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Let us once again look at the diagram of manifestation of this Universe.
The Matter – is the First Cosmic Logos, that ball unimaginable proportions that appears inside the Space, that Cosmic Egg, symbolized in the esoteric by the circle without a point. Within this world and will happen hereinafter all cosmic processes and phenomena, will develop the Life.

The Second Cosmic Logos - this is an indication that the Spirit was born in the Matter, and now they are two.

And finally, the Third Cosmic Logos – this is the Matter, giving birth to the Souls inside itself with help of the Spirit. The Souls are Yin and Yang.

Logos - it's just a name for a particular state of Space. Let's talk about the Second and Third Space Logos.

The moment came when in the First Cosmic Logos in the "empty" space, in the Matter, the Spirit arose, rather, many Spirits.

The Spirit did not come freely, but in the Souls.

This is a shift of the First Logos in the status of the Second, and the Third, what is going on at the same time.

Every Spirit that arose in Matter, became the basis for the emergence of the Soul.

And there was an association of Spirit and Matter in the Souls. "Father" and "Mother" "born" "Children".

Matter, Spirit and Soul - Mother, Father and Baby - together constitute "the very same" Holy Trinity, the object of religious worship.



It is an esoteric view of the process of emergence of the manifested Universe. And the scientific understanding of this process is as follows.

Once unimaginably long time ago (in human notions) the Space changed.
In this simple and familiar word - "change" - hidden all secret sense of how the Matter internally transformed to become outwardly visible, manifested.

And it is this altered state of Matter in the occultism and call the Spirit.
The Matter was to give birth to the Spirit (Energy) – i.e. in it began to emerge some particular state, the essence of which are beyond of our understanding.

The Spirit formed - "Centers of Creation", "Building Units of the Universe", "Touch Points by the Creator himself inside", "Power Centers".

These are different names for one and the same.

Democritus, thinking about the world, supposed their existence and called these power centers by the Atoms - indivisible particles. And he was right about their indivisibility.

Buddha also mentioned that all things are composed of some "dharma". Apparently, by that he meant all the same centers of power.

Thus, well known to us, "Elementary Particles", "chakras", "atoms" and "dharma" - are synonyms.



One could come up of and find still a lot of other symbolic expressions for these amazing formations that arose once in the space and exist since. However, any of them would be powerless to give at least some information about the deep essence of that unknown "something".

In science, by the "atoms" are called chemical elements. Recall that the "Atom" is translated as "indivisible". When they began to open up and explore the chemical elements, they was considered those same indivisible elementary units, the existence of which spoke the ancient Greek philosophers. And because they have appropriated the name of "Atoms".

In our series of books the concept of "Atom" is equivalent to the concept of "elementary particle", and the chemical element and is called - "chemical element", or just - "element".

It is difficult to talk about any structure of elementary particles. We're talking about the structure of something, if it incorporates more smaller structural units.

Particle – is a holistic structure. It's not even the structure, but simply an area of the space, "the material point".

"Point of contact" of the Creator-Space itself.

The Spirit - is the foundation and filling the Souls. He - is their source.

The main synonym for esoteric concept "Spirit" should be considered another esoteric term - "ether" which, according to the ideas of philosophical and theosophical thinkers fills the entire Universe.

The notion of the "Spirit" is also consistent with such occult terms as "Father", "Brahma" (this, along with Vishnu and Shiva, one of the hypostases of the Hindu Triune God), "Heaven", Fohat, Purusha, Breath of Heaven, Breath of Life, Nefesh, "Light".

The transition the Space from the state of the First Logos in the state of the Second and Third Logos - this is the moment when the particles started to create ether and destroy it.

It can be assumed that the Spirit is precisely thereby "Einstein space" (that fills the real space), which, as Einstein believed, can be bent. Space itself (Matter, the First Logos) is not bent - it still. But the Spirit emitted and absorbed by the elementary particles, is able to "flow", which he does. The Ether emitted and absorbed by the particles - this is the Spirit flowing in the Space.

A hint of what in the Space “something” (the Spirit) is flowing we can find in the esoteric literature in the form of references to the "Prana" - some kind of very thin, ultra-light, radiant substance that is able to pass from body to body, filling the entire Universe. Another name for the Spirit – “Qi”, anyway - "Chi".

Let's talk a little bit more about what the Spirit - is Light. From a scientific point of view, "the Light" - is visible photons that are moving from having emitted or reflected their body and getting into our visual analyzers, cause a visual sensation that we call the light. However, the real cause of visual perception is the ether emitted by particles that get into the visual analyzer.

Thus, Ether (Spirit) - this is the "light" in the broad sense of the word.

Exactly about this "light" (i.e. the Ether, Spirit) is said in the First Book of Moses (Genesis 1:3): "And God said, Let there be light. And there was light".

Elementary particles can be viewed symbolically as the "building blocks" of that are building "the Temple of the Manifested Universe".

Hence, it becomes clear why to describe the stages of human knowledge and the development the Masonic symbolism has been used. "Mason" is translated from French as "bricklayer".

Elementary particles - these are the same "stones" from which Freemasons strive to build the "Temple" - the body of the manifested Universe.

In a narrow sense, the Masons – are people embarked on the path of initiation, i.e. on the path of Christ, Buddha and other great Teachers.

In a wider sense, Freemasonry can be regarded as a symbol of the totality of existing in the Universe the living organized systems.

Each one of us – is a builder and stonemason. Any representative of any Kingdom of Nature - is a Mason. Minerals, plants, animals – all are Masons, as strange as it may sound.

Scientists and still are busy looking for candidates for the role of "basic elements" which make up all that is in the universe. There is no doubt that the only suitable candidates for this role are elementary particles - the Souls.

The totality of Souls, existing in the Universe, along with Ether (Spirit), created and destroyed in them, forms the Soul of the World - Anima Mundi.

At the end of every Christian prayer we use the following expression: "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

This can be attributed to a number of inaccurate phrases. And all because, the concept of "Father" in this case symbolizes the Mother, the Matter, the Original Substance, the First Aspect of God. The concept of the "Son" is a Soul. But the "Holy Spirit" - it is precisely the "Spirit", the Second Aspect, the Light.

