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Let us ask the following series of questions.

Why it’s occurs the emergence of organisms in which are combined elementary particles (Souls) of different Plans?

Why on the Earth there appear the Kingdoms of Nature?

Why, year after year, century after century, millennium after millennium happens the formation of various types of organisms of living beings – minerals, plants, animals, people, superhumans?

What causes the particles to seek to each other in search of what we call the “incarnation”?

We want to ask you a basic question – why are we born?

Why is at people, for example, all this endless process of generational change?

Why doesn’t stop the process of birth of more and more new organized systems (organisms)?

How does function all this mechanism of Life?

In order to adequately answer these questions, we must begin with the fact that only particles Yin (absorbing the Spirit who is also the Information) are able to consistently perceive other Information (the Spirit), even outside of the state of transformation of inherent quality (the so-called recovery of Kundalini).

While the particles Yang (emitting the Spirit) are capable of a similar perception of extraneous Information (Energy, Spirit) only in cases when there is a transformation of their quality, that is, when they receive the excess Spirit (Ether, Information).

The “Methods” of Transformation (Evolution) are described in detail in the book “Ethereal mechanics” – http://smashwords.com/profile/view/danina ; http://newezo.ru). This book exists on the Russian now, but in the next two months will be translated into English.

Since the particles Yin do not emit the Spirit outside the transformed state, therefore, the main source of external Energy-Information for any particle Yin – are the particles Yang.

However, in the bodies the all particles – and the Yin and Yang – have access to the Information of each other.

Let us formulate a Law that will help us answer all the questions posed above, and which is the basis of building the Logoic Plan. That is the comprehensive and unifying together the particles of different simple Plans (which, you know, are six).

We will call this innovation by the Law of Identification “I” with “Not-I”.

Or you can say a little differently – the Law of Identity “I” and “Not-I”.

Choose to your taste, the names are equal.

And the "I" and "Not-I" in this case – are synonyms of Soul, an elementary particle. It’s a Consciousness, Spirit, manifested in the Matter.

The only difference between them lies in the fact that “I” – is a Soul, a particle of which is said in the first person.

While "Not-I" – it's all the other Souls, considered in relation to it as external.

Any of the existing elementary particles can be viewed from the perspective of "I". And then all the other particles will act in relation to it as a "Non-I". We can assume that this is all the conventions, explained by the features of the observer's position, and no more.

A hint to the existence of this Law, you can find in the works of Alice Bailey, which she performed under the leadership of the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul. In particular, the reference of the happening identification of "I" with "Not-I" can be found in the pages of the second volume of “Esoteric Psychology” (the author – A. Bailey).

In addition to the Law of Attraction, the Law of Repulsion, and the Law of Transformation of the Quality, of which we in detail tell in the book “Ethereal mechanics” and that lie at the heart of physics, chemistry and astronomy, this Law of Identity is as versatile as these three. Although it does not manifest itself directly and visually accessible. But the consequences of its actions each of us can feel on self.

It is responsible for the state of consciousness of elementary particles, and is the basis of science psychology, which is still very poorly developed (in comparison to the kind of real development it can get in the future).

Any elementary particle stores information about everything that happened to it from the very beginning of its existence. This Memory of particle – is its Karma, its Chronicle, the Record.

Lipika, which are known in the occult as chroniclers of Genesis, it is the elementary particles, the souls, of which we speaks her.

If any particles absorb the Energy (Information) emitted by other particles, so it captures a Memory of it, takes over the Spirit of this particle, writes a Chronicle of it. After such "absorption" occurs what is called an “extension of consciousness” of the particle swallowed the information.

The absorbing particle begins to identify itself with the particle whose information it absorbed. A particle whose information this particle has perceived becomes to the first one like a part of that. It does not make a distinction between itself and another particle, previously alien to it. “Not-I” becomes the part of "I".

Information – this is the Spirit, and each turn of the Spirit in the Soul (the particle) stores information about the location of a particle in the Space, and of its surroundings.

