COMPOSITION FORMS. Any work of fiction consists of relatively independent pieces of narrative – narration, description, dialogue, interior monologue.
Narration is dynamic and gives a continuous account of events while description is static, being a verbal portrait of an object, person or scene.
A very important place in the narrative is occupied by dialogue, where personages express their minds in the form of uttered speech. In their exchange of remarks the participants of the dialogue, while discussing other people and their actions, expose themselves too. So dialogue is one of the most significant forms of the personages self-characterisation, which allows the author to seemingly eliminate himself from the process. It also brings the action nearer to the reader, makes it seem more swift and intense.
Interior monologue is another form of utmost significance in contemporary fiction. It allows the author and the reader to peep into the inner world of the character, to observe his ideas and views. Short in-sets of interior speech present immediate mental and emotional reactions of the personage to the remark or action of other heroes. In extreme cases the author describes the disjointed, purely associative manner of thinking which makes interior speech almost or completely incomprehensible. These cases belong to the so-called stream-of-consciousness technique which is especially popular with representatives of modernism.
PLOT is the sequence of events of which a story is composed. A plot may be recounted with lesser or greater detail. It may include what a character says or thinks as well as what he does. The gist of a plot is a conflict.
Conflict. The main character may be in conflict with some other person(s) (man against man) or with some external force – nature, society or fate (man against environment); or some elements of his ego (man against himself).
The conflict may be physical, mental, emotional or moral. The central character in the conflict is referred to as the protagonist; the forces arrayed against him, whether persons, things, conventions of society, or traits of his own character are antagonists.
In some stories the conflict is single, clear cut and easily identifiable. In others it is multiple,various, and subtle.
The conflict may be external (expressed by some actions or wishes) and internal. It may be physical, mental, emotional or moral.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 1679