The Matter in this prayer afterword is not mentioned. This is not surprising, given for what period of human history had the formation of Christianity. The concept of "matter" is synonymous with the concept of "Mother" - that is, feminine. In the harsh patriarchy the feminine principle entirely subordinate and enslave, hence the neglect of him by the fathers of the Christian church.

Therefore more accurate to say: "In the Name of the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," where the Holy Spirit - the Father. Or you can like this: "In the Name of the Mother, the Father and the Son." But why is in the name of the Son, and not of the Daughter? Even better: "In the name of the Mother, the Father, and of their Child."

What are the Spirit and Soul? With what can they be compared?
First, in no case can’t give them the features of something eternal, permanent. The only eternal substance that exists in the Universe - it is the very Space, the Matter. While the Spirit (Ether) and Souls (elementary particles), as already mentioned, are the altered state of Space, disturbance in it.



The Spirit can remotely compare with ripples on the surface of the pond. Although, of course, the Spirit does not a ripple. It is ephemeral, immaterial and illusory. A Ripple distorts the shape of the water surface, but the water of a run down the waves, still remains the water. The same applies to the Spirit. It distorts the state of the Space, but the Space does not cease to be itself. The particles - is also a "ripple", but of a different kind than the ether.

And yet, in spite of the illusory nature of Spirit and Soul, for us, creatures built from them, they are more than real.

We call the elementary particles and chemical elements of science "stuff." However, the real materiality has only the Space itself. Particles are as ephemeral as the ether. That is why the world of what we call "substance" and “matter” - the world of Spirit and formed by it Souls – is considered in esoteric literature as the world of maya, illusion.

Spare a thought:

We and the whole world around us like the whole Universe - it's just a disturbance in the space. And the Space itself - this is the only thing that creates us, by what (or whom) "we live and move and have our being". And the true and profound nature of this Space is yet closed to the human understanding.



You can’t assume that the particle and the Ether were once created by God (the Mmother), after which "he" (“she”) left them "at rest" and they are in themselves, and the Creator itself.

No. These centers have emerged and continue to exist, thanks to unceasing "creativity" of the First Logos. Will stop this creative act – will stop their existence.

Every millimeter of the space, regardless of created by it in itself elementary particles and ether, has a mind, consciousness. The whole universe is reasonable, and not just us humans.

But let us return once more to the "dispute of the models of space" – Euclidean-Newton space and Einstein space.

In something relatively the basic structure of the Universe, Einstein was right. The "something" that exists in Space (the Spirit) is in a mobile state, and can be bent.

But as the Space itself is not bent, the shortest distance in it between the two points - a segment on the line. Therefore, should not be questioning the Euclidean geometry – the science is engaged the studying of methods and patterns of measurements of space and matter. But the measurement of the segments with curves should be regarded as erroneous.

Science through any technical means, in the laboratory, will never be able to directly understand the nature of the Ether and elementary particles. Only indirectly, by studying the interaction of the particles with each other.

But the very human mind, the human "I" can come close to solving this greatest of mysteries - to the knowledge of the essence of the Creator, creating us in itself and of itself.

When you look at the surrounding bodies, constantly keep in mind that there is nothing but elementary particles (Souls) of varying quality and the Ether (the Spirit), penetrating particles, created by them and disappearing into them.

“There is no spoon…”.





Finally it's time to talk about the third aspect of the Creator (Thinking Substance) – the Soul.

In our view, this hypostasis of God is given the most attention and is devoted to the most information in the occult and religious texts and scriptures.

Of the second aspect of the Spirit also is said a lot, but still a bit more about the Soul.

Scientists also say a lot about it, though, and do not realize that they are talking exactly about that.

So what is a Soul?

As many times has been repeated this is the special formation in the body of Space, the perturbation in it.

This is a sphere in the center of which is the emergence of the Spirit, and in the periphery – its destruction.

That's such amazing "Something" this Soul, or rather, the Souls, which in the vast, incredibly huge number the Nature creates in itself and of itself.

But what is the kind of perturbation, what is the true essence of what we call the Soul, we don’t know.

When occult books are talking about the Third Aspect, first, to call the Center of Force itself that has the ability to create and destroy the Spirit.

And secondly, give the different names for the Spirit itself, appearing and disappearing in each particle.

So when talk about the Third Hypostasis – the Soul, at the same time mention and the Second – the Spirit. And this is quite true, as the Second Person of God – is the cause of the Third.

The main component of the Soul – is the Spirit that it saturates and hardens (adds hardness). Therefore, we first make a list of synonyms for the Soul as a whole. And then again repeat those concepts that characterize the Spirit in the Soul.

As the Souls of the Universe make Seven basic types at each level of each of the Seven Plans, very often they are given a particular name or definition, combined with the number Seven.

Soul, Third Hypostasis (Third Aspect), the Son of the Light (used for the naming of the Spirit and Soul), Jiva, Dhyan Chohan, Sephiroth, Lipika, Pitris (Lunar and Solar,) Brothers (Seven Brothers), Rishi (Seven Rishis of the Great Bear), Sisters (The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades), Principles (Seven Principles), Kumara, Deva, Sura, Asura, Dayitas, Aditya, Danava, Gandharva, Angels of the Throne, Supremacies, Hierarchies, Beginnings, Cherubims, Seraphims, Demons, Army of the Voice, Legion, Rupa, Arupa, Oeaohoo Junior, Not-Eternal Germ, Fire (Light) of Brahma, the Sons of the Sun, the Seven Creative Armies, Seven Builders, Seven Supreme Lords, Seven Truths, The Seven Great Causes of Misery, Seven Days of Creation (Seven Periods or Cycles), Seven Breaths of Dragon of Wisdom, Seven Seeds, Seven Worlds of Maya, the Seven Hierarchies, Shimmering Seven, Mind-born Sons, The Seven Lives, Beaming Sons of Dawn of Manvantara, Messenger of Gods, sparks, flames, Ah-hi, Force Centers, force, Energy, elementary particles, Elements, Elements, Atoms, Monads, Chakras, Bindu, Firing Vortices, Dharma, Laya Centers, Wheels, Serpents, Dragons, Shadow of God, Reflection of God, Mirror of God, Wicks, Clots in the Ocean of Milk, Caviar, which is spawned by the Fire Fish of Life (Fish Grains of Life), Numbers, Sons of the Earth and the Sons of Fire (Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit, Cain and Abel, Shiva and Brahma, Creators and Destroyers).

