????????? ??? ?????????? ????????????? ?????????1. What signs appear after the damage of the parasympathetic nucleuses?
a) mydriasis;
b) Argil ?Robertson syndrome;
c) amaurosis;
d) doublevision( diplopia);
e) visual agnosia.
2. The concession of the brain in complex with lesion of the soft tissues of the head, without lesion of the aponeurosis related to:
a) light open head- brain injury;
b) light closed head- brain injury;
c) middle open head- brain injury;
d) middle closed head- brain injury.
3. The development of the hemyparesis in the clinical course of the head- brain injury is evidence of :
a) intracerebral hematom;
b) contusion of the brain;
c) fractures of the head bones;
d) all attached signs;
e) right answer are-a) and b).
4. The most constant focal signs by the epidural hematom are:
a) widening of papilla on the side of the hematom;
b) widening of papilla on the contralateral side;
c) hemyparesis on the side of hematom;
d) hemyparesis on the contralateral side;
e) right answer are-a) and d);
f) right answer are-b) and c).
5. The damage of the nervous system in the clinical course of the AIDS is evidence of:
a) encephalopathy;
b) acute intermittent meningitis;
c) myelopathy;
d) all attached;
a) right are the answers a) and b).
6. What does the Argil- Robertson syndrome mean?
a) lost photoreaction by the intact convergence and accommodation;
b) lost the right photoreaction by the intact friendly photoreaction;
c) lost the convergence and accommodation by the intact photoreaction;
d) lost accommodation in combination with mydriasis;
e) lost of convergence and accommodation in combination with anisocoria.
7. AIDS may be transmitted with the next ways, without:
a) sexual ( hetero- and homosexual);
b) air-drop;
c) parenteral infusions and injections;
d) transplantation of the organs and tissues;
e) from mother to the child.
8. Neurological signs in the clinical course mostly combine with such general somatic
manifestations as:
a) prolonged fever and nocturnal hyperhydrosis;
b) diarrhea and lost weight of the body;
c) generalized lymphoadenopathy;
d) right are a) and c);
e) all attached.
9. The typical sign in the thrombosis of the a. carotid interne is:
a) Wallenberg- Zahartchenko alternative syndrome ;
b) Weber alternative syndrome ;
c) optic-pyramidal alternative syndrome ;
d) sensory aphasia;
e) all attached.
10. The typical signs in the occlusion of the a. cerebellaris posterior are:
a) homonymous hemianopia;
b) bitemporal hemianopia;
c) binasal hemianopia;
d) concentrating narrowing of the vision fields.
11. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the vertebro-basilar insuffiency?
a) dysarthria;
b) aphasia;
c) visual disturbances;
d) gait and posture disturbances.
12. When developed the pseudobulbar syndrome?
a) by complete lesion of the pyramidal and cerebellar pathways of the dominant
b) by complete lesion of the pyramidal and cerebellar pathways of the no dominant hemisphere;
c) by complete lesion of the pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways of the dominant hemisphere;
d) by complete lesion of the pyramidal and extrapyramidal pathways of the no dominant hemisphere;
e) the lesion of pyramidal pathways of dominant and no dominant hemispheres.
13. What signs, among the described, are not obligate by the bleeding in the brainstem?
a) damage of the brain nerves;
b) meningeal syndrome;
c) disturbances in the pupil?s;
d) both siding pyramidal disturbances.
14. What signs are characterized for the traumatic damage of the ulnar nerve in the lower third of the forearm?
a) disturbances of the flexion of the hand;
b) disturbances of the flexion of terminal phalanges of the 4-th and 5-th fingers;
c) anesthesia in the 5-th finger of the hand;
d) atrophy of the interosseal muscles of the hand;
e) are right b) and c);
f) are right c) and d).
15. What signs are characterized for the traumatic damage of the medial nerve in the middle third of the forearm?
a) disturbances of the pronation of the hand;
b) disturbances of the flexion of the hand;
c) disturbances of proprioception in the terminal phalange of the 2 finger;
d) atrophy of the tenar of the thumb;
e) all answers are right;
f) are right c) and d).
16. What signs are characterized for the total transaction of the peripheral nerve?
a) pain by percussion in the zone of the going of nerve below the point of the lesion;
b) paraesthesia in the zone of innervation of the damaged nerve;
c) flaccid paralysis and anesthesia in the zone of innervation of the damaged nerve;
d) are right a) and c);
e) are right b) and c).
17. The most frequently tumor in the anterior parts of the lateral ventricles is :
a) meningeom;
b) chorioidpapilloma;
c) ependimoma;
d) astrocytoma.
