BE SURPRISED OF THE FACT OF YOUR EXISTENCEPrescind. Be surprised the very fact of your existence. Take a look around as absolutely, totally asexual creature or rather, as creature equally combines the features of both sexes.
Perceive life as a unique opportunity participate in the process of creation bodies of perfect beings, for which will be accessible vastness of the universe, without the using of space vehicles.
Search for the meaning of life, as well as the adoption of a religion (not necessarily one of the core) - is an explanation of what is happening with you and around you. Person discovers the true meaning of birth and death of self, others and all living things.
The process of awareness the surrounding reality always starts with a question to me: 'What am I? And what is this world where I am? '. The thoughts that come to you after that in the head - this is the answer to your question. Perhaps will not thought, but will only sensations. For example, it’s the feeling of acute awareness of the moment of being. The whole process of awareness is very similar to the process of awakening. You look at your body, at the things around you, at the sun, at the sky, at people, and are amazed - “God, what is all this and why is this all here? “. And while you "are awakened", all of these questions are continuously present in your mind. If they disappear, then you "are fall asleep" again.
To humanity is absolutely necessary to look at yourself well from the outside. Recall the past, see into the future and appreciate the present. After that we will finally understand the meaning of our existence and the existence of this world at all.
There is a constant clatter of heels on the pavement. Children hubbub and noise of passing cars. Echo draws the geometric lines between the houses. Green lawns and playground, bathed in natural light. On the ground there is clearly visible every speck of dust, every stick and small insect. Literally every part of the air is permeated with light. Sunbeams from metallic coatings and window panes jump from trees on the sidewalk, and from there into the street and back, indiscriminately crawl into the eyes of curious children and respectable adults.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1016