The composition of this list, we included also the names for the Spirit in the Soul. But let them even separately.

Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, a whirlwind of fire, Snake, biting its own tail, the Dragons of Wisdom, Lucifer, Kundalini (Fire Serpent) Fohat, Antahkarana, Bridge connecting the Spirit with the Soul, Ray of Light, Seven Ways to Bliss, Wheel, Circle, Breath of Dragon of Wisdom, Sutrama, Thread of Life, The Thread between the Silent Witness and his Shadow, Flame, The Stream of Consciousness.

The Fabric, which is spun by the Mother and Father, the World Egg, Gold Egg, Hiranyagarbha, Sien-Tchan, Maya, Illusion, Space of Light, Svabhâvat, Hierarchies of Forms, the Universe – the Son of Necessity – these are concepts and definitions that describe the Universe as a whole. This is not all, there is only a small part of all the titles that can be found in the esoteric and the scientific literature. You can train yourself to find these synonyms.

“The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things so ever [the Father] doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” (The New Testament, the Gospel of John, Ch. 5:19).




1) "Universal Mind was not, for there were no Ah-hi to contain it." (Stanza 1.3).

Universal Mind – is the Cosmic Consciousness, the Second Aspect of God, Ah-hi (senzar.) – these are the Souls, Serpents, Dragons of Wisdom, the elementary particles that contain Mind, filled with them.


2) “The Seven Ways to Bliss were not The Great Causes of Misery were not, for there was no one to produce and get ensnared by them..” (Stanza 1.4).

The ultimate goal of the existence of our world is the union of information and identification of all with all.

All six Plans and all six main types of Souls should be merged together.
Thus are born the Mahatma – The Great Soul.

And the more of these creatures will be eventually in the Universe, the closer the world would be to the ultimate goal of existence.

Bliss, Nirvana – this is the final outcome of this world.

And each type of Soul is conventionally referred as the Way to Bliss.

The Spirit flowing through the Soul, it is the Way.

On the other hand, all the time, that the universe is moving towards the ultimate goal, accompanied by the inevitable Suffering of imperfect beings born in it and dying quickly because of their imperfections. That is why these same Seven basic types of Souls have another name – "The great causes of Misery". Experiencing pain, everything in this world is moving towards perfection.


3) “... for Father, Mother, and Son were once more one, and the Son had not yet awakened for the new Wheel and his Pilgrimage thereon” (Stanza 1.5).

During Mahapralaya there is still no the Father (Spirit of Ether) and Son (Soul). All of this is potentially hidden in the depths of Matter (the Original Substance).

Wheel – this is another name for the Soul, Wheel – it’s the Ether rotating in a circle.

New Wheel – it’s a symbol of the new Mahamanvantara, manifested through the totality of the produced Souls.

“Pilgrimage” of the Son on the Wheel – this is an indication on the period of the next manvantaric existence of our Universe.


4) “The Seven Sublime Lords and the Seven Truths had ceased to be, and the Universe, the Son of Necessity, was immersed in Paranishpanna, to be outbreathed by that which is, and yet is not.” (Stanza 1.6).

The Seven Sublime Lords as well as the Seven Truths – it's the same thing as the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, or the Seven Sons – seven basic types of elementary particles (Souls). During Mahapralaya they are not – that is, there is no Universe in the form in which we are accustomed to contemplate it now.


5) “...Where were the Builders, the Luminous Sons of Manvantaric Dawn? ... In the Unknown Darkness in their Ah-hi Paranishpanna. The Producers of Form from No-Form – the Root of the World – the Devamâtri and Svabhâvat, rested in the Bliss of Non-Being.” (Stanza 2.1).

You probably already guessed that the Builders and the Luminous Sons of Manvantaric Dawn – are the Souls, Building Elements of the Universe.


6) "3. The Hour had not yet struck; the Ray had not yet flashed into the Germ; the Mâtripadma had not yet swollen.

4. Her Heart had not yet opened for the One Ray to enter, thence to fall, as Three into Four, into the Lap of Maya.

5. The Seven were not yet born from the Web of Light. Darkness alone was Father-Mother, Svabhâvat; and Svabhâvat was in Darkness."(Stanza 2.3; 2.4; 2.5).

The Ray – it's the Ray of Light, Spirit, passing through the Souls and animating them.

The Web of Light – it is the Spirit that fills the space.

The Seven – it's all the same seven types of Souls, the Seven Rays.

Three into Four: Three – the three highest manifestations – Matter, Spirit, Soul; Four – the four Elements, is another classification of Souls.

"Three into Four" means that the three higher Aspects of God are manifested through the four elements.


7) "These Two are the Germ, and the Germ is One. The Universe was still concealed in the Divine Thought and the Divine Bosom." (Stanza 2.6).

The Germ – is the whole manifested Universe, the totality of Building Units, vivified by the Spirit. The universe is presented in conjunction with two major types of Souls – Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit.


8) "Darkness radiates Light, and Light drops one solitary Ray into the Waters, into the Mother-Deep. The Ray shoots through the Virgin Egg, the Ray causes the Eternal Egg to thrill, and drop the non-eternal Germ, which condenses into the World-Egg." (Stanza 3.3).

The non-eternal Germ, like the World-Egg – it’s a symbol of the Manifested Universe.

The Eternal Egg – is the Original Substance itself, the Virgin Mother.


9) "The Three fall into the Four. The Radiant Essence becomes Seven inside, Seven outside. The Luminous Egg, which in itself is Three, curdles and spreads in milk-white Curds throughout the Depths of Mother, the root that grows in the Depths of the Ocean of Life.” (Stanza 3.4).

That is the "Three fall into the Four" we recently talked about.