18. Where is the neurinom of the nerve occurring most frequently?
a) optical;
b) trigeminal;
c) acusticus;
d) hypoglossal;
e) accessorial.
19. Where is located the lesion for development of the adversive seizures ?
a) in the frontal lobe;
b) in the parietal lobe;
d) in the temporal lobe;
e) in the occipital lobe;
f) its possible in all localizations.
20. What signs help us in diagnostic of the side of the lesion by presence of the tumor in the temporal lobe?
a) absence;
b) visual hallucinations;
c) upper quadrant hemianopia.
21. The hemianopia by the growth of the tumor of the temporal lobe is the result of the damage:
a) chiasm optical;
b) optical nerve;
c) primary visual centers;
d) sulcus calcarinus;
e) the pathways of the optical radiation.
22. What signs are characterized for the growth of tumor in the temporal lobe of dominant hemisphere?
a) motor and sensory aphasia;
b) sensory- amnestic aphasia;
c) motor semantic aphasia;
d) sensory aphasia , autotopagnosia;
e) motor aphasia , autotopagnosia.
23. The suprasellar growth of the pituitary adenoma of hypophysis is characterized with:
a) homonymous hemianopia;
b) binasal hemianopia;
c) bitemporal hemianopia;
d) all answers are right.
24. What type of the pituitary adenoma of hypophysis leads to the development of
a) eosinophylic;
b) basophilic;
c) chromophobous;
d) all among described.
25. When may develop the Hertvig- Magandi syndrome?
a) by growth of the tumor of hypophysis;
b) by growth of the tumor of epiphysis;
c) by growth of the tumor of the temporal lobe;
d) by growth of the tumor of the occipital lobe;
e) all among described.
26. Why may be increased the headache after percussion of the head by presence of tumor of the brain?
a) blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation;
b) disturbances of the brain blood supplying;
c) stretching and dislocation of the membranes and brain nerves;
d) difficulties of the venous circulation;
e) all are right.
27. What type of hallucinations may developed by the convexital localization of the tumor of the temporal lobe?
a) visual ;
b) acoustical;
c) smell ;
d) taste .
28. What type of hallucinations may developed by the basal localization of the tumor of the temporal lobe?
a) visual ;
b) acoustical;
c) smell ;
d) all are right.
29. Where are localized the primary objects of the cancer for the growth of the metastatic tumors ?
a) lungs;
b) stomach;
c) mamma glands;
d) uteri;
e) prostate.
30. The vomiting by the supratentorial tumors is related to the general neurological signs , because developed :
a) without connection with the eat;
b) independent from the change of the position of the body;
c) after the short timing feeling of nausea ;
d) after the increasing of the arterial pressure;
e) all are right.
31. When is developed the Foster- Kennedy syndrome ?
a) by presence of tumor in the olphactorial fosse;
b) by presence of tumor in the posterior central gyrus;
c) by presence of tumor in the anterior central gyrus;
d) by presence of tumor in the sella turcica;
e) all are right;
f) are right b) and c).
32. The Foster- Kennedy syndrome is characterized with:
a) atrophy and odem of the disc of optical nerve on the side of tumor;
b) atrophy and odem of the disc of optical nerve in both sides;
c) atrophy of the disc on the side of tumor and odem of the contralateral side;
d) odem on the side of tumor and atrophy on the contralateral side.
33. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the comatose state of the patient?
a) decrease of the tendon reflexes;
b) both siding Babinski sign;
c) decrease of the superficial abdominal signs;
d) decrease of the papillary reflexes;
e) presence of the protective reactions.
34. What does hormetonia mean?
a) generalized hypotonia of the muscles in combine with disturbances of the respiratory rhythm;
b) increase of the muscle tone in the flexors of the upper extremities and extensors of lower extremities;
c) increase of the muscle tone in the extensors of the upper extremities and flexors of lower extremities;
d) repetitive paroxysms of the increase of muscle tone in extensors of the limbs.
35. What signs are contraindications to the transport of the patient in the neurological department?
a) loss of conciseness;
b) vomiting;
c) psychomotor irritation;
d) infarct of myocardium;
e) lung odem.
36. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the intracranial hypertension?
a) diffuse ,? burst opening? headache;
b) cerebral vomiting;
c) dizziness;
d) odem of the disc of optical nerves;
e) amaurosis.
37. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the tumor of cerebellum?
a) statically ataxia;
b) scanning speech;
c) intentional tremor;
d) dysdyadochokynesia;
e) apraxia.
