| Fake IDFor those disappearees attempting to create a new identity totally from scratch, fake ID will provide an important part of their documentation needs. There are many companies that will sell you an official looking birth certificate in any name you need. These mail order certificates are authentic looking enough to use in getting a legitimate drivers license (but not a passport!). In fact, if you are having trouble obtaining the data you need to get a copy of a real birth certificate, you might consider getting a fake one, using it to obtain other legitimate ID, and then destroying the birth certificate to keep your trail clean.
You can also get fake drivers licenses and identity cards, but the better route is to use a fake birth certificate to get legitimate photo ID. Why settle for second best?
While fake ID is not a good substitute for legitimate documentation like drivers licenses and passports, it is extremely helpful to the identity changer in providing supporting ID and fleshing out the new identity. There is a good publication on this subject listed in the reference chapter. It describes how to get and use fake ID, lists the companies that sell it, shows pictures of the items for sale, and gives prices where available.
You can buy all sorts of ID to fill out the identity you've chosen. If you are looking to a professional work life you can buy all kinds of diplomas, certificates showing membership in professional organizations, certificates of merit and commendation, even college transcripts. At the other end of the scale, you can buy fake union membership cards, journeymen's cards and certificates that indicate completion of a variety of technical training courses. If you'd like a family, you can buy marriage certificates, school records for your fictitious children, even divorce papers. While this ID will not withstand the simplest of investigations, it is the kind of stuff that will rarely be looked at closely and where detection of your fraud probably won't get you into a lot of trouble. And it certainly adds meat to a well-thought-out identity.
Date: 2015-01-11; view: 989