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All human dreams could be summarized as follows: "Without disease and old age LIVE FOREVER and be able to freely and instantly move to any point in the universe - that is, BE ABLE TO FLY ".





The main merit of mankind is that people have well enough studied all the substances in the earth's crust. Have mastered every possible combination of these substances with each other - mechanical or chemical, or combine both. People mixed, combine, merge and group the substances, and the individual elements, creating new ones and new combinations of materials (mechanisms).





This series of books has under itself Internet-basis - site http://newezo.ru. Not all the articles that have been written, can be found on the website. Many of them still "have not come out into the light" and "lie in the table", waiting when their author will have enough time and energy to their completion and publication.




I want to express my deep gratitude to my parents - Lyudmila Michailovna Novikova (mom) and Anatoliy Maksimovich (dad) for love and support now and for the rest of my life. Also express my son Daniil the great love and appreciation for what he is.

And to another relatives, friends and acquaintances. In particular, to Sergei Nikolaevich Nikitin, Tamara Nikolaevna Nikitina, Valery Semenovich Arshansky and Svetlana Michailovna Novikova, Natalia Snezhinskaya, Nadezhda Bortnikova, Elena Shumilova, Vera Ivanovna Kolopatina, Olga Andreevna Portnova.


And now we ask you to take their seats and get more comfortable during our with you traveling to new knowledge. Enjoy your journey!







Occultism (from lat. occultus - a secret, hidden) – is a common name for the teachings, which reveal before the people who know how to understand their hidden meaning, the all lowdown of our world. Unlike normal human science, which focuses only on specific phenomena and processes of reality, occultism tends to direct human attention primarily on the basis of the Universe, to indicate those universal laws and factors that lie at the heart of everything - as existing and hidden. Moreover, exactly underlying factors are recognized as truly incorruptible.

It reports us the generalized scheme, which contains information about what is this world, this universe. And transmitted knowledge is often imprinted in symbolic form.

It would seem strange: how can in the religion to talk about any faces? After all, Universe - it's not a man.

However, as is well known, religions constantly discern and use anthropomorphism in respect of global, philosophical categories. We plunge into symbolism and constantly come before the Heavenly Persons - Men and Women, Gods and Goddesses.

That's why we have taken the liberty to claim that God that appears before our researcher look is able to be an actor and change its masks.

"Main Actors" - are the Hypostases of Creator, part of which we all are.

Let's look at the basics of occult symbolism.

The main goal of our excursus will be to find as many similarities in various esoteric writings and Holy Scriptures. Need to identify main groups of synonyms, narrating about same aspects of the Absolute. When the series of definitions relating to one and the same, will be made up, people, studying the esoteric, will be easier to sort out all the abundance of symbolic information, that saturating the esoteric-religious treatises, where it is very easy to sink.

Our universe, our God - it's a brilliant actor, director, screenwriter together. What's his dressing room! And what a scene and scenery! Anyone can verify this by looking in the mirror or around you.

And the first role in which the Creator acts - is he. Or rather, itself, because the universe - it's not a man.

Absolute, God One Reality, unparalleled, Thinking Cosmic Substance - these are all synonyms.




It is that Unimaginable Something that fills the space, and, in fact, is itself an Intellectual Spatial Tissue. This is exactly the same Tao, to which is dedicated the poetic treatise Lao Tzu "Tao Te Ching". Moreover, translating into Russian Tao as "the Truth", Valery Pereleshin certainly is not wrong. God - this is the only truth to which we are all really strive to and which always eludes from us.




Now we barely hinted at the most important characters of the saga of the occult.

There is nothing in the base, but this Essence filling the space, which is the space itself.

There is nothing but "One of Whom About Naught May Be Said".



It is eternal, inaccessible, unknowable and indescribable, invisible, inaudible, odorless and tasteless.

Buddhism teaches us that Buddha, attained enlightenment, is immersing into Nirvana. As you remember, Nirvana can’t be characterized, using human language, for it does not fit any known definitions. That's why Buddhists have resorted to the only remaining in their possession description method - the method of denial. Denying that, what Nirvanic state is not, they thereby give us some idea of what it is, or at least, of what it can’t be. Nirvana - is not this and not that...

And the Absolute can’t be described using available human language definition.

There is only the Absolute (Parabrahm, the One God ... etc). And it has two main states - active and inactive.

Inactive state – is a state of the Unmanifestation.

Active – is, of course, manifest state.

If you will study the esoteric writings and treatises, you will find that about 80% of the information contained therein is devoted to the nuances and subtleties of the manifest (active) state of God.

At the same time, only around 20% of the data are relevant to the Absolute in an inactive (unmanifested) state.

Unmanifested state Cosmic Substance - is Mahapralaya, i.e. Great Pralaya. It’s the time when the Absolut rest from his work. And "God knows," "what about the Space thinks" during his periodically upcoming Dream.

