VOCABULARY (?Education?, Unit 10, Enterprise 4) 4
Page 120-122
- a concept
- cooperative learning
- alien [/eiljən] to smb
- a modern operating theatre
- to carry on teaching
- to fill with knowledge
- to feed with information
- a consultant
- an approach
- to encourage competition
- to encourage responsibility, tolerance and helpfulness
- to bring out the best in people
- to destroy / to increase motivation
- to take the fun out of learning
- available
- the key to effective learning
- the traditional classes physical layout
- to abandon
- to sit in straight rows of desks
- to face smb
- to share ideas
- to require
- life skills
- to participate actively in the question time
- to shape one?s own knowledge
- to be important to smth
- to make an incorrect assumption about smth
- merely group work
- to recognize
- to take longer than
- to tear one?s hair out
- to wonder
- a response
- to coach smb endlessly
- all in all
- a competitive arena
- affective for both alike
- to handle smb
- to date back to
- a department
- a teaching technique
- in detail
- on my own
- to be suitable for smb/smth
VOCABULARY (?Education?, Unit 10,Enterprise 4)2
Phrasal verbs:
- to bring smth out(to reveal)
- to bring on/about smth(to cause)
- to bring smb round to smth(to persuade smb to change an opinion)
- to bring smb round(to make smb regain consciousness)
- to bring up smb(to raise)
Page 123-125
- kindergarten
- primary school / secondary school
- in particular
- to speak clearly
- to establish a friendly relationship with students
- to keep up to date
- to keep up with new ideas
- to update the material
- to keep tight control of a group of students
- to attend refresher courses regularly
- to prepare lessons thoroughly
- to get good grades in exams
- a term / a course
- a point / a mark
- a dean / a headmaster
- a boarding school / a day school
- a private school / a comprehensive school
- a co-educational school / a single-sex school
- to pay school fees
- to do more revision / to revise for tests or exams
- to make full use of one?s imagination and creativity
- to have a flair for languages
- to grasp the need to experiment
- an interested / eager / gifted student
- ?I agree up to a point ??
- a playground /a playing field
- a science lab / a library / an art room
- a canteen / a staffroom
- to be covered in pictures
- exactly
- self-test programmes
- to feel embarrassed doing smth
- neat / impressive looking work
- neat / poor handwriting
- to print out information
- to enable smb to do smth
VOCABULARY (?Education?, Unit 10,Enterprise 4)3
Page 126-131
- to hand in a project
- to take / to pass an exam / to sit an exam
- to pass an exam with flying colours
- to make out a revision timetable
- to organise one?s time properly
- to come across the key points
- to approach an exam in a calm and structured way
- to feel under stress
- new / rapid technological advance
- to connect instantly to
- amazing electronic devices
- facilities
- to misbehave
- a full scholarship
- in the long run
- to apply to a school
- to give smth a try
- ?That?s up to you??
- to learn skills
- to shape one?s personality
- household waste
- to reduce the wastage
- waste disposal
- all points considered
- a school curriculum
- in the first place
- vital
- to get rid of one?s excess energy
- a compulsory subject
- white-water rafting
- faint-hearted
- outside one?s everyday experience
- eye strain
- to save a lot of storage space
- to keep data
- to search for smth manually
- to work to one?s advantage
- to master the art of doing smth
- handy / useful tips on / for doing smth
- aeronautics
- to pass the time
VOCABULARY (?Education?, Unit 10, Enterprise 4) 4
- a personal statement
- an entrance form
- to word-process
- type-written
- to catch up on a gossip
- to catch up with the rest of the class
- to take a turn
- a back-issue of (a newspaper or a magazine)
- to go a step further
- to pick the brains of campaigners
- up-to-date information
- a technologically-advanced link to smth
- an invaluable home tutor
- an access to
- to be at some disadvantage
- to take advantage of
- to make up for smth
- currently
- to assign a task for homework
- to put up a hand
- to get a degree in (a subject)
- an essay on (a topic)
- to do an assignment
- to be on one?s own
- to distract smb from smth
- to do smth for a living
- to learn by heart
- to learn one?s lesson
- to learn the hard way
- you are never too old to learn
- to read smb like a book
- to have one?s nose in a book
- idyllic
- at a time
- to resort to smth
- prominent ears
- to get along with smb
- on a daily basis
- primarily
- an accomplishment
- to capture the attention of
- at one?s own pace
- to alter
Date: 2016-06-13; view: 521