CHAPTER 9 TO SAN FRANCISCONear Shanghai, the captain of the General Grant listened to the radio. A smaller boat, Tankedere, wanted his help. The American ship stopped next to the Tankedere. Phileas Fogg gave Bunsby five hundred and fifty pounds and climbed onto the General Grant. He paid for three tickets to San Francisco, and then Aouda and Fix got onto the American ship too.
The first stop was Yokohama. When the General Grant arrived there on the morning of 14th November, Fogg and Aouda went to the Carnatic. But Passepartout was not there. Phileas Fogg and Aouda looked for Passepartout in the town. They asked questions everywhere. They only had one day before the General Grant left for San Francisco. Phileas Fogg and Aouda walked through the streets of Yokohama — north, south, east and west. But they couldn't find Passepartout.
On their way back to the port, they looked in the gardens. There were a lot of gardens in Yokohama. And in the last garden before the port, they saw Passepartout on a chair in the sun. The servant was very happy, and they all went quickly to the General Grant.
In Yokohama, Fix went to the police. The warrant was there from Hong Kong but it was too late. Fix couldn't use the warrant in Japan or America.
Passepartout saw Fix on the ship the next day, and the Frenchman hit the detective. Fix fell down on his back.
'Do you feel better ?' asked Fix. He got up slowly.
'Yes, for now.'
'Let's talk.'
'Yes. I want to help your Mr. Fogg now.'
'Oh!' said Passepartout.' So now you know that Mr. Fogg is not a thief.'
'No. He's a thief and I have a warrant for him.' Passepartout started to hit him again, so Fix said quickly,' Wait! I can't use the warrant here. But Mr. Fogg is going to England. I can use the warrant there. So I want to help him. He wants to get to England quickly, and I want him to get there too. So I can help you now, and you can help me. We can be friends.'
'Friends ? Never!' said Passepartout. ' But you can help Mr. Fogg. That's fine:
'I'll help him. A Scotland Yard detective can do a lot of things. But don't tell him about the bar in Hong Kong. And don't say I'm a detective. Then I'll help him:
Passepartout thought hard but said nothing.
The General Grant had the wind behind her and a good engine, too. On 3rd December, she went through the Golden Gate and into San Francisco.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 944