Be not behave do eat not go like live not watch1. Did your life ?????. very different when you were a child? How?
2. I?????????..playing outside with my friends.
3. I ??.............................TV in the evening.
4. We ????????. In the countryside, but now I live in Vienna.
5. My family????????. to the seaside at the weekend.
6. Did you???????.. ice cream every day?
7. My best friend at school was called Sam. We always ?????..our homework together.
8. I ????????? very well at school.
Replace the Past Simple with used too in the sentences, where possible.
When I was a child??
1. I spent my holidays with my grandparents.
2. My grandmother cooked delicious meals
3. She kept chickens, goats and horses.
4. My cousin and I rode horses every day.
5. My favourite horse was called Racer.
6. Racer was faster than all the other horses.
7. I didn?t understand how dangerous riding could be.
8. One day I fell off Racer and broke my arm.
9. My mother didn?t let me ride him again.
10. After that, I sat in the house and watched sadly as the horses played in the field.
Underline the errors in thes? senten?es. Rewrit? ea?h s?nten?e.
1) Wh?n w? had at? lun?h, w? w?r? sitting in th? gard?n.
???When we had eaten lunch, we sat in the garden????
2) While I looked for my keys, I remembered I left them at home.
3) Anna had us?d to play badminton wh?n sh? had b??n at s?hool.
4) When I got into bed, I was falling asleep immediately.
5) When I was finally finding the house, I was knocking at the door.
6) After Jill was giving Nick his books, she went home.
7) Maria would liv? in Sw?d?n wh?n sh? was a ?hild.
8) I was using to g?t up ?arly wh?n I had gon? sailing.
9) Th? Vikings had sail?d to North Am?ri?a a thousand y?ars ago.
10) Juli?t was sur? sh? was s??ing th? tall man b?for?.
Und?rlin? the ?orr??t word or phrase in ?a?h sent?n?e.
1) Whil? I h?d w?ited/was waiting/w?ited at th? bus stop, I h?d noti?ed/w?s
noti?ing/noti?ed a n?w shop whi?h w?sn?t/h?dn?t b?en in th? str??t th? day
2) I h?d gone/went out into th? gard?n to f?t?h my bik?, but found/w?s finding
that som?one stole/h?d stolen it.
3) Wh?n G?org? met/w?s meeti?g Dian? at th? party, h? thought/w?s thinking
that h? s?w/h?d seen/w?s seeing h?r som?wh?r? befor?.
4) ?mily got off/w?s g?tting off the bus, and w?lked/w?s w?lking into th? bank
wh?n sh? re?lized/h?d re?lized/w?s re?lizing that sh? left/h?d left/w?s le?ving
h?r handbag on th? bus.
5) Aft?r I w?s buying/h?d bought my n?w ?omput?r, I dis?ov?r?d that I w?sn?t
h?ving/didn?t h?ve ?nough m?mory.
6) I w?nt to th? post ?ffi?? to ask about my pa?kag?, but th?y h?d s?id/s?id that
it still h?dn?t ?rrived/didn?t ?rrive.
For ?a?h question, ?omplete the se?ond s?nten?e so that it means the sam? as the first, using no more than thr?? words.
1) ?i?ha?l took a d??p br?ath and div?d into th? wat?r.
After Mi?hael ?. had taken?.a d??p br?ath, h? div?d into th? wat?r.
2) T?rry was fatt?r.
T?rry ........................................................ to b? so thin.
3) Gary Was sur? his keys w?r? not in his po?k?t.
Gary was sur? ........................................... his k?ys.
4) Wh?n he was young?r David play?d t?nnis.
David .............................. t?nnis wh?n h? was young?r.
5) Last summ?r Julia got up ?arly ?v?ry morning.
Last summ?r, Julia ??????..... ?arly ?v?ry morning.
6) W? miss?d th? bus so w? took a taxi.
W? took a taxi b??aus?. ..................... bus.
7) In thos? days, w? sp?nt th? summ?r in th? mountains.
In thos? days, w? ....................................... th? summ?r in th? mountains.
Date: 2016-06-12; view: 438