“The Radiant Essence becomes Seven inside, Seven outside” must also be clear – the emergence in the Space vivified by the Spirit (Light) the Seven major types of Souls. Seven inside, seven outside – Seven Spirits that are manifested through seven types of souls.

The Luminous Egg – it is a translation of the word "Hiranyagarbha", the Golden Egg – the visible Universe. Trinity of the Luminous Egg – the Manifested Universe is represented by Three Main Hypostasis.

The Ocean of Life – is the Ocean of Ether (Spirit). At in its heart the Root lies, the Matter.

Milk-white Curds in the Ocean of Life, in the Ocean of Milk – these are the Souls, the Building Units.


10) "…the Radiant Child of the Two, the unparalleled refulgent Glory- Bright Space, Son of Dark Space, who emerges from the Depths of the great Dark Waters. It is Oeaohoo, the Younger, the ***. He shine forth as the Sun, he is the Blazing Divine Dragon of Wisdom; the Eka is Chatur, and Chatur takes to itself Tri, and the Union produces the Sapta, in whom are the Seven, which become the Tridasha, the Hosts and the Multitudes. Behold him lifting the Veil, and unfurling it from East to West. He shuts out the Above, and leaves the Below to be seen as the Great Illusion. He marks the places for the Shining Ones, and turns the Upper into a shoreless Sea of Fire, and the One Manifested into the Great Waters."(Stanza 3.7).

“The Radiant Child of the Two, the unparalleled refulgent Glory - Bright Space, Son of Dark Space, who emerges from the Depths of the great Dark Waters” – this is, of course, of the Soul, which is a product of the synthesis of Matter and Spirit. The Matter in this case – it's not the type of Soul, but namely, the Original Substance. And the Spirit – this is not a particle Yang and the Information, the Light. The Spirit – this is Light, the Son of Dark Space. His gyre in every elementary particle and forms in total the Bright Space.

Oeaohoo, the Younger – it's the Soul. The Light moving in every Soul, is called the flaming, Divine Dragon of Wisdom.

Eka – is the One, the Spirit. Chatur – it’s four, Four Elements.

"Chatur takes to itself Tri" – within this four-elements classification, i.e. within the Universe, there are particles of the three primary colors - blue, yellow and red. These three colors are Tri. Classification within the classification. The particles of three colors give birth to a spectrum in which six colors plus the seven, complex. And there are seven Plans. Here you have the Sapta – seven, to be exact, seven times seven – 49. These 49 – this is the Tridasha, the Hosts and the Multitudes – all the variety of possible combinations of elementary particles in the Universe.

Sea of Fire – it's the same as the Space of Light, i.e. Ocean of Ether, Spirit.


11) "Father-Mother spin a Web, whose upper end is fastened to Spirit, the Light of the One Darkness, and the lower one to its shadowy end, Matter; and this Web is the Universe, spun out of the Two Substances, made in One, which is Svabhâvat." (Stanza 3.10).

Father-Mother symbolizes the combination in the Universe of the areas where the Spirit (the Father) is working – i.e. where it arises, and of the areas where the Matter (Mother) is working – i.e. where the Spirit disappears and the Space returns to the original state – to the Matter.

The Fabric, which is spun by Mother and Father really it’s the whole Universe, the totality of elementary particles, which can be divided into two main types – the Yin and Yang. These Yin and Yang – this is Two Entities merged together.


12) "Then Svabhâvat send Fohat to harden the Atoms. Each is a part of the Web. Reflecting the "Self-Existent Lord", like a Mirror, each becomes in turn a World."(Stanza 3.12).

Svabhâvat in this case – is the Matter, Thinking Substance, in which the Spirit (the Father) is living.

Fohat – it's the same thing as the Spirit, however, considered in relation to each elementary particle (the Soul).

Fohat (Spirit) fills Atoms (particles) and thus makes them impermeable with respect to one another.

In this way Fohat makes the Atoms solid.

Fabric which is spun by Svabhâvat, as already mentioned, it is the Universe as the totality of its constituent elementary particles – Atoms.

The Soul is seen in the occult as a reflection, a mirror for the Spirit, which is otherwise also known as Self-Existent Lord.

Another name for Fohat rotating in the Soul – is the Serpent, the Dragon of Wisdom. The Serpent, the Dragon – is a monkey of God, which repeats all his movements, but not a God in its entirety, but only part of him.


13) "...Listen, ye Sons of the Earth, to your Instructors - the Sons of the Fire. Learn, there is neither first nor last; for all is One Number,issued from No-Number." (Stanza 4.1).

Sons of the Earth – is one type of Souls, the particles Yin.

Sons of the Fire – is the second type of Souls, the particles Yang.

As you will learn later from the Law of Identification, namely the particle Yin, Sons of the Earth, absorb information (Energy, Spirit) emanating from the particles Yang, Sons of the Fire, and not vice versa. That is how it should be understood an expression “Listen, ye Sons of the Earth, to your Instructors - the Sons of the Fire”.


14) "From the Effulgency of Light - the Ray of the Ever-Darkness - sprang in Space the reawakened Energies; the One from the Egg, the Six, and the Five. Then the Three, the One, the Four, the One, the Five - the Twice Seven, the Sum Total. And these are the Essences, the Flames, the Elements, the Builders, the Numbers, the Arûpa , the Rûpa , and the Force or Divine Man, the Sum Total. And from the Divine Man emanated the Forms, the Sparks, the Sacred Animals, and the Messengers of the Sacred Fathers within the Holy Four" (Stanza 4.3).

Light – is a product of the Matter – the Ray of Ever-Darkness, where Darkness – this is the Matter.

The reawakened Energies – are the smaller branches of One Ray – smaller rays, each of which is Fohat or Serpent, animating its Soul.

The Egg – is the Matter. This refers to the Eternal Egg, not Gold.

The One from the Egg – is the One Ray, i.e. the Spirit in the general sense.

The Twice Seven – is the Seven Plans and the Seven colors – 49, the sum of all. The totality of the elementary particles of the Universe.

the Essences, the Flames, the Elements, the Builders, the Numbers, the Arûpa , the Rûpa, the Force, the Forms, the Sparks, the Sacred Animals, the Messengers of the Sacred Fathers – all these are synonyms of the Soul.

