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How to Guarantee Your Position





feel that it?s now my job to inspire you to actually imple- ment and execute these actions. Let?s face it: The big, bad, vast economy is not going to accommodate you with more opportunities and more business without you taking some serious initial steps. The economy most likely doesn?t even know you exist; up until now, you only operated as a small part of the economy and probably never gave a thought to creating your own. The government is not going to bail you out, and it certainly is not going to help you and your company advance and conquer. (In fact, if it offered to, you would probably be better off resisting.) The ?money gods? aren?t going to guarantee your solvency or financial free- dom, no matter how hard you pray to them. The economy is in the state it?s in; you can be part of it and get whatever is left over after billions of people take their piece, or you can

create your own and no longer be a victim of it.

Taking the time to pick up this book and read it suggests that you truly do want to do something different. For this, I acknowledge and congratulate you. Well done to you on getting the book. I applaud you for reading it and even more for finishing it. Now, if you want the world to give you a standing ovation, put the lessons in it to work.

Interestingly, one of the most effective ways of per- fecting these disciplines is to help others attain success and implement these actions themselves. When people with


common goals and motivations come together, they tend to learn faster and become a support system for one another. So gather a group of like-minded, ?unreasonable,? and highly driven people who refuse to live by the social norms of the mediocre. Spend time with others who demand to be first in the market and who desire to advance and conquer as much as you do. Assemble a study group to read this book and do the exercises with you. If you own a company, ask your employees to read this book as a team. Then help one another apply and commit to using the actions?and hold one another accountable to these commitments. Go through one chapter per week in a study and discussion session, and follow the recorded audio program. Take the time to look up words in the glossary and really evaluate what each of them means. Teaching others and being part of a group will galvanize your understanding of the material. It will increase your need to perfect what you?ve learned and prove it work- able in the marketplace. It will also immediately connect you with other like-minded people who want to improve their futures, and it will extend your power base.

Something tells me that you didn?t pick up this book because you are comfortable or satisfied with where you are in life. Chances are you want to change or improve your current position; this will require that you engage in actions that are outside your comfort zone. You won?t find it easy to execute these techniques at first because you?re doing something new. If you aren?t at least a little bit uncomfort- able, then you?re likely only doing more of what you have done before, not taking new actions that will incite growth.




There are disciplines you must pursue in order to be first, and these require a new mind-set about how to build your business and create your own economy. The discomforts you experience now may well guarantee that you?ll be com- fortable in the future.

So I hope you elect to be uncomfortable?at least for awhile. Go out there and break through the social norms that your education, family, and the media taught you. Stay with each of the actions until each becomes such a habit that you no longer even see it as being exceptional. Any action alone will get you great results; all of them together will get you phenomenal ones.

I even hope that you?re ridiculed, judged, and mocked a bit because if you are willing to go to those lengths, you will reach every financial and personal goal you?ve set. Tough economies are not ?normal? times, so stop worry- ing about being normal. When the economic slowdown ends?and I promise, at some point, it will?you will have developed a skill set that no one else has, a mind-set above those with whom you compete, a superior advantage in the marketplace, and hopefully, an economy of your own that doesn?t depend on outside sources. This will not be a sprint but a marathon of forming new habits and honing a disci- pline that will become a way of life for you.

I suggest that you become a fanatic of each of these actions and use them in a completely unreasonable way. Don?t worry about logic; take action as though your life depends on it?because it does. Your financial life, personal confidence, and overall outlook all depend on the results


you attain in the marketplace. The economy does not con- trol people; we compose and control it. Your financial situ- ation is the sum total of the actions you take each day. I have great hopes for you, and I encourage you to take the information herein and use it to ensure that your actions? not the marketplace?determine your, your family, and your company?s financial future.

Be outrageous in your thinking, relentless in your execution, and unreasonable in your actions, and you too will advance and conquer.





egardless of whether you are just starting out, have been in business for awhile, or are a veteran of the business world, my hope is that this book inspires you to make some changes. Change requires actions, not just ideas. Make the material in this book part of your daily operations, and it

will take you to another level of success.

Whether you are riding the wave of some great oppor- tunity or in the midst of an economic contraction, the tech- nologies and actions found here will either advance the wave you are on or allow you to advance and conquer while others become victims. Whatever the negative conditions in which you find yourself, the right actions?performed consistently?will help you along your way.

I don?t want you to be one of those people just ?getting by,? constantly afraid and uncertain about the market. I want you to be above the scene and independent of what is going on around you. This book should be used as a reference guide for you and your organization to measure what you are doing weekly and monthly to make you bigger, better, faster, and stronger. Whether your goal is merely to secure you and your family?s future or to dominate and take market share from your competitors, this book will show you how to do it.




Be careful not to underestimate these tools because they seem obvious or simple. The most effective tools usually are. And don?t just read this book one time; you will change with your experiences, and you will see new ways to use this material each time you read it.

While the rest of the world is preoccupied with prob- lems, your job now is to fill your every thought and action with the solutions that will allow you to advance. I am greatly interested in the success you find from using this information, and I welcome your calls and e-mails. I also want to know what difficulties you encounter. If you have questions or challenges while executing any of these actions or run into situations that you do not know how to handle, please contact my office at 1-800-368-5771 or e-mail me at gc@grantcardone.com.

Prepare yourself for a great adventure, advancing to new heights and conquering new territories and dreams! May the actions you take daily set a good example for those around you. Let others see that anything is possible when you have focus and the correct information?and when you take the right actions!




Date: 2016-06-12; view: 104

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