And the Spirit that lies at the heart of every Soul, and which records information on the Spatial Basis, makes no distinction between himself – that is, the Spirit (Information) of the own particle and the Spirit of other particles, which Spirit was absorbed by its particle.

That's the uniqueness of the universe.

This Law indicates that everything around is the whole one and comes together, in general, from a single source.

Pay attention to this expression – “to take over the Spirit”. Very often in the creative world of art speak about the perception of some image, some idea. It just refers to the process of absorption of external Spirit.

This amazing Law is as unique as laws of mechanics.

But we should not mix the action of the Laws of Attraction and Repulsion on the one hand and the Law of Identification with the other. These Laws are devoted to different moments of Genesis.

And common between them is that all they manifest themselves in elementary particles. The desire to incarnation should not be confused with the pursuit of the particles get closer to each other (with gravity). And a weak will to materialize should not be equated to the tendency of the particles to repel each other (i.e. with anti-gravity).

If after “absorption of the energy” the contact of the particles was interrupted –the particle which has absorbed information ceases to receive it - it will consider it as a loss of self. It from now will never forget about happened union with another particle, whose Ether she took. And all of the remaining time of its life, until the next Mahapralaya, it will remember about the incident contact, as it now considers a particle whose information it absorbed as part of itself. And it will seek to the former connection. Although, as you'll see on later, it's not as easy as it might seem.

The loss occurred one day contact with the outside Energy-Information is considered by the particle as a loss of the former integrity.

It seems unreal, strange that these invisible, tiny particles of the Being can experience something like this.

This seems unbelievable but it is true.

Their sense of loss is the basis and the reason of so familiar to us the feelings of loss, loneliness, longing for the lost. This situation is the root of our sadness and desire to Unearthly. Reunion, restoring the interrupted contact with the same source of information gives the particles that absorb this energy, joy. Even just the thought of a possible perception of some lost energy is happy for the particle.

Particle will be happy of the contact with any Energy (however, as you will see later, there are exceptions).

Similarly, absorbing particle saddens communication gap with any energy.

However, the elementary particles in the Universe are myriads of myriads. And so the contacts with the new Energies drown the pain of the break old ties. Meetings and partings, joy, sadness – all are as we, the people. This is not surprising, because we are made up of elementary particles (Souls).

Accordingly, the particles Yang in this endless melodrama of meetings and farewells are a bit aloof. This especially applies to the particles Yang of three Upper Plans – Buddhic, Atmic and Monadic, 4th, 3th and 2th - where the particles Yang are numerically dominant over Yin particles and where the value of the speed of emission of Energy (Information-Ether) is highest (it increases from the lower to the higher Plans).

Just the particles Yang emitting the Ether, in the greatest measure eschew the incarnation. At the very least, they will not ever be able to become the centers of attraction, collecting around them other particles, in contrast to the particles Yin, for which a similar process (forming) – is their essential feature.

In any, the smallest conglomerate of the particles there is the transformation of all the particles in its composition. This means that into the particles enters the external Ether moving from the periphery toward the center. Moreover, those particles Yang (emitting Ether), which are located on the periphery are able to transmit their information (Spirit) to the particles near the center.

Thus, all particles in the body begin to identify themselves with those particles Yang, which are located with respect to them closer to the periphery.

Some conglomerates of particles, exchanging by particles Yang or simply by acting on one another with the Ether emitted by them, inform each other about themselves.

Now you can imagine the scale of happening in the Universe of the exchange of information and the striving to the Identification of the "I" with the "Not-I".


Date: 2015-01-11; view: 980

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Quot;“I exist, supporting this whole world by one part of myself” (Bhagavad-gita, 10:42). | THE RULE OF SUBORDINATION OF THE MATTER (PARTICLES YIN) TO THE SPIRIT (PARTICLES YAN), AND OF THE LOWER TO THE HIGHER (IN THE CONGLOMERATES);
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