The Secret Father – is the Spirit behind every Soul, feeding it by himself. The Divine Man – is the Manifested Universe, all the totality of Souls.

"The Messengers of the Sacred Fathers within the Holy Four" – this means that all Souls can be classified with help of the Four Elements.


15) "That was the Army of the Voice, the Divine Mother of Seven. Sparks of Seven and the servants are subject to the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh of the Seven. They are called Spheres, triangles, cubes, lines, and molders, for so keeps Eternal Nidan - Oi-Ha-Hou” (Stanza 4.4).

The Voice – is synonymous with the Spirit. Here he was given the name of the Divine Mother of Seven, as in some religious systems of the Spirit is personified deity is feminine. In the Spirit of many synonyms, and this is one of them.

The Army of the Voice – it is the totality of Souls born by the One Spirit.

Sparks of Seven – this is the same thing as the Seven Spirits, Seven Sons - Seven types of Souls.

Sparks of Seven and the servants are subject to the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh of the Seven – this is the Seven Kingdoms of Nature are listed.

“Sparks of Seven and the servants are subject” means that members of the Kingdoms are formed of the same types of Seven Souls. And the seventh kingdom - it is always the case with the number "seven," an indication of the complexity.

What does this list – Spheres, triangles, cubes, lines, and molders?

Here would still have to add the Pentagram and the six-pointed star, and so build a list – Spheres, lines, triangles, cubes, Pentagram and six-pointed star.

Sphere – it’s a "petal", one Plan in the Kingdom. It is a symbol of the mineral kingdom.

Line – two Plans are grouped together as part of a member of another kingdom – Plant. Otherwise the line can also be called a segment, i.e. section of the line connecting the two points, in this case, two particles, two Plans.

Triangle – are, respectively, the symbol of the animal kingdom, the union of three Souls, three Plans. Three petals – is 666.

Cube indicates on number four – four petals, four joint Plans, a symbol of human's kingdom.

And finally, the pentagram and the six-pointed star – two superhuman kingdoms.

Pentagram combines five plans, and the Star of David – six.

A conglomerate of elementary particles - is also a particle, only an unstable, using the language of science.


16) "2. The voice of the Word, Svabhavat numbers, because he is one and nine. 3. "Square without Shapes" (Stanza 4.5).

Svabhavat – is the Mother-Father, Matter and Spirit. Number – is a Universe in their entirety of Souls in its composition.

Svabhavat numbers – means that we refer to Matter and Spirit in their primary sense, but as the Soul-polar opposites – Yin and Yang.

One and Nine: One – is one Spirit and Nine – is three and six.

Three – three primary colors. Six – six simple Plans.

Square without Shapes – is a classification of Souls of the elements.


17) "5. Then there are the children ..., Seven Warriors, A - Eighth left aside, and his breath is Light-giver.

6. Second Seven ... then that is Lipika generated by three. Rejected One Son. "Sons of the Sun" innumerable"(Stanza 4.5, 4.6).

Seven Warriors – the seven major types of Souls.

The Eighth Son – is the Father, the Spirit. This is it – Rejected One Son. His breath is Light-giver.

The Spirit – this is the breath and it animates every part of the world - every soul.

Second Seven, that is Lipika – it's all the same types of Souls.

Generated by three – this expression indicates that each soul (elementary particle) is represented by the triad of aspects.

Sun – is the Spirit of the Father. Sons of the Sun – are the Souls, or the Rays of the Sun.


18) “The Primordial Seven, the First Seven Breaths of the Dragon of Wisdom, produce in their turn from their Holy Circumgyrating Breaths the Fiery Whirlwind.” (Stanza 5.1)

The Dragon of Wisdom – is the Spirit (Ether, Energy), "spinning" in any Soul. The Dragon of Wisdom – this is the same as the Holy Circumgyrating Breath.

Fire Whirlwind generated by the Holy Breath – is an elementary particle (Soul).

The Primordial Seven, the First Seven Breaths of the Dragon of Wisdom - are the seven major types of Souls that exist at each level of each Plan.


19) “They make of him the Messenger of their Will. The Dzyu becomes Fohat: the swift Son of the Divine Sons, whose Sons are the Lipika, runs circular errands. Fohat is the Steed, and the Thought is the Rider.” (Stanza 5.2).

They (the Primordial Seven) make of him (Fiery Whirlwind) the Messenger.

Do you remember, Mercury is the messenger of Gods, too? Whirlwind of Spirit, born and died in the particles, it is the same Spirit, but in the concrete sense. He is the messenger of Gods, and he himself is God. He informs that carries information.

Do not be confused by all this fog of occult terminology. And the Divine Sons and the Lipika – all these are synonyms of Souls. The Dzyu in this case symbolizes the Spirit in a general sense. Fohat – it is the Spirit in a particular way.


20) “He is their guiding spirit and the driver. Starting work, he separates the sparks of the lower kingdoms, and in the joy of WEARING quivering in their abodes Radiant and forms of these rudiments of Wheels. He puts them in the six directions of space and one in the middle - Middle Wheel "(Stanza 5.3).

What means these phrases: "He (Fohat) is their guiding spirit and the driver. He separates…forms…puts”?

Elementary particles are characterized by some external manifestation of quality – that is, they or absorb the Ether (Fohat) or emit it, and with a certain speed.

Absorbing particles form thus around the Field of Attraction, thereby attracting to themselves the surrounding particles.

Emitting particles form the Fields of Repulsion, which pushes the surrounding particles.

So, the characteristics of the Fohat (Ether), displaying in the particles, determine how they will behave in the environment of other particles. This is the work of Fohat as the driver, the guide and leader of the particles. And Sparks – is synonym of the particles.

The Sparks of the lower kingdoms – are the particles of the Physical Plan, of which is formed the Mineral Kingdom – the lowest of all, that closest to the center of the Universe.

Wheels – it’s the Whirlwinds of this Ether, "rotating" (in time) in Souls (elementary particles). Wheels – it's the same thing as the Dragons, Serpents.

