12. Red-bearded, red bird, red-blind, red-blooded, red-book.
Exercise 14. Find examples of converted verbs in the following sentences. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian/Russian.
1.Mother stopped ladling the broth. (Cr.) 2. It's hardly becoming in a gentleman approaching middle age who's chained to an invalid bed. (Mg.) 3. Our appointment was timed for 10 a.m. (Pr.) 4. His wife was dogged by ill health. (Cr.) 5. How can you stomach all that? (HI.) 6. Shouldering their guns, they disappeared into the woods. (Ln.) 7. The silence lengthened and she eyed at him. (G.) 8. They valued their lives. (H.) 9. The call echoed down the empty passage like a mocking
laughter. (Tw.) 10. "What is money after all!" said MrDombey backing his chair a little. (D.) II. So intolerable did this seem to him that he was very near to telegraphing an excuse and staying up. (G.) 12. She had wired that it would be Friday. (G.) 13. Pocket your pride. (Mg.) 14. Sighing he dipped his brush and began to whitewash. (Tw.) 15. For some years now they had not even roomed together. (Dr.)