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Closed-angle primary glaucoma

Pathogenesis consists of blockade, closing of the angle of the anterior chamber by the iris root owing to the forward location of the lens and the functional blockade of the pupil, or due to the to?tal iris adhesion to the lens.

Clinical course. Typical patients complaints are the iridescent circles around a light source, pain in the eye, periodic headache, foggy vision in the morning and after emotional tension, often change of glasses. Closed-angle glaucoma often starts with an acute attack.

Objective signs of the acute attack of glaucoma are: congestive hyperaemia (wide episcleral veins ? the "cobra's" symptom); a small anterior chamber; midriasis; narrow or closed angle of the anterior chamber at gonioscopy.

There are the same changes of visual acuity, visual field, IOP, dark adaptation, fundus of the eye as in the open angle glaucoma.

Mixed primary glaucoma

At this form of glaucoma there are simptoms of both open-an?gle and closed-angle forms. The diagnosis of this form is made mostly on the data of gonioscopy, which shows, that the angle of the anterior chamber is partially closed and partially opened.

Stages of primary glaucoma:

1. The initial stage.

Peripheral boundaries of the visual field are normal, but there are an extension of a blind spot, paracentral scotomas, decreasing of dark adaptation. There are displacement of a vascular fascicle, extension of physiological excavation of the optic disc on the eye fundus.

2. The developed stage.

Narrowing of the visual field from the nasal side: it is less than 55?, but more than 15?. There is excavation of the optic nerve disc on the eye fundus.

3. The late stage.

Narrowing of the visual field from the nasal side is less than 15?. There is partial atrophy and excavation of the optic nerve on the eye fundus.

4. The terminal (absolute) stage.

The visual acuity is 0, there is complete atrophy of the optic nerve with glaucomatous cupping on the eye fundus.

Depending on the IOP level glaucoma may be with normal pres?sure (IOP is less than 26.0 mm Hg), with moderately increased pressure (IOP ? 27.0-32.0 mm Hg), with high pressure (IOP ? 33,0 mm Hg and more).

Depending on preservation of visual functions during enough long period of observation (6 months and more) glaucoma may be stabilized (if the functions do not change for the worse) and non stabilized (the visual functions progressively deteriorate).

Thus, the diagnosis of the primary acquired glaucoma includes

4 sings:

? the form of glaucoma (it is determined by character of the complaints, state of the angle of the anterior chamber);

? the stage of glaucoma (it is determined by state of visual func?tions and eye fundus);

? the level of IOP (a daily curve of IOP);

? dynamic of visual functions.

Treatment of primary glaucoma. It is imposible to cure a pri?mary glaucoma. The purpose of treatment is normalization of IOP, stabilization of visual functions. The treatment may be conserva?tive and surgical. The patients must be permanently under dispen?sary observation.

It is known such methods of glaucoma treatment: 1. Hypotensive medicamentous therapy: miotics (1, 2 or 3% so?lution of pilocarpin, 2 or 3 times a day): P-adrenergic blockers (0.25-0.5% timolol, aruthimol, optimol, clophelin, betoptic, once or twice a day). Lately new antiglaucomatic drugs ? prostaglandin analogs (0,005% lathanoprost solution or xalathane, thravatan or 0,004% thravoprost solution) are used 1-2 times a day. Regime of using and the drug are got out under the control of IOP in clinic. 1 or 2 preparations are used no more than 3 times a day.

2. Surgical treatment. If miotics and adrenoblockers do not nor?malize IOP, the urgent antiglaucomatous operation is necessary. The type of operation depends on the form of glaucoma. In closed angle glaucoma (without goniosinechias), it is recommended irid?ectomy ? removal of a part of the iris for support of outflow of aqueous humor from the anterior to the posterior chamber. It is performed from above on 12 hours near the root of the iris.

Surgical operations at scleral sinus are less traumatic and patho-genetical. They are sinusotomy ? openning of the external side of the Schlemm's canal; trabeculotomy ? cutting of the internal side of the Schlemm's canal; sinusotrabeculoectomy ? a portion of the trabecular meshwork is removed.

Fistulization operations are intended for derivation of new out?flow way for aqueous humor from the anterior chamber in the sub?conjunctival space. Their efficacy is about 80%. Their shortcom?ing is that it is not very easy to determine the hypotensive effect, owing to that hypotonia, secondary cataract may arise.

The secretion of aqueous humor can be decreased by cyclodia?thermy, cyclocryopexy or cyclophotocoagulation.

Laser surgery is used in iridectomy, gonioplastic (thermocoag?ulation of the iris root for shortening of its tissue and drawing out it from the angle of the anterior chamber) in closed angle glauco?ma. There are the laser goniopuncture and trabeculopexy to stretch the trabecula in the opened angle glaucoma.

The surgical treatment is effective for IOP normalization, but IOP normalization does not always stabilize visual functions. Dis-trophycal changes of internal coat of the eye may progress even in normal IOP. Therefore patients with glaucoma must be under dispensary observation even after normalization of IOP. Twice a year they must take course of conservative treatment for improve?ment of metabolism, microcirculation in the tissues of the eye.

If the IOP is 24.0-26.0 mm Hg or the difference between the IOP of the right and left eye more than 5 mm Hg the diagnose "glaucoma suspected" is made. All the patients with such a diag?nose must be examined in clinic with using the following methods of examination: perimetry, campimetry; daily, hour tonometry, elastotonometry, gonioscopy, tonography; loading and unloading provocative tests.

In dependence on the examination results the diagnosis "glau?coma" is confirmed or "glaucoma suspected" is removed.


Date: 2016-06-12; view: 223

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