The developed state of One Reality - is Mahamanvantara, i.e. Great Manvantara.

It’s the time when God is in the state of active intelligence of its internal capabilities.

Parabrahm (the One Reality, the Absolute) is the field of Absolute Consciousness, i.e., that Essence which is out of all relation to conditioned existence” (H.P. Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, I, p. 15).

We can’t speculatively spread about the nature of the Absolute, when it is in the unmanifested state.

For the simple reason that it is beyond the comprehension of any living being who dwells in the depths of the Creator, and which is its integral part.

If Absolute is manifested, we can indirectly judge of what "inside" him, on those grounds, that we can observe in us and around us.

Manifestation, Manvantara, gives us a chance to look at It from the side, without going beyond.

We learn to observe the "face" of Cosmic Substance by its Attire, by Its Cover.

The stumbling block for people plunging into occultism - is the abundance of synonyms.

The same aspect of God is often viewed at different angles, is called differently. For this reason, the person may have a false sense that the world of religion is crowded with all sorts of beings, each of which lives its own life, has its own sphere of influence and its own functions.

We assure you, this is nothing more than a false impression. Actually the Main Actors rather can be counted on one hand.

Three main aspects - Matter, Spirit, Soul, or otherwise - Mother, Father, Son, - are the three hypostases of God, three looks at him.

This Trinity under different names we find in all the major world religions. It presents in Hinduism and Kabbalah, of the Egyptians and the ancient Greeks, in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism.


It does not matter what names we assign to persons of the Triad.
The main thing - is to understand the general scheme of the mechanism of manifestation and the nuances of "relationships" between the "Members" of this "Divine Family".

No coincidence thinkers of ancient peoples considered the features manifestations of the Absolute under such very human perspective. The idea of fusion two aspects with the aim to birth a third, of course, is somewhat similar human life.

Matter – is the first aspect of Absolute. In the state of Manifestation – this is the First Aspect of Absolute. And in the Unmanifestation – is the Absolute.

Reasonable, Initial Essence, devoid of the Spirit - the Male Principle - and Soul - of the Union of Women's and Men's.

Virgin Mary, Maya, Devamatri, Svabhavat. In reality, there is only a Thinking Substance - Substance-Principle, which has no the second. Exactly it is the basis of total - ALWAYS.



We can assign any number of names and give in our thoughts any traits and sexual identity, but, nevertheless, with this substance - at the same time all of this and none of this.

The main characters are three, but only one of them always exists as in manifestation, and without it - it's the Matter (Mother). The other two - Spirit and Soul - present only when the Absolute "awake." Their birth is just marks the beginning of the new Day of God.

When Absolute manifests itself, it becomes visible and hidden before this idea - the Spirit is born. Spirit - is a manifestation of the Creator's Mind.

Spirit - is a characteristic feature of Matter in the developed state, its distinguishing feature. It’s the Second Aspect of the Absolute. The Matter – is a Spatial Tissue, and the Spirit - is the ability of this Tissue to think, realize, bring forth ideas.

The Spirit – is the changed state of Matter. It’s something like "vibration", "waterhole" on the surface of the Matter.

We can try to find other words to describe this kind of condition, but you should be aware in fact, that any of them does not characterize the Spirit correctly, and genuinely the Spirit is not this. It's just images, allegories.

Spirit, the Male Principle, arising out from the Women's, from the Matter, it's her First-born Son.

Creator - is the One God, which was Chaos and Darkness, when it was unmanifested.

The scientific name for the Power Center, for Soul - is an elementary particle.

You can also use the word "Atom". However, it's not the atom of physicist or chemist, which is a conglomeration of particles, namely, the truly indivisible object.

The soul in which emerges the Spirit - is the Dragon of Wisdom, or serpent biting its own tail. The last expression very accurately describes the process that takes place in each separate particle.

Another name for the Serpent - Kundalini, which translates from Sanskrit as "Folded ring", "Curled up in the form of snake".



Kundalini - it is the same serpent, "devouring" itself. Dragon of Wisdom, the Serpent, Kundalini - it's all the Soul.

Another very commonly used name for the elementary structural units - is Fire.

Spirit manifested in Matter - is Fire. While the Matter (substance) in the unmanifested state - is Water.

Another synonym for the elementary particle – is "Wheel".



Spirit manifested in Matter, is called in occultism "Movement" or otherwise "Breath" Any Wheel, i.e. any elementary particle - it is the Spirit that moves not in space but in time - born, for some time existing in this phenomenal world and then collapsing.

This is the rotating serpent. It comes from the source - from the Silent Witness (as in the Stanzas of Dzyan is named the Matter) - make the "Circle through Time" and then "go back" to the original source that emit it - back to the Matter.



Date: 2015-01-11; view: 965

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