The rudiments of Wheels are put in the six directions of space – this is a figurative expression, indicating that each type of elementary particles in the Universe tends to occupy its own position relative to the center, and this fact is due to the peculiarities of manifestation of the particles the Fohat (Ether).

Middle Wheel – is an association of particles of different types into one - so there is a seventh, integrated color.


21) "Lipika outline the Triangle, the First One, the Cube, the Second One, and Pentagram in the Egg. This ring, called "Do not transgress" for those who descend and ascend, who during the Kalpa moving to Great Day "Be with Us" ... Thus were created the Arupa and Rupa, from One Light Seven Luminaries, from each of the seven times Seven Luminaries. Wheel guard ring ... "(Stanza 5.6).

The Ring – it is the very sphere of any elementary particle. Perhaps the ring is called "Do not transgress" for the reason that the Ether within the sphere of each particle – is its own "property." And other particles can’t "pretend" to this Ether to the moment when it is within a given particle.

The Souls, particles, descend and ascend.

Arupa – is a particle Yang, Rupa – Yin particle. Arupa – those that do not create the forms. Rupa, on the contrary, create the forms.

This classification is quite understandable. Particles Rupa, Yin have the Fields of Attraction, and it is due to this, they produce forms, attracting the other particles. Particles Arupa, Yan, have the Fields of Repulsion, and therefore do not create forms, as repel the surrounding particles.

Wheel – is a flow of Ether (Spirit), moving in the elementary particle (moving in time). Exactly the Ether fills the particles and makes them impervious to each other. That is how it should be understood the phrase – "Wheel guard ring" or rather, "Each ring is protected by its own wheel".

"From One Light Seven Luminaries, from each of the seven times Seven Luminaries " – this phrase should be understood as an indication that the spectrum - that is, totality of six basic types of particles (plus complex particles that combine different types of particles) within each of the seven Plans unusually large.

What means the expression – "Lipika outline the Triangle, the First One, the Cube, the Second One, and Pentagram in the Egg"?

This is true told EP Blavatsky in the "Secret Doctrine": “…the "Ring PASS-NOT" that the Lipika trace around the Triangle, the First One, the Cube, the Second One, and the Pentacle to circumscribe these figures, is thus shown to contain the symbol of 31415 again, or the coefficient constantly used in mathematical tables (the value of p, pi), the geometrical figures standing here for numerical figures.” ("The Secret Doctrine", Comment. to Stanza 5.6).

However, Elena Petrovna considered the concept of “"Ring" do not transgress” from the astronomical point of view, whereas the meaning of this expression quite different – we said just above that it’s the very sphere of the elementary particle.


22) “By the power of the Mother of Mercy and Knowledge, Kwan-Yin - the Triple of Kwan - Shai-Yin, residing in Kwan -Yin –Tien – Fohat, the Breath of their Progeny, the Son of the Sons, having called forth, from the Lower Abyss, the Illusive Form of Sien --Tchan and the Seven Elements.” (Stanza 6.1).

You can recognize the identity of the names of Kwan-Yin and Kwan-Shai-Yin.

The existence in the Chinese pantheon of Deities, identity, by the way, the Indian Avalokiteshvara, accurately reflects the idea that there is the Spirit, the Father, the Second Aspect of God.

The Spirit – that's exactly the One Something that permeates and saturates the whole Universe, and changes somehow the underlying Substance, and is exactly what the other religious systems called the Logos, the Word, Voice.

The same concept and we adhere to. Spirit – that is sent to our world "Voice" that makes a circle and returns back to emitted source. Thus each such "Round" brings information about the changes that have taken place in the Universe along the way of the "Sound".

Tien translates as "heaven". Kwan-Yin-Tien can be interpreted as "the Universe, Sky, Space, where Kwan-Shai-Yin inhabits and keep track of everything going on". That is, the space filled with those who observe the sounds of the world is itself the Sound.

Accordingly, as we have already mentioned, Fohat – it is really the Spawn of Kwan-Shai-Yin, a product of the Spirit.

Fohat – this is the Spirit, but existing in a single particle, the Tiny Ray of the One Ray. Fohat – is the Son of the Father, the One Spirit, and Soul (particle) – these are the Sons of Mother and Father.

It turns out that Fohat – is a "the Son of the Sons".

The Lower Abyss – this is the Matter, Shadow, Primal Essence that created everything in this world. The abyss from which there was all. Bottomless, endless basis.

The Seven Elements – it's all the same types of Seven Souls, elementary particles of which the Universe is built.

Fohat "having called ... the Illusive Form of Sien-Tchan" – that Fohat, Spirit, "working" in each elementary particle, has caused a visible manifestation of our world. "The Illusive Form" – is a synonym of Maya, Illusion, commonly referred to as the Universe.


23) "The Swift and the Radiant One produces the seven Laya Centres, against which none will prevail to the Great Day "Be With Us"; and seats the Universe on these Eternal Foundations, surrounding Sien-Tchan with the Elementary Germs." (Stanza 6.2).

The Swift and the Radiant One – it is the Spirit.

The Seven Laya Centres – are the seven basic types of Souls.

The Great Day "Be with Us" – the beginning of the end Mahamanvantara – Mahapralaya.

Primary Germ – this is the Soul (stable elementary particles).


24) "Of the Seven - first One manifested, Six concealed; Two manifested, Five concealed; Three manifested, Four concealed; Four produced, Three hidden; Four and One Tsan revealed, Two and One-Half concealed; Six to be manifested, One laid aside. Lastly, Seven Small Wheels revolving; one giving birth to the other."(Stanza 6.3).

There is described the sequence of entry the Plans into incarnation.

Six to be manifested, One laid aside – six simple Plans and one complex that appears as the sum of all in its final form last.

Seven Small Wheels revolving; one giving birth to the other – Souls of Seven Plans, the Higher Planes "feed" by their Ether the lower – give birth.


25) "He builds them in the likeness of older Wheels, placing them on the Imperishable Centres.

How does Fohat build them? He collects the Fiery Dust. He makes Balls of Fire, runs through them, and round them, infusing life there into , then sets them into motion; some one way, some the other way. They are cold, he makes them hot. They are dry, he makes them moist. They shine, he fans and cools them.