38. To the group of serous meningitides doesn?t related:
a) tuberculosis;
b) mushrooms;
c) viral;
d) meningococcal;
e) acute aseptic meningitis by AIDS.
39. What sign help in the building of the diagnosis of encephalitis?
a) inflammation processes in CSF;
b) acute neurological signs;
c) general neurological signs;
d) general infectional process;
e) all described.
40. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the tuberculosis meningitis?
a) lesion of the membranes of the basis of the brain;
b) ?shift and lightening? course ;
c) lymphocytes pleocytosis;
d) asthenic syndrome;
e) increasing content of the protein in CSF.
41. What signs, among the described, are not characterized by the concession of the brain?
a) loss of conciseness;
b) vomiting;
c) aphasia;
d) vertigo;
e) headache.
42. What kind of disorders are develop after the subdural hematom of the brain in CSF?
a) lymphocytes pleocytosis;
b) presence of blood in CSF;
c) decreasing of the CSG pressure;
d) protein- cells dissociation;
e) presence of atypical cells in CSF.
43. What type of the head- brain injury had in the clinical course ?the lightly period??
a) subarachnoid hemorrhage;
b) concession;
c) contusion;
d) epidural hematom;
e) intracerebral hemorrhage.
44. What a sign, among the described, doesn?t relate to the primary process in the clinic of AIDS?
a) AIDS- associated dementia;
b) AIDS- associated myelopathy;
c) primary lymphoma of CNS;
d) distal sensory polyneurophathy;
e) acute aseptic meningitis.
45. What signs, among the described, are not characterized for the Wilson disease( hepato-cerebral dystrophy)?
a) plastically rigidity;
b) hyperkinesias;
c) hemyparesis;
d) intellectual diminution;
e) Kaiser- Fleischner ring.
46. What signs, among the described, are not characterized for the Parkinson syndrome ( paralysis agitans)?
a) plastically rigidity;
b) hypomymia;
c) propulsion;
d) tremor at rest;
e) intentional tremor.
47. What signs, among the described, are characterized for the neural amyothrophy?
a) peripheral pareses in the muscles of the foots and hands with atrophies , bath without sensations disorders;
b) peripheral pareses in the muscles of the foots and hands with atrophies and polyneuritic type of sensations disorders;
c) conductive type of sensations disorders;
d) fasciculations in the muscles;
e) proximal muscular atrophy.
48. What signs are characterized for the absences?
a) conciseness disorders;
b) tonic- clonic seizures without conciseness disorders;
c) only tonic seizures;
d) myoclonus;
e) periodically development of seizures from one group of the muscles to the half of the body.
49. What signs depend to the group of the general neurological signs?
a) aphasia;
b) doublevision;
c) conciseness disorders;
d) Kernig sign;
e) hemyparesis.
50. What signs depend to clinical picture of the spinal cord lesion?
a) intentional tremor;
b) athetosis;
c) Broun-Secar syndrome;
d) auditory agnosia.
51. What signs don?t depend to meningeal signs?
a) Kernig sign;
b) neck stiffness ;
c) photophobia;
d) Lasseg sign.
52. What sign don?t relate to clinical pictures of the disturbances of the blood supplying in a. cerebellaris media?
a) hemiplegia and hemyparesis;
b) monoplegia or monoparesis in the leg ;
c) apraxia;
d) aphasia;
e) hemyhyposthesia.
53. The diagnosis of meningitis based on the presentation of the next neurological signs:
a) general infectional syndrome;
b) meningeal syndrome;
c) inflammations disorders in CSF;
d) general neurological signs;
e) all are right.
54. What sign is not characterized for the increased intracerebral pressure?
a) diffuse ? terribly? headache;
b) brain vomiting;
c) vertigo;
d) pupil odema;
e) amaurosis.
55. What sign is not characterized for the cerebellar tumors?
a) statically ataxia;
b) scanning speech;
c) intentional tremor;
d) dysdyadochokynesia;
e) apraxia.
56. What types of meningitides are not related to serous meningitis?
a) Tbc ;
b) mushrooms;
c) viral;
d) meningococcal;
e) acute AIDS meningitis.
57. What signs are not characterized for concession of the brain?
a) loss of conciseness;
b) vomiting;
c) aphasia;
d) vertigo;
e) headache.
58. What signs are not characterized for the lesion in the frontal lobe>
a) motor aphasia;
b) ataxia;
c) mental retardation;
d) hemianopia;
e) trunk reflexes.
Date: 2016-06-12; view: 6