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3.1 System Requirements Review (SRR).
The objective of this review is to ascertain the adequacy of the contractor's efforts in defining system requirements. It will be conducted when a significant portion of the system functional requirements has been established.

3.2 System Design Review (SDR).
This review shall be conducted to evaluate the optimization, correlation, completeness, and risks associated with the allocated technical requirements. Also included is a summary review of the system engineering process which produced the allocated technical requirements and of the engineering planning for the next phase of effort. Basic manufacturing considerations will be reviewed and planning for production engineering in subsequent phases will be addressed. This review will be conducted when the system definition effort has proceeded to the point where system characteristics are defined and the configuration items are identified.

3.3 Software Specification Review (SSR). A review of the finalized Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) requirements and operational concept. The SSR is conducted when CSCI requirements have been sufficiently defined to evaluate the contractor's responsiveness to and interpretation of the system, subsystem, or prime item level requirements. A successful SSR is predicated upon the contracting agency's determination that the Software Requirements Specification, Interface Requirements Specification(s), and Operational Concept Document form a satisfactory basis for proceeding into preliminary software design.

3.4 Preliminary Design Review (PDR).
This review shall be conducted for each configuration item or aggregate of configuration items to

? (1) evaluate the progress, technical adequacy, and risk resolution (on a technical, cost, and schedule basis) of the selected design approach,

? (2) determine its compatibility with performance and engineering specialty requirements of the Hardware Configuration Item (HWCI) development specification,

? (3) evaluate the degree of definition and assess the technical risk associated with the selected manufacturing methods/processes, and

? (4) establish the existence and compatibility of the physical and functional interfaces among the configuration item and other items of equipment, facilities, computer software, and personnel.

For CSCIs, this review will focus on:

? (1) the evaluation of the progress, consistency, and technical adequacy of the selected top-level design and test approach,

? (2) compatibility between software requirements and preliminary design, and

? (3) on the preliminary version of the operation and support documents.

3.5 Critical Design Review (CDR).
This review shall be conducted for each configuration item when detail design is essentially complete. The purpose of this review will be to

? (1) determine that the detail design of the configuration item under review satisfies the performance and engineering specialty requirements of the HWCI development specifications,

? (2) establish the detail design compatibility among the configuration item and other items of equipment, facilities, computer software and personnel,

? (3) assess configuration item risk areas (on a technical, cost, and schedule basis),

? (4) assess the results of the producibility analyses conducted on system hardware, and

? (5) review the preliminary hardware product specifications. For CSCIs, this review will focus on the determination of the acceptability of the detailed design, performance, and test characteristics of the design solution, and on the adequacy of the operation and support documents.

3.6 Test Readiness Review (TRR).
A review conducted for each CSCI to determine whether the software test procedures are complete and to assure that the contractor is prepared for formal CSCI testing. Software test procedures are evaluated for compliance with software test plans and descriptions, and for adequacy in accomplishing test requirements. At TRR, the contracting agency also reviews the results of informal software testing and any updates to the operation and support documents. A successful TRR is predicated on the contracting agency's determination that the software test procedures and informal test results form a satisfactory basis for proceeding into formal CSCI testing.

3.7 Functional Configuration Audit (FCA).
A formal audit to validate that the development of a configuration item has been completed satisfactorily and that the configuration item has achieved the performance and functional characteristics specified in the functional or allocated configuration identification. In addition, the completed operation and support documents shall be reviewed.

3.8 Physical Configuration Audit (PCA).
A technical examination of a designated configuration item to verify that the configuration item "As Built" conforms to the technical documentation which defines the configuration item.

3.9 Formal Qualification Review (FQR). The test, inspection, or analytical process by which a group of configuration items comprising the system are verified to have met specific contracting agency contractual performance requirements (specifications or equivalent). This review does not apply to hardware or software requirements verified at FCA for the individual configuration item.

3.10 Production Readiness Review (PRR).
This review is intended to determine the status of completion of the specific actions which must be satisfactorily accomplished prior to executing a production go-ahead decision. The review is accomplished in an incremental fashion during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase, usually two initial reviews and one final review to assess the risk in exercising the production go-ahead decision. In its earlier stages the PRR concerns itself with gross level manufacturing concerns such as the need for identifying high risk/low yield manufacturing processes or materials or the requirement for manufacturing development effort to satisfy design requirements. The reviews become more refined as the design matures, dealing with such concerns as production planning, facilities allocation, incorporation of producibility- oriented changes, identification and fabrication of tools/test equipment, long lead item acquisition etc. Timing of the incremental PRRs is a function of program posture and is not specifically locked in to other reviews.


3.11 For further guidance on cost terminology see the latest edition of

3.12 New titles are being phased in for the levels of maintenance. They are (with their former terms): On Equipment (Organizational), Off Equipment - On Site (Intermediate), Off Equipment - Off Site (Depot). See the latest edition of AFR 66-14, Equipment Maintenance Policies, Objectives, and Responsibilities.

3.13 For definitions of the various levels of repair, see the latest edition of MIL-STD-280A, Definition of Item Levels, Item Exchangeability, Models, and Related Terms.

3.14 Configuration item. Hardware or software, or an aggregation of both, which is designated by the contracting agency for configuration management.

3.15 Engineering Data: Engineering documents such as drawings, associated lists, accompanying documents, manufacturer specifications, manufacturing planning documentation, and standards or other information prepared by a design activity and relating to the design, manufacture, procurement, test, or inspection of hardware items or services, as defined in DOD-STD-100 and DOD-D-1000.


Date: 2016-06-13; view: 9

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