Three main Rays - 1 (Will), 2 (Love) and 3 (Active Intelligence) correspond to the three basic colors that exist in the Universe - red, yellow and blue.
As is known, all of the existing elementary particles (Souls) are characterized by one of these three colors, each of which indicates the amount of created Ether per unit of time (speed of creation).
Ray 1 corresponds to red, Ray 2 - yellow, Ray 3 - blue.
Besides of the three major rays, there are 4 additional. All four are synthetic. Three of them consist of two colors (Rays), and the fourth - of the six - three major and three additional ones.
5 Ray (Concrete Knowledge or Science) corresponds to the green. It consists of the second and third Rays, of yellow and blue colors.
6 Ray (Devotion or Idealism) is orange.
It consists of yellow and red, of the second and the first Rays.
7 Ray (Order and Ceremonial Magic) is a purple color. It consists of red and blue colors, of the first and the third Rays.
4 Ray (Harmony through conflict) its a synthetic Ray, a spectrum, a synthesis of all six colors. It composes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple colors, which is nothing else than the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Rays.
And in this synthetic 4 Ray the forming it Rays-colors do not blend, each retains its identity.
The quote from "Esoteric Psychology", Volume 1, Alice Bailey:
A. The Three Rays of Aspect.
We shall now express the ray purpose in the form of an ancient teaching preserved on leaves that are so old that the writing is slowly fading. I now translate it into modern language though much is lost thereby.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1175