Thus acts Fohat from one Twilight to the other, during Seven Eternities.” (Stanza 6.4).

The Older Wheels – are the conglomerates, collected from the stable particles, i.e. directly from the indivisible Souls.

The Fiery Dust – this is the elementary particle.

Balls of Fire – are the conglomerates of Souls.

Twilight – it’s Mahapralaya, the dissolution of the Universe.

Seven Eternities – are the consistent formation of the Seven Kingdoms of Nature.

Wheel – this is the same as the rotating Ether – nascent, and then disappearing.

First of all, Wheel – it is the very Soul, as in every particle the Ether is born at the same time and disappears. This is a Small Wheel.

But if Ether is born in a single particle, and is destroyed in the other – it is also Wheel of Ether.

We can say that this Wheel is formed by a conglomerate of particles will be considered the Older in relation to the individual Soul.

The more particles are in the conglomerate, the Wheel is greater, i.e. Older. The body of any representative of any of the kingdom – is also a Wheel.


26) "At the Fourth, the Sons are told to create their Images, One-Third refuses. Two obey. The Curse is pronounced. They will be born in the Fourth, suffer and cause suffering. This is the First War."(Stanza 6.5).

To create their Images – is the process of combining particles into conglomerates (groups) due to the existence of gravity. As a result of consistent association of the particles the Kingdoms of Nature are born.

In the process of creating the Images, i.e. in the Birth of Kingdoms, all Plans are included, because as part of any Plan there are the particles with the Fields of Attraction that can become the centers of attraction. It’s first.

And secondly, not only the particles with the Fields of Attraction are subordinated, but also the particles with the Fields of Repulsion.

However, the more upper Plan, the more there are particles with the Fields of Repulsion (and the greater the value of these Fields), and the smaller percentage of particles with Fields of Attraction (and lower the value of these Fields).

It turns out that the upper Plans, especially the last two – Atmic and Monadic – extremely reluctant to participate in the process of unification of particles – the Fields of Repulsion prevent. These two Plans of the six simple are precisely the refusing One-Third.

The other four lower Plans – it’s Two obeyed Thirds – as their total Fields of Attraction are more and the Fields of Repulsion are less.

But these two upper Plans will still come into incarnation – "They will be born in the Fourth". This means that their aim and objects, with which they will interact, will be the representatives of the Fourth Kingdom – a human.

The process of forming the superhuman Kingdoms is very difficult. It's not easy to create forms that can withstand high level of Energy, because the Energy (Ether) destroys bonds. Therefore, any person on the way to becoming of Superman has big difficulties and suffering. This road is very hard, and not everyone under force.

This is the First War – a war between the Yin and Yang, due to the complete opposite manifestations of their quality.


27) "The Older Wheels rotated downward and upward ... The Mother's Spawn filled the whole. There were Battles fought between the Creators and the Destroyers, and Battles fought for Space; the Seed appearing and reappearing continuously."(Stanza 6.6).

The Mother's Spawn – is again synonyms of Soul. The Matter – Space – gives rise to a "seed", Germ, Spawn – Soul. The Space is filled with Souls.

The Seed appearing and reappearing continuously – it is the Spirit that is born in the Souls.

Creators and Destroyers – are the particles Yang and Yin.

Yan – are Creators, because the process of creation of the Spirit is dominated at them.

Yin – are Destroyers, as they destructs the Ether more than creates.


28) "Make thy calculations, O Lanoo, if thou wouldst learn the correct age of thy Small Wheel. Its Fourth Spoke is our Mother. Reach the Fourth Fruit of the Fourth Path of Knowledge that leads to Nirvana, and thou shalt comprehend, for thou shalt see... . "(Stanza 6.7).

The Fourth Fruit of the Fourth Path of Knowledge that leads to Nirvana – it's the Fourth Ray, harmony through conflict, combining all the other six Rays.

In an article on the Seven Rays, will be told that the six Rays are simple, but the seventh – is the complex.

However, do not understand the phrase "seventh ray" as a literal reference to Ray's number. In fact, the Ray under the number "7" – is simple. While the comprehensive Ray – is the number "4" as has just been said.

For any person, before moving into a superhuman state by the addition of particles of Atmic and Monadic Plans, it is necessary to achieve the state of the Fourth Ray. This is achieved by including in the body of the particles (Souls) of all six simple Rays – that is, all levels of Buddhic Plan shall be submitted in person.


29) “Behold the beginning of sentient formless Life.

First, the Divine, the One from the Mother Spirit; then, the Spiritual; the Three from the One, the Four from the One, and the Five, from which the Three, the Five and the Seven. These are the Threefold and the Fourfold downward; the Mind-born Sons of the First Lord, the Shining Seven. It is they who are thou, I, he, O Lanoo; they who watch over thee and thy mother, Bhûmi” (Stanza 7.1).

First, the Divine, the One – is an indication on the One Absolute out of the state of manifestation.

Then, the Spiritual – or simply "the Spirit", is the second aspect.

The Three from the One, the Trinity - as part of any level of any of the Plan there are the Souls of only three primary colors.

The Four from the One, Quaternary – the Spirit is manifested through four Elements.

And the Five – the Spirit itself represents the Fifth Element – Ether.

The First Lord – is the Primal Essence, Space.

The Mind – is the Spirit. The Mind-born Sons of the First Lord, the Shining Seven – are the Souls, Seven Rays.


30) “The One Ray multiplies the smaller Rays. Life precedes Form, and Life survives, the last atom. Through the countless Rays the Life-Ray, the One, like a Thread through many Beads.”(Stanza 7.2).

The One Ray and Life – are the synonyms of the Spirit, the Second Aspect of the Absolute.

The One Ray multiplies the smaller Rays – Spirit is manifested through a great variety of Souls (elementary particles).

Form – it’s a Soul.

Life precedes Form – Spirit manifests itself in the form of the Soul, but not vice-versa.

Life survives, the last atom – when after Mahamanvantara all Atoms (Souls) will disappear, the Spirit remains. Life will be spilled in the Space of the One Boundless Ocean.

Through the countless Rays the Life-Ray, the One, like a Thread through many Beads - Spirit permeates, saturates, fills the Souls (Small Rays). Spirit, as the thread in necklace, penetrates all free and brings all together.


31) “When the One becomes Two, the Threefold appears, and the Three are One; and it is our Thread, O Lanoo, the Heart of the Man-Plant called Saptaparna” (Stanza 7.3).

The One – is the Absolute, the Original Substance.

The One becomes Two – the Spirit is born in the Matter.

The Spirit is born in a Third Aspect, in the Soul – the Threefold appears, and the Three are One.

The Thread – is the basis that holds together and unites.

The Heart – means the foundation, the Substance.

The Man-Plant – it is a Heavenly Man, which is the manifested Universe. The Universe is compared to a man, to be exact – a man with it, for the reason that in the Universe and in the human are united together the Souls of different quality and different Plans.

The manifested Universe, like a lotus flower, has its roots in the water, i.e. in Matter (Water – is a symbol of Matter), but the flowers (manifestation) above the Water – outside.


32) “It is the Root that never dies; the Three-tongued Flame of the Four Wicks. The Wicks are the Sparks, that draw from the Three-tongued Flame shot out by the Seven - their Flame - the Beams and Sparks of one Moon reflected in the running Waves of all the Rivers of Earth.”(Stanza 7.4).

The Root that never dies, the Root of Man-Plant – this is the Original Substance, Matter, Water.

The Four Wicks – Four Elements (classification of particles according to the elements).

The Three-tongued Flame – there are only three primary colors of elementary particles – red, yellow and blue. The rest of the existing colors – are the combinations of the main.

The Sparks, the Wicks – all these are synonyms for the concept of "Soul".

The Three-tongued Flame shot out by the Seven – the number "7" indicates that the particles of three primary colors are manifested in seven colors.

One Moon reflected in the running Waves of all the Rivers of Earth – is one Spirit that pervades the entire universe, filling all existing Etheric Field.

Beams and Sparks – Souls – the result of creation and the areas of manifestation of the One Moon – One Spirit.


33) “The Spark hangs from the Flame by the finest thread of Fohat. It journeys through the Seven Worlds of Maya. It stops in the First, and is a Metal and a Stone; it passes into the Second, and behold - a Plant; the Plant whirls through seven changes and becomes a Sacred Animal. From the combined attributes of these, Manu, the Thinker, is formed. Who forms him? The Seven Lives and the One Life. Who completes him? The Fivefold Lha. And who perfects the last Body? Fish, Sin, and Soma...” (Stanza 7.5).

The Spark – is a synonym for the Soul.

The Flame – this is One Spirit.

The finest thread of Fohat – it is the Spirit, manifested in the Soul (particle).

The Seven Worlds of Maya – are the Seven Kingdoms of Nature.

Maya – is the Manifested Universe.

The First, the Second, the Fivefold Lha – are the Seven Kingdoms of Nature, where the Seventh – complex – the whole Universe.

The First Kingdom – is Mineral, the Second – is Vegetable.

It (Spark) journeys through the Seven Worlds of Maya – the Souls construct the each Kingdom of Nature.

Manu, the Thinker – is the One Consciousness, woven from the minds of all particles of the representatives of any of these Kingdoms.

The Seven Lives – are the seven types of Souls, One Life – is One Spirit.

The Plant whirls through seven changes and becomes a Sacred Animal. The Plant here – it's Man-Plant, and the Sacred Animal – is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

And the Man-Plant, and the Sacred Animal (Lamb) - are synonyms of manifested Universe, which sooner or later destined to sink into oblivion – to plunge into Mahapralaya.

Seven changes – is the change of the Seven Kingdoms, the same as the Seven Days of Creation . The Spirit turns into Souls – it's called the Wheel, Spirit rotates in time.

Soul – is the Small Wheel. The Plans, the kingdom – are the Older Wheels. In each of them the Spirit also rotates collectively.


34) “From the First-born the Thread between the Silent Watcher and his Shadow becomes more strong and radiant with every Change. The morning Sunlight has changed into noonday glory...” (Stanza 7.6).

With every change, i.e. every kingdom, the thread, i.e. Spirit manifests itself with ever greater force – the thread is getting stronger and all the more radiant with each change. This is understandable, because gradually coming into incarnation the more energy-intensive Plans.


35) “«This thy present Wheel», said the Flame to the Spark. «Thou art myself, my image and my shadow. Ihave clothed myself in thee, and thou art my Vâhan to the Day "Be With Us ", when thou shalt re-become myself and others, thyself and me». Then the Builders, having donned their first Clothing, descent on radiant Earth and reign over men -- who are themselves.... .” (Stanza 7.7).

As you can see, the station Dzyan also confirm our words that the wheel – it's rotating Ether (or Spirit). The Thread of the First-born, or otherwise the Fohat thread – that is, the flow of Ether (Spirit), which is poured out into our world through each Soul (Spark).

Thou art myself, my image and my shadow. Ihave clothed myself in thee, and thou art my Vâhan – Soul (Spark) – it is the same flame, the same Spirit, but limited by the borders of sphere – of Soul (particle). That is why it is said, “Thou art myself”, i.e. Soul – is the Spirit, the Son of the Father, his likeness, copy, Shadow.

“To have clothed in something” means to accept some covers, some shape. The Spirit takes the shape of a sphere – the Soul. Soul – is a Horse, Vâhan (wagon), and the Spirit – a Rider. Horse, wagon obeys to the movements of Rider.

“...to the Day "Be With Us", when thou shalt re-become myself and others, thyself and me” – Souls (elementary particles) will exist until the end of Mahamanvantara and will disappear with the onset of Mahapralaya, i.e. the Day "Be with Us". At this point, the Souls will dissolve in the One Spirit, and all will become the one.

The Builders – these are the Souls, Sparks.

The Builders, having donned their first Clothing - this indicates that there is a directly birth of Souls, in their original form.

Radiant Earth – it's the very image of the manifested universe, unlike the Sky – the symbol of pure space, devoid of any signs of manifestation.

“Builders…reign over men” means that people are entirely due to the features of manifestation of these builders – elementary particles – as builders “being by themselves”, are at the heart

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