled thoughts the ideas come about the nature of Space itself.
Maybe this version of the manifested universe is not forever? Maybe this variant with all its Laws of Involution and Evolution, Attraction and Repulsion and the devouring by one kingdom another - it is really just one of the options? And were another Universes before, and others will be after that?
And the Space is just playing with itself. Maybe these "games" – are the only thing for which it exists, the only "occupation", which is available to it? Maybe these "games" - a natural activity of this Something - an act of ceaseless enjoying the fact that it first creates and then destroys?
We accept the laws of the universe as a given. We even there is no doubt in the fact that everything is as it should be. But it may be, that Space "having played enough" this version of the Universe, "erase" all existing elementary particles and then "come up with" something new.
What if in the new version of the Universe will not be anything familiar - no chemical elements and elementary particles, or celestial bodies, no plants, no animals, no people, no women, no men, no kids? Someone will say: "But how is that possible?" But it tells in us the familiar, well-established worldview. We do not know all capabilities of this Space. We do not